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Acrylamide Formation and Its Effects on Human Health

Year 2015, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 61 - 71, 01.03.2015


Acrylamide 2-propenamide, AA is formed in carbohydrate rich foods during heating. AA monomer has been found as a contaminant in certain potato- and grain-based foods cooked at high temperatures and low moist conditions. Acrylamide is a water-soluble, vinyl monomer that is used extensively in chemical industries. AA levels of 3500 mg/kg have been reported in potato chips and French fries. Aclyamide in food prepared at high temperatures is generated by the Maillard reaction between the amino acid asparagine and certain reducing carbohydrates. AA’s toxicity and toxicokinetic characteristics are reasonably well defined. AA has a significant carcinogenic potential and produces damage to the reproductive and nervous systems based on evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals. AA has been classified as a Group 2A carcinogen by the IARC in 1994 and as a Category 2 carcinogen and mutagen by the European Union. To decrease the effect of acrylamide, it would be very beneficial to add fruit and vegetables to our daily nutrition


  • Kısabay, A., Korkmaz, T., Çakıroğlu, E., Selçuki, D., 2004. Kısa süreli akrilamid maruziyeti sonucu gelişmiş toksik polinoropati olgusu. Causa Pedia 3: 701-702
  • Omar, M.M.A., Elbashir, A.A., Schmitz, O.J., 2015 Determination of acrylamide in Sudanese food by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with LTQ Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry 176: 342–349.
  • Anonymous, 2002. What is acrylamide? Food standards agency study of acrylamide in food background information and research findings press briefing.
  • Boettcher, M.I., Schettgen, T., Kütting, B., Pischetsrieder, M., Angerer, J., 2005. Mercapturic acids of acrylamide and glycidamide as biomarkers of the internal exposure to acrylamide in the general population. Mutation Research 580: 167–176.
  • Zhang, Y., Zhang, G., Zhang, Y., 2005. Occurrence and analytical methods of acrylamide in heat- treated foods. Review and recent developments. Journal of Chromatography A 1075:1–21.
  • Backe, W.J., Yingling, V., Johnson, T., 2014. The determination of acrylamide in environmental and drinking waters by large-volume injection – hydrophilic-interaction liquidchromatography and tandem Chromatography A 1334: 72–78. Journal of
  • Vattem, D.A., Shetty, K., 2003. Acrylamide in food: a model for mechanism of formation and its reduction. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 4: 331-338.
  • Dearfield, K.L., Abernathy, C.O., Ottley, M.S., 1988. Acrylamide. Its metabolism, developmental and reproductive effects, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity. Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology 195(81):45-77.
  • Lopachin, R.M., Schwarcz, A.I., Gaughan, C.L., 2004. In vivo and in vitro effects of acrylamide on synaptosomal neurotransmitter uptake and release. NeuroToxicology 25: 349-363.
  • LoPachin, R.M., 2004. The changing view of acrylamide neurotoxicity. NeuroToxicology 25: 617– 630.
  • Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., 2007. Formation and reduction of acrylamide in Maillard reaction: a review based on the current state of knowledge. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 47: 521–542.
  • Anonymous, 2003. Note of the Meeting of Experts on Industrial Contaminants in Food: Acrylamide Workshop. Information on Ways to Lower the Levels of Acrylamide Formed in Food. 20-21 October 2003.
  • Kaplan, O., Kaya, G., Ozcan, C, Ince, M., Yaman, M., 2009. Acrylamide concentrations in grilled foodstuffs of Turkish kitchen by high performance liquid Microchemical Journal 93: 173–179. spectrometry.
  • FAO/WHO, 2002. Joint FAO/WHO Consultation on Health Implications of Acrylamide in Food (2002 : Geneva, Switzerland) Health implications of acrylamide in food : Report of a joint FAO/WHO consultation, Switzerland, 25-27 June 2002. Headquarters, Geneva
  • Murkovic, M., 2004. Acrylamide in Austrian foods. J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 61: 161-167.
