Günümüzde işletmeler kalite düzeylerini arttırmak, ürün
ve hizmetlerde çeşitlilik sağlamak, maliyet avantajı oluşturmak ve daha
profesyonel hizmetler alabilmek için dış kaynak kullanmaya ihtiyaç duymaktadır.
İşletmeler dış kaynak kullanımı yaparak hem kaynak tasarrufu yapmakta, hem yapı
olarak küçülmekte hem de kendi içlerinde en iyi bildikleri işler üzerine
yoğunlaşma imkânı bulmaktadır. Dış kaynak olarak kullanılabilecek çok sayıda
alternatifin olduğu günümüzde işletmeler, bu alternatiflerden hangilerini
değerlendirecekleri hususunda karar vermek durumundadır. Farklı koşullar
altında hızlı bir şekilde karar verebilme durumu, her zaman karşı karşıya
kaldığımız oldukça önemli bir konudur. Alternatiflerin sunulduğu durumlar
içerisinden tercih yaparken çok sayıda yöntem kullanılabilmektedir.
Alternatiflerin kıyaslanmasında kriterlere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Birden fazla
kriterin söz konusu olduğu karar verme problemine çok kriterli karar verme
problemi denilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Alanya ilçesinde faaliyet gösteren bir
konaklama işletmesinin dış kaynak seçiminde göz önünde bulundurduğu kriterlerin
önem dereceleri Best–Worst Yöntemi (BWM) ile belirlenerek, ARAS Yöntemiyle
konaklama işletmesi için en uygun dış kaynağın belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
Ahmad, W. N. K. W., Rezaei, J., Sadaghiani, S. & Tavasszy, L. A. (2017). “Evaluation of The External Forces Affecting the Sustainability of Oil and Gas Supply Chain Using Best–Worst Method”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 153, 242-252.
Ahmadi, H. B., Sarpong, S. K. & Rezaei, J. (2017). “Assessing the Social Sustainability of Supply Chains Using Best–Worst Method”. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 126, 99–106.
Aslan, H. M. (2017). “Determination of Optimal Vehicle Selection of Logistics Companies with AHP-ARAS Hybrid Method”. The Journal of Operations Research, Statistics, Econometrics and Management Information Systems, 5(2), 272-282.
Aytekin İnce, G., İlhan, İ. ve Karacaoğlu, K. (2016). “Otel İşletmelerinde Dış Kaynaklardan Yararlanma Uygulamaları: Nevşehir İli Örneği”. Uluslararası İşletme, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Perspektifleri Dergisi, 2, 28-46.
Bolat, T. ve Yılmaz, Ö. (2009). “The Relationship Between Outsourcing and Organizational Performance”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(1), 7-23.
Chatzoglou, P. D. & Sarigiannidis, L. (2009). “Business Outsourcing and Organizational Performance: The Case of the Greek Hotel Industry”. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 11(2), 105–127.
Çevirgen, A. (2009). “Konaklama İşletmelerinde Dış Kaynak Kullanımı Uygulamaları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”. Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 9(4), 1341-1355.
Dadelo, S., Turskis, Z., Zavadskas, E. & Dadeliene, R. (2012). “Multiple Criteria Assessment of Elite Security Personal on the Basis of ARAS and Expert Methods”. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 46(4), 65-88.
Donada, C. & Nogatchewsky, G. (2009). “Emotions in Outsourcing. An Empirical Study in the Hotel Industry”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28, 367–373.
Duening, T. N. (2005). Essentials of Business Process Outsourcing. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Espino-Rodriguez, T. F. & Padron-Robaina, V. (2004). “Outsourcing and Its Impact on Operational Objectives and Performance: A Study of Hotels in the Canary Islands”. Hospitality Management, 23, 287-306.
Espino-Rodriguez, T. F. & Padron-Robaina, V. (2006). “A Review of Outsourcing from the Resource-Based View of the Firm”. International Journal of Management Reviews, 8(1), 49-70.
Gilley, K. M. & Rasheed, A. (2000). “Making More by Doing Less: An Analysis of Outsourcing and Its Effects on Firm Performance”. Journal of Management,26(4), 763-90.
