Writing Rules

Asia Studies

Academic Social Studies / Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar

Manuscripts should be uploaded to the system in accordance with the writing and publishing rules of Asian Studies.

Click here for Article Template.
Click here for Copyright Transfer Form.
Click here for Title Page Form.
Click here for the Referee Response File.

1. At the beginning of the article, Turkish abstract and English abstract consisting of at least 200 and at most 250 words, 5-word keywords and keywords, Turkish and English title should be included. The referee process of articles that do not fulfill these conditions is not initiated. After the referee evaluations, articles that are found not to comply with these rules are not included in the publication process.
2. Since the manuscripts sent to Asya Studies will enter the referee process, the author's name or author-identifying information should not be added in the full text file uploaded to the system. After the refereeing process of the article is completed, information about the author(s) will be requested to be added. If necessary, it can be added by the editors.
3. The works cited under the heading REFERENCES at the end of the study should be arranged in the order of the author's surname. APA 7 (American Psychological Association) system should be used in referencing. All references in the text should be included in the bibliography. Likewise, each source in the bibliography must also be cited in the text.
4. Studies with a similarity rate of more than 20% are not included in the publication process.

Page Layout

Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word program and page structures should be arranged as follows.
Paper Size: A4 Vertical
Top Edge Gap : 4 cm
Bottom Edge Gap: 3 cm
Left Margin: 3 cm
Right Margin: 3 cm
Font Type Times New Roman
Number of Article Pages (Maximum): 25
Font Size (main text): 10 point
Footnote Text: 8 pt.
Paragraph Spacing: 0 nk before - 0 nk after
Paragraph Indent: 1.25 cm
Line Spacing Tek (1)

Sample Reference Citation

-In article names, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized (except for proper names, suffixes and conjunctions).
-The journal name should be italicized. Except for conjunctions (if any) in the journal name, the first letter of each word should be capitalized.
-Volume number should be italicized. Journal Name, 4(12), 15-23.
-The issue number should be straight and in parentheses. Journal Name, 4(12), 15-23.
-If there is no volume number, it should be left blank. Journal Name, (12), 15-23.
-If there is no issue number, there should be no parenthesis. Journal Name, 4, 15-23.
-If the page number is unknown, it should be left blank. Journal Name, 4(12).
-If there is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number, it should be written after the page number. DOI should not be written at the beginning.

Single Authored Article
Sarıkaya, B. (2024). Determining the digital literacy levels of Turkish teachers. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Faculty of Education, 21(1), 212-229. https://doi.org/10.33711/yyuefd.1415874
Citation: (Sarıkaya, 2024).

Article with Two Authors
Kavan, N., & Özdaş, F. (2022). Evaluation of teachers' views on the construction of democratic learning environment. Journal of Inonu University Faculty of Education, 23(3), 1598-1623. https://doi.org/10.17679/inuefd.1139458
Reference: (Kavan and Özdaş, 2022: 1618)

Articles with Three and Up to 20 Authors
Tarman, B., Acun, İ., & Yüksel, Z. (2010). Evaluation of theses in the field of social studies education. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 9(3), 725-746.
Reference: (Tarman et al., 2010: 728)

Newspaper Article
Ergün, M., Akdağ, M., & Duruhan, K. (1989, October 4). Problems of the Turkish education system and some solution proposals. Dünya Newspaper.
Cited in: (Erdem et al., 1989)

Citing More Than One Work of the Author from the Same Year in the Bibliography:
Uysal, İ. N. (2018a). Dictionaries are richer and more functional with witnesses: Witnesses to the Turkish Dictionary. Journal of Turkish Language, CXIV(793), 9-46.
Uysal, İ. N. (2018b). Witnessing in lexicology and Salâh Birsel's contributions to Turkish dictionary as a witness. Journal of Gümüşhane University Institute of Social Sciences, 9(22), 109-118.
Submission-1: (Uysal, 2018a)
Submission-2: (Uysal, 2018b)

-In book titles, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized (except for proper names, suffixes and conjunctions).
-The book title should be written in italics. Other parts should be written plain.
-The name of the publishing house should be written.
-The city of publication should not be written.
-If there is a publication number, it should be written.

Single Authored Book
Bulut, S. (2018). Gümüşhane province and region dialects vocabulary. Gazi Bookstore.
Citation: (Bulut, 2018)

Book with Two Authors
Çağdaş, A., & Şahin, Z. S. (2002). Social and moral development in children and adolescents (1st edition). Nobel Publications.
Reference: (Çağdaş and Şahin, 2002: 46)

Book with Three and Up to 20 Authors
Işın, M. A., Tatlıcan, İ., & Işın, M. (1989). Sinop. Sinop Museum Publications.
Citation: (Işın et al., 1989)

Chapter in an Edited Book
Bulut, S. (2016). Bilge Kagan. In S. Maden (Ed.), Those who serve Turkish from past to present 1 (pp. 3-12). Nobel Scientific Works Publishing House.
Reference: (Bulut, 2016: 10)

Translation Book
Bolman, L., & Deal, T. (2008). Restructuring organizations (Trans.: A. Aypay and A. Tanrıöğen). Seçkin Publishing.
Citation: (Bolman and Deal, 2008)

Books in Two or More Volumes
Moran, B. (1995). A critical look at the Turkish novel (3rd volume). İletişim Publications.
Reference: (Moran, 1995: 103)

Akün, Ö. F. (1992). Divan literature. In Diyanet Foundation Encyclopedia of Islam (pp. 398-422). Turkey Religious Foundation.
Reference: (Akün, 1992: 401)

Author Unknown Book
The 1995 NEA Almanac of Highereducation. (1995). Washington DC: National education association.
Reference: (The 1995 NEA Almanac, 1995: 78)

Graduate Thesis
According to -APA, if theses and projects can be accessed from a database, an archive or a repository, they are considered published theses and should be cited accordingly. If there is no open access to the thesis or projects, it should be treated as an unpublished thesis. For detailed information, please see APA reference examples.

Kavan, N. (2020). The effect of technology-supported education on special education students' reading comprehension skills (Thesis No: 648374) [Master's Thesis, Siirt University]. National Thesis Center.
Reference: (Kavan, 2020: 32)

Telli, B., Bulut, S., & Bulduk, T. B. (2014, April 03-04). Contributions to the compilation dictionary from Adıyaman dialect [Full text paper]. Adıyaman University Science, Culture and Art Symposium-I, Adıyaman, Turkey.
Reference: (Telli et al., 2014: 122)

Printed Dictionary
Turkish Language Association. (2005). Turkish dictionary. Turkish Language Association Publications.
Sending: (Turkish Language Association, 2005: 255).

Electronic Dictionary
Turkish Language Association. (no date). Türk Dil Kurumu dictionaries. https://sozluk.gov.tr/ Accessed on July 2, 2024.
Citation: (Turkish Language Association, no date)

A Report Prepared by the Organization
Turkish Statistical Institute. (2023). National education statistics. Turkish Statistical Institute Data. https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Ulusal-Egitim-Istatistikleri-2023-53444
Sending: (Turkish Statistical Institute, 2023)

Web Page
UNESCO. (2013). World heritage list. http://whc.unesco.org/en/list accessed on April 14, 2015.
Reference: (UNESCO, 2013)

For details beyond these points and examples of references, see the APA website link: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples

Last Update Time: 12/6/24, 9:43:10 PM

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