  • Gokmen, V., Senyuva, H., 2006. A simplified approach for the kinetic characterization formation in fructose-asparagine model system. Food Additives and Contaminants 23(4): 348–354.
  • Skog, K., 2007. The HEATOX Project. Heat- generated characterisation and risk minimisation. Final report. Lund University. 12 April 2007.
  • Becalski, A., Lau, B.P.Y., Lewis, D., Seaman, S.W., 2003. Acrylamide in foods: occurrence, sources and modelling. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 51(3): 802-808.
  • Friedman, M., 2003. Chemistry, biochemistry, and safety of acrylamide: a review. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51: 4504-4526.
  • Kamal-Eldin, A., 2003. Lipid Oxidation Pathways (Ed.), AOCS Press, Illinois, USA.
  • Mottram, D.S., Low, M.Y., Elmore, J.S., 2006. The Maillard reaction and its role in the formation of acrylamide and other potentially hazardous compounds in foods. In: K. Skog, J. Alexander (Eds.), Compounds in Heat-Treated Foods, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK. Hazardous
  • Yaylayan, V.A., Stadler, R.H., 2005. Acrylamide formation in food: A mechanistic perspective. Journal of AOAC International 88(1): 262-267.
  • Friedman, M., Mottram, D., 2005. Chemistry and Safety of Acrylamide in Food., Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Volume 561. Springer Inc., USA, p161.
  • Totani, N., Yawata, M., Takada, M., Moriya, M., 2007. Acrylamide content of commercial frying oil. Journal of Oleo Science 56(2): 303-306.
  • Taeymans, D., Wood, J., 2004. A review of acrylamide: an ındustry perspective on research, analysis, formation, and control. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 44: 323–347.
  • Claus, A., Weisz, G.M., Schieber, A., and Carle, R., 2006. Pyrolytic acrylamide formation from purified wheat gluten and gluten supplemented wheat bread rolls.Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 50: 87-93.
  • Lingnert, H., 2002. Acrylamide in food–mechanisms of formation and influencing factors during heating of foods. The Swedish Institute For Food and Biotechnology Chairman of Expert Committee.
  • Wilson, K.M., Rimm, E.B., Thompson, K.M, Mucci, L.A., 2006. Dietary acrylamide and cancer risk in humans: a review. J. Verbr. Lebensm. 1: 19–27
  • Gökmen, V., Şenyuva, H.Z., 2006. Study of colour and acrylamide formation in coffee, wheat flour and potato chips during heating. Food Chemistry 99: 238–243.
  • JIFSAN/NCFST Workshop, 2002, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, 19.12.2002.
  • The CIAA Acrylamide “Toolbox”, 29 September 2006.
  • Klaunig, J.E., 2008. Acrylamide carcinogenicity. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56: 6162–6166.
  • Besaratinia, A., Pfeifer, G.P., 2007. A review of mechanisms Carcinogenesis 28(3): 519–528. carcinogenicity.
  • Bjellaas, T., 2007. Comparison of estimated dietary ıntake of acrylamide with hemoglobin adducts of acrylamide and glycidamide. Toxicological Sciences 98: 110–117.
  • Ruden, C., 2004. Acrylamide and cancer risk-expert risk assessments and the public debate. Food and Chemical Toxicology 42: 335-349.
  • Zhi-Rong, L., Zou, H.C., Park, S.J., Park, D., Shi, L., Oh ,S.H., Park, Y.D., 2009. The effects of acrylamide on brain creatine kinase: Inhibition kinetics and computational docking simulation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 44: 128–132.
  • Abramsson-Zetterberg, L., Vikstrom, A.C., Törnquist, M., Hellenas, K.E., 2008. Differences in the frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes in humans in relation to consumption of fried carbohydrate-rich food. Mutation Research 653: 50–56.
  • Ghanayem, B.I., McDaniel, L.P., Churchwell, M.I., Twaddle, N.C., Snyder, R., Fennell, T.R., Doerge, D.R., 2005. Role of CYP2E1 in the epoxidation of acrylamide to glycidamide and formation of DNA and hemoglobin adducts. Toxicological Sciences 88(2): 311–318.