Greaver, M. F. (1999). Strategic Outsourcing: A Structured Approach to Outsourcing Decisions and Initiatives. New York: Amacon.
Guo, S. & Zhao, H. (2017). “Fuzzy Best-Worst Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method And Its Applications”. Knowledge-Based Systems, 121, 23–31.
Gupta, H. & Barua, M. K. (2016). “Identifying Enablers Of Technological İnnovation For Indian Msmes Using Best–Worst Multi Criteria Decision Making Method”. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 107, 69–79.
Gupta, H. (2018). “Evaluating Service Quality of Airline Industry Using Hybrid Best–Worst Method And VIKOR”. Journal of Air Transport Management, 68, 35-47.
Hemmington, N. & King, C. (2000). “Key Dimensions of Outsourcing Hotel Food and Beverage Services”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12(4), 256-61.
Karahan, A. (2009). “Dış Kaynak Kullanımının Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi Hastane Yöneticileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12(21), 185-199.
Kutut, V., Zavadskas, E. K. & Lazauskas, M. (2013). “Assessment of Priority Options for Preservation of Historic City Centre Buildings Using MCDM (ARAS)”. Procedia Engineering, 57, 657–661.
Kutut, V., Zavadskas, E. K. & Lazauskas, M. (2014). “Assessment of Priority Alternatives for Preservation of Historic Buildings Using Model Based on ARAS and AHP Methods”. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 14, 287–294.
Lam, T. & Han, M. X. J. (2005). “A Study of Outsourcing Strategy: A Case Involving The Hotel Industry in Shanghai, China”. Hospitality Management, 24, 41–56.
Lamminmaki, D. (2011). “An Examination of Factors Motivating Hotel Outsourcing”., International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 963– 973.
Mou, Q., Xu, Z. & Liao, H. (2016). “An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiplicative Best-Worst Method for Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making”. Information Sciences, 374, 224–239.
Ömürbek, N., Eren, H. ve Dağ, O. (2017). “Entropi-ARAS ve Entropi-Moosra Yöntemleri ile Yaşam Kalitesi Açısından AB Ülkelerinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 29-48.
Ömürbek, V., Aksoy, E. ve Akçakanat, Ö. (2017). “Bankaların Sürdürülebilirlik Performanslarının ARAS, MOOSRA ve COPRAS Yöntemleri ile Değerlendirilmesi”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 8(19), 14-32.
Paul, D., Agarwal, P. K. & Chakraborty, S. (2016). “Performance Appraisal of Indian State Police Forces Using ARAS Method”. Management Science Letters, 6, 361–372.
Ren, J., Laing, H. & Chan, F. T. S. (2017). “Urban Sewage Sludge, Sustainability, And Transition for Eco-City: Multi-Criteria Sustainability Assessment of Technologies Based on Best-Worst Method”. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 116, 29–39.
Rezaei, J. (2015). “Best-Worst Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method”. Omega, 53, 49–57.
Rezaei, J., Nispeling, T., Sarkis, J. & Tavasszy, L. (2016). “A Supplier Selection Life Cycle Approach İntegrating Traditional and Environmental Criteria Using the Best–Worst Method”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 577-588.
Rezaei, J., Wang, J. & Tavasszy, L. (2015). “Linking Supplier Development to Supplier Segmentation Using Best–Worst Method”. Expert Systems with Applications, 42, 9152-9164.
Sadaghiani, S., Ahmad, K. W., Rezaei, J. & Tavasszy, L. (2015). Evaluation of External Forces Affecting Supply Chain Sustainability in Oil and Gas Industry Using Best–Worst Method. 2015 International Mediterranean Gas and Oil Conference, DOI: 10.1109/MedGO.2015.7330322.
Sakhuja, S., Jain, V. & Dweiri, F. (2015). “Application of An Integrated MCDM Approach in Selecting Outsourcing Strategies in Hotel Industry”. International Journal Logistics Systems and Management, 20(3), 305-324.
Salimi, N. & Rezaei, J. (2016). “Measuring Efficiency of University-Industry Ph.D. Projects Using Best–Worst Method”. Scientometrics, 109, 1911–1938.