  • Abramsson-Zetterberg, L., 2003. The dose- response relationship at very low doses of acrylamide is linear in the flow cytometer-based mouse micronucleus assay. Mutation Research 535: 215–222.
  • Crofton, K.M., Padilla, S., Tilson, H.A., 2002. The impact of dose rate on the toxicity of acrylamide: The interaction of administered dose, target tissue concentrations, tissue damage and functional effects. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 139(1): 163-176.
  • Pelucchi, C., Galeone, C., Levi, F., Negri, E., Franceschi, S., Talamini, R., Bosetti, C., Giacosa, A., La Vecchia, C., 2006. Dietary acrylamide and human cancer. Int. J. Cancer 118: 467–471.
  • Mucci, L.A., Sandin, S., Bälter, K., 2005. Acrylamide intake and breast cancer risk in Swedish women. JAMA 293(11): 1326-1327.
  • Dybing, E., Saner, T., 2003. Risk assessment of acrylamide in foods. Toxicological Sciences 75: 7– 15.
  • Olesen, P.T., Olsen, A., Frandsen, H., Frederiksen, K., Overvad, K., Tjonneland, A., 2008. Acrylamide exposure and incidence of breast cancer among postmenaposal women in the Danish diet, cancer and health study. Int. J Cancer 122: 2094-2100.
  • Naruszewicz, M., Zapolska-Downar, D., Kosmider, A., Nowicka, G., 2009. Chronic intake of potato chips in humans increases the production of reactive oxygen radicals by leukocytes and increases plasma C-reactive protein: a pilot study. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 89: 773–777.
  • Gertz, C., 2002. Klostermann S. Analysis of acrylamide and mechanisms of its formation in deep-fried products. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 104: 762–771.
  • Haase, N.U., Matthaeus, B., Vosmann, K., 2003. Acrylamide formation in foodstuffs-minimizing strategies for potato crisps. Dtsch. Lebensm. Rundsch. 99: 87–90.
  • Pedreschi, F., Kaack, K., Granby, K., 2004. Reduction of acrylamide formation in potato slices during frying. LWT 37: 679– 685.
  • Seal, C.J., De Mul, A., Eisenbrand, G., Haverkort, A..J, Franke, K., Lalljie, S.P.D., Mykkanen, H., Reimerdes, E., 2008. Risk-benefit considerations of mitigation measures on acrylamide content of foods- a case study on potatoes, cereals and coffee. British Journal of Nutrition 99(2): S1-S46.
  • Saldamlı, İ., 2007. Gıda Kimyası. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Hagmar, L., Törnqvist, M., Nordander, C., Rosén, I., Bruze, M., Kautiainen, A., Magnusson, A.-L., Malmberg, B., Aprea, P., Granath, F., Axmon, A. 2001. Health effects of occupational exposure to acrylamide biomarkers of internal dose. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 27: 219–226. adducts as
  • Wenzl, T., Lachenmeier, D.W., Gökmen, V., 2007. Analysis of heat-induced contaminants (acrylamide, chloropropanols and furan) in carbohydrate-rich food. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 389: 119–137.