Shariati, S., Chamzini, A. Y., Salsani, A. & Tamosaitiene, J. (2014). “Proposing a New Model for Waste Dump Site Selection: Case Study of Ayerma Phosphate Mine”. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 25(4), 410–419.
Sliogeriene, J., Turskis, Z. & Streimikiene, D. (2013). “Analysis and Choice of Energy Generation Technologies: The Multiple Criteria Assessment on The Case Study of Lithuania”. Energy Procedia, 32, 11-20.
Şimşek, A., Çatır, O. ve Ömürbek, N. (2015). “TOPSIS ve MOORA Yöntemleri ile Tedarikçi Seçimi: Turizm Sektöründe Bir Uygulama”. Balıkesir University The Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 18(33), 133-161.
Tamosaitiene, J. & Zavadskas, E. K. (2013). “The Multi-Stage Decision Making System for Complicated Problems”. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 82, 215–219.
Tamosaitiene, J., Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z. & Vainiunas, P. (2011). “Multicriteria Complex for Profitability Analysis of Construction Projects”. Economics and Management, 16, 969-973.
Tetik, N. ve Ören, V. E. (2007). “Dış Kaynak Kullanımı: Antalya Yöresindeki 5 Yıldızlı Otellerde Bir Araştırma”. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 34, 74-86.
Turskis, Z. & Zavadskas, E. K. (2010). “A Novel Method for Multiple Criteria Analysis: Grey Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS-G) Method”. Informatıca, 21(4), 597–610.
Yalçın, İ., Akın, M. ve Şeker, M. (2011). “Kamu Hastanelerinde Dış Kaynak Kullanımı: Kayseri Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Örneği”. KMÜ Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(20), 83-92.
Yıldırım, B. F. (2015). “Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Problemlerinde ARAS Yöntemi”. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(9), 285-296.
Zavadskas, E. K. & Turskis Z. (2010). “A New Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Method in Multicriteria Decision-Making”. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 16(2), 159 172.
Zavadskas, E. K. & Turskis, Z. (2010). “A New Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Method in Multicriteria Decision-Making”. Technological and economic development of Economy Baltic Journal on Sustainability, 16(2), 159–172.
Zavadskas, E. K., Antucheviciene, J., Saparauskas, J. & Turskis, Z. (2013). “Multi-criteria Assessment of Facades’ Alternatives: Peculiarities of Ranking Methodology”. Procedia Engineering, 57, 107–112.
Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z. & Bagocius, V. (2015). “Multi-Criteria Selection of a Deep-Water Port in The Eastern Baltic Sea”. Applied Soft Computing, 26, 180–192.
Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z. & Vilutiene, T. (2010). “Multiple Criteria Analysis of Foundation İnstalment Alternatives by Applying Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Method”. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 10(3), 124-141.
Year 2019,
Volume: 23 Issue: 3, 1273 - 1300, 15.10.2019
Ahmad, W. N. K. W., Rezaei, J., Sadaghiani, S. & Tavasszy, L. A. (2017). “Evaluation of The External Forces Affecting the Sustainability of Oil and Gas Supply Chain Using Best–Worst Method”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 153, 242-252.
Ahmadi, H. B., Sarpong, S. K. & Rezaei, J. (2017). “Assessing the Social Sustainability of Supply Chains Using Best–Worst Method”. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 126, 99–106.
Aslan, H. M. (2017). “Determination of Optimal Vehicle Selection of Logistics Companies with AHP-ARAS Hybrid Method”. The Journal of Operations Research, Statistics, Econometrics and Management Information Systems, 5(2), 272-282.
Aytekin İnce, G., İlhan, İ. ve Karacaoğlu, K. (2016). “Otel İşletmelerinde Dış Kaynaklardan Yararlanma Uygulamaları: Nevşehir İli Örneği”. Uluslararası İşletme, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Perspektifleri Dergisi, 2, 28-46.
Bolat, T. ve Yılmaz, Ö. (2009). “The Relationship Between Outsourcing and Organizational Performance”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(1), 7-23.
Chatzoglou, P. D. & Sarigiannidis, L. (2009). “Business Outsourcing and Organizational Performance: The Case of the Greek Hotel Industry”. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 11(2), 105–127.
Çevirgen, A. (2009). “Konaklama İşletmelerinde Dış Kaynak Kullanımı Uygulamaları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”. Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 9(4), 1341-1355.