Akrilamid Oluşumu ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri

Year 2015, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 61 - 71, 01.03.2015


Akrilamid 2-propenamide, AA karbonhidrattan zengin besinlerin ısıtılması sonucunda oluşmaktadır. Akrilamid monomeri yüksek sıcaklıklarda ve nem oranının düşük olduğu ortamlarda hazırlanmış patates ve tahıl ürünleri gibi bazı besinlerin yapısında, kızartma ile, fırınlama veya ızgara ile oluşmaktadır. Patates cipslerinde ve kızartmasında 3500 mg/kg düzeyine kadar akrilamid oluştuğu rapor edilmiştir. Bugüne kadar edinilen bilgiler AA’in bir aminoasit olan asparajin asn ve belirli indirgen karbonhidratların arasında yüksek sıcaklıklarda Maillard reaksiyonu ile oluştuğu bildirilmiştir. Akrilamidin hayvan modellerinde toksisitesi tanımlanmıştır. Laboratuvar hayvanlarında oluşturduğu karsinojeniteye dayalı olarak karsinojenik potansiyeli vardır ve üreme ve sinir sisteminde hasar yaratmaktadır. Akrilamidin insanlarda ve laboratuvar hayvanlarında nörotoksik etkisi kanıtlanmıştır. Uluslararası Kanser Araştırmaları Kurumu besinlerdeki akrilamidi ‘İnsanlar İçin Grup 2A Olası Kanserojen’ sınıfına ve Avrupa Birliği ise Sınıf 2 karsinojen ve mutajen sınıfına almıştır. Akrilamid etkisinin azaltılması için günlük beslenmemize meyve ve sebzelerden oluşan bir örüntüyü eklememiz son derece fayda sağlayacaktır


  • Kısabay, A., Korkmaz, T., Çakıroğlu, E., Selçuki, D., 2004. Kısa süreli akrilamid maruziyeti sonucu gelişmiş toksik polinoropati olgusu. Causa Pedia 3: 701-702
  • Omar, M.M.A., Elbashir, A.A., Schmitz, O.J., 2015 Determination of acrylamide in Sudanese food by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with LTQ Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry 176: 342–349.
  • Anonymous, 2002. What is acrylamide? Food standards agency study of acrylamide in food background information and research findings press briefing.
  • Boettcher, M.I., Schettgen, T., Kütting, B., Pischetsrieder, M., Angerer, J., 2005. Mercapturic acids of acrylamide and glycidamide as biomarkers of the internal exposure to acrylamide in the general population. Mutation Research 580: 167–176.
  • Zhang, Y., Zhang, G., Zhang, Y., 2005. Occurrence and analytical methods of acrylamide in heat- treated foods. Review and recent developments. Journal of Chromatography A 1075:1–21.
  • Backe, W.J., Yingling, V., Johnson, T., 2014. The determination of acrylamide in environmental and drinking waters by large-volume injection – hydrophilic-interaction liquidchromatography and tandem Chromatography A 1334: 72–78. Journal of
  • Vattem, D.A., Shetty, K., 2003. Acrylamide in food: a model for mechanism of formation and its reduction. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 4: 331-338.
  • Dearfield, K.L., Abernathy, C.O., Ottley, M.S., 1988. Acrylamide. Its metabolism, developmental and reproductive effects, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity. Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology 195(81):45-77.
  • Lopachin, R.M., Schwarcz, A.I., Gaughan, C.L., 2004. In vivo and in vitro effects of acrylamide on synaptosomal neurotransmitter uptake and release. NeuroToxicology 25: 349-363.
  • LoPachin, R.M., 2004. The changing view of acrylamide neurotoxicity. NeuroToxicology 25: 617– 630.
  • Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., 2007. Formation and reduction of acrylamide in Maillard reaction: a review based on the current state of knowledge. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 47: 521–542.
  • Anonymous, 2003. Note of the Meeting of Experts on Industrial Contaminants in Food: Acrylamide Workshop. Information on Ways to Lower the Levels of Acrylamide Formed in Food. 20-21 October 2003.
  • Kaplan, O., Kaya, G., Ozcan, C, Ince, M., Yaman, M., 2009. Acrylamide concentrations in grilled foodstuffs of Turkish kitchen by high performance liquid Microchemical Journal 93: 173–179. spectrometry.
  • FAO/WHO, 2002. Joint FAO/WHO Consultation on Health Implications of Acrylamide in Food (2002 : Geneva, Switzerland) Health implications of acrylamide in food : Report of a joint FAO/WHO consultation, Switzerland, 25-27 June 2002. Headquarters, Geneva
  • Murkovic, M., 2004. Acrylamide in Austrian foods. J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 61: 161-167.
  • Gokmen, V., Senyuva, H., 2006. A simplified approach for the kinetic characterization formation in fructose-asparagine model system. Food Additives and Contaminants 23(4): 348–354.
  • Skog, K., 2007. The HEATOX Project. Heat- generated characterisation and risk minimisation. Final report. Lund University. 12 April 2007.
  • Becalski, A., Lau, B.P.Y., Lewis, D., Seaman, S.W., 2003. Acrylamide in foods: occurrence, sources and modelling. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 51(3): 802-808.
  • Friedman, M., 2003. Chemistry, biochemistry, and safety of acrylamide: a review. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51: 4504-4526.
  • Kamal-Eldin, A., 2003. Lipid Oxidation Pathways (Ed.), AOCS Press, Illinois, USA.
  • Mottram, D.S., Low, M.Y., Elmore, J.S., 2006. The Maillard reaction and its role in the formation of acrylamide and other potentially hazardous compounds in foods. In: K. Skog, J. Alexander (Eds.), Compounds in Heat-Treated Foods, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK. Hazardous
  • Yaylayan, V.A., Stadler, R.H., 2005. Acrylamide formation in food: A mechanistic perspective. Journal of AOAC International 88(1): 262-267.
  • Friedman, M., Mottram, D., 2005. Chemistry and Safety of Acrylamide in Food., Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Volume 561. Springer Inc., USA, p161.
  • Totani, N., Yawata, M., Takada, M., Moriya, M., 2007. Acrylamide content of commercial frying oil. Journal of Oleo Science 56(2): 303-306.
  • Taeymans, D., Wood, J., 2004. A review of acrylamide: an ındustry perspective on research, analysis, formation, and control. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 44: 323–347.
  • Claus, A., Weisz, G.M., Schieber, A., and Carle, R., 2006. Pyrolytic acrylamide formation from purified wheat gluten and gluten supplemented wheat bread rolls.Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 50: 87-93.
  • Lingnert, H., 2002. Acrylamide in food–mechanisms of formation and influencing factors during heating of foods. The Swedish Institute For Food and Biotechnology Chairman of Expert Committee.
  • Wilson, K.M., Rimm, E.B., Thompson, K.M, Mucci, L.A., 2006. Dietary acrylamide and cancer risk in humans: a review. J. Verbr. Lebensm. 1: 19–27
  • Gökmen, V., Şenyuva, H.Z., 2006. Study of colour and acrylamide formation in coffee, wheat flour and potato chips during heating. Food Chemistry 99: 238–243.
  • JIFSAN/NCFST Workshop, 2002, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, 19.12.2002.
  • The CIAA Acrylamide “Toolbox”, 29 September 2006.
  • Klaunig, J.E., 2008. Acrylamide carcinogenicity. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56: 6162–6166.
  • Besaratinia, A., Pfeifer, G.P., 2007. A review of mechanisms Carcinogenesis 28(3): 519–528. carcinogenicity.
  • Bjellaas, T., 2007. Comparison of estimated dietary ıntake of acrylamide with hemoglobin adducts of acrylamide and glycidamide. Toxicological Sciences 98: 110–117.
  • Ruden, C., 2004. Acrylamide and cancer risk-expert risk assessments and the public debate. Food and Chemical Toxicology 42: 335-349.
  • Zhi-Rong, L., Zou, H.C., Park, S.J., Park, D., Shi, L., Oh ,S.H., Park, Y.D., 2009. The effects of acrylamide on brain creatine kinase: Inhibition kinetics and computational docking simulation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 44: 128–132.
  • Abramsson-Zetterberg, L., Vikstrom, A.C., Törnquist, M., Hellenas, K.E., 2008. Differences in the frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes in humans in relation to consumption of fried carbohydrate-rich food. Mutation Research 653: 50–56.
  • Ghanayem, B.I., McDaniel, L.P., Churchwell, M.I., Twaddle, N.C., Snyder, R., Fennell, T.R., Doerge, D.R., 2005. Role of CYP2E1 in the epoxidation of acrylamide to glycidamide and formation of DNA and hemoglobin adducts. Toxicological Sciences 88(2): 311–318.
  • Abramsson-Zetterberg, L., 2003. The dose- response relationship at very low doses of acrylamide is linear in the flow cytometer-based mouse micronucleus assay. Mutation Research 535: 215–222.
  • Crofton, K.M., Padilla, S., Tilson, H.A., 2002. The impact of dose rate on the toxicity of acrylamide: The interaction of administered dose, target tissue concentrations, tissue damage and functional effects. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 139(1): 163-176.
  • Pelucchi, C., Galeone, C., Levi, F., Negri, E., Franceschi, S., Talamini, R., Bosetti, C., Giacosa, A., La Vecchia, C., 2006. Dietary acrylamide and human cancer. Int. J. Cancer 118: 467–471.
  • Mucci, L.A., Sandin, S., Bälter, K., 2005. Acrylamide intake and breast cancer risk in Swedish women. JAMA 293(11): 1326-1327.
  • Dybing, E., Saner, T., 2003. Risk assessment of acrylamide in foods. Toxicological Sciences 75: 7– 15.
  • Olesen, P.T., Olsen, A., Frandsen, H., Frederiksen, K., Overvad, K., Tjonneland, A., 2008. Acrylamide exposure and incidence of breast cancer among postmenaposal women in the Danish diet, cancer and health study. Int. J Cancer 122: 2094-2100.
  • Naruszewicz, M., Zapolska-Downar, D., Kosmider, A., Nowicka, G., 2009. Chronic intake of potato chips in humans increases the production of reactive oxygen radicals by leukocytes and increases plasma C-reactive protein: a pilot study. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 89: 773–777.
  • Gertz, C., 2002. Klostermann S. Analysis of acrylamide and mechanisms of its formation in deep-fried products. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 104: 762–771.
  • Haase, N.U., Matthaeus, B., Vosmann, K., 2003. Acrylamide formation in foodstuffs-minimizing strategies for potato crisps. Dtsch. Lebensm. Rundsch. 99: 87–90.
  • Pedreschi, F., Kaack, K., Granby, K., 2004. Reduction of acrylamide formation in potato slices during frying. LWT 37: 679– 685.
  • Seal, C.J., De Mul, A., Eisenbrand, G., Haverkort, A..J, Franke, K., Lalljie, S.P.D., Mykkanen, H., Reimerdes, E., 2008. Risk-benefit considerations of mitigation measures on acrylamide content of foods- a case study on potatoes, cereals and coffee. British Journal of Nutrition 99(2): S1-S46.
  • Saldamlı, İ., 2007. Gıda Kimyası. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Hagmar, L., Törnqvist, M., Nordander, C., Rosén, I., Bruze, M., Kautiainen, A., Magnusson, A.-L., Malmberg, B., Aprea, P., Granath, F., Axmon, A. 2001. Health effects of occupational exposure to acrylamide biomarkers of internal dose. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 27: 219–226. adducts as
  • Wenzl, T., Lachenmeier, D.W., Gökmen, V., 2007. Analysis of heat-induced contaminants (acrylamide, chloropropanols and furan) in carbohydrate-rich food. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 389: 119–137.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Gülcan Arusoğlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Arusoğlu, G. (2015). Akrilamid Oluşumu ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri. Akademik Gıda, 13(1), 61-71.
AMA Arusoğlu G. Akrilamid Oluşumu ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri. Akademik Gıda. March 2015;13(1):61-71.
Chicago Arusoğlu, Gülcan. “Akrilamid Oluşumu Ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri”. Akademik Gıda 13, no. 1 (March 2015): 61-71.
EndNote Arusoğlu G (March 1, 2015) Akrilamid Oluşumu ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri. Akademik Gıda 13 1 61–71.
IEEE G. Arusoğlu, “Akrilamid Oluşumu ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 61–71, 2015.
ISNAD Arusoğlu, Gülcan. “Akrilamid Oluşumu Ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri”. Akademik Gıda 13/1 (March 2015), 61-71.
JAMA Arusoğlu G. Akrilamid Oluşumu ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri. Akademik Gıda. 2015;13:61–71.
MLA Arusoğlu, Gülcan. “Akrilamid Oluşumu Ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 13, no. 1, 2015, pp. 61-71.
Vancouver Arusoğlu G. Akrilamid Oluşumu ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri. Akademik Gıda. 2015;13(1):61-7.

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