Dadelo, S., Turskis, Z., Zavadskas, E. & Dadeliene, R. (2012). “Multiple Criteria Assessment of Elite Security Personal on the Basis of ARAS and Expert Methods”. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 46(4), 65-88.
Donada, C. & Nogatchewsky, G. (2009). “Emotions in Outsourcing. An Empirical Study in the Hotel Industry”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28, 367–373.
Duening, T. N. (2005). Essentials of Business Process Outsourcing. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Espino-Rodriguez, T. F. & Padron-Robaina, V. (2004). “Outsourcing and Its Impact on Operational Objectives and Performance: A Study of Hotels in the Canary Islands”. Hospitality Management, 23, 287-306.
Espino-Rodriguez, T. F. & Padron-Robaina, V. (2006). “A Review of Outsourcing from the Resource-Based View of the Firm”. International Journal of Management Reviews, 8(1), 49-70.
Gilley, K. M. & Rasheed, A. (2000). “Making More by Doing Less: An Analysis of Outsourcing and Its Effects on Firm Performance”. Journal of Management,26(4), 763-90.
Greaver, M. F. (1999). Strategic Outsourcing: A Structured Approach to Outsourcing Decisions and Initiatives. New York: Amacon.
Guo, S. & Zhao, H. (2017). “Fuzzy Best-Worst Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method And Its Applications”. Knowledge-Based Systems, 121, 23–31.
Gupta, H. & Barua, M. K. (2016). “Identifying Enablers Of Technological İnnovation For Indian Msmes Using Best–Worst Multi Criteria Decision Making Method”. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 107, 69–79.
Gupta, H. (2018). “Evaluating Service Quality of Airline Industry Using Hybrid Best–Worst Method And VIKOR”. Journal of Air Transport Management, 68, 35-47.
Hemmington, N. & King, C. (2000). “Key Dimensions of Outsourcing Hotel Food and Beverage Services”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12(4), 256-61.
Karahan, A. (2009). “Dış Kaynak Kullanımının Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi Hastane Yöneticileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12(21), 185-199.
Kutut, V., Zavadskas, E. K. & Lazauskas, M. (2013). “Assessment of Priority Options for Preservation of Historic City Centre Buildings Using MCDM (ARAS)”. Procedia Engineering, 57, 657–661.
Kutut, V., Zavadskas, E. K. & Lazauskas, M. (2014). “Assessment of Priority Alternatives for Preservation of Historic Buildings Using Model Based on ARAS and AHP Methods”. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 14, 287–294.
Lam, T. & Han, M. X. J. (2005). “A Study of Outsourcing Strategy: A Case Involving The Hotel Industry in Shanghai, China”. Hospitality Management, 24, 41–56.
Lamminmaki, D. (2011). “An Examination of Factors Motivating Hotel Outsourcing”., International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 963– 973.
Mou, Q., Xu, Z. & Liao, H. (2016). “An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiplicative Best-Worst Method for Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making”. Information Sciences, 374, 224–239.
Ömürbek, N., Eren, H. ve Dağ, O. (2017). “Entropi-ARAS ve Entropi-Moosra Yöntemleri ile Yaşam Kalitesi Açısından AB Ülkelerinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 29-48.
Ömürbek, V., Aksoy, E. ve Akçakanat, Ö. (2017). “Bankaların Sürdürülebilirlik Performanslarının ARAS, MOOSRA ve COPRAS Yöntemleri ile Değerlendirilmesi”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 8(19), 14-32.
Paul, D., Agarwal, P. K. & Chakraborty, S. (2016). “Performance Appraisal of Indian State Police Forces Using ARAS Method”. Management Science Letters, 6, 361–372.
Ren, J., Laing, H. & Chan, F. T. S. (2017). “Urban Sewage Sludge, Sustainability, And Transition for Eco-City: Multi-Criteria Sustainability Assessment of Technologies Based on Best-Worst Method”. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 116, 29–39.
Rezaei, J. (2015). “Best-Worst Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method”. Omega, 53, 49–57.
Rezaei, J., Nispeling, T., Sarkis, J. & Tavasszy, L. (2016). “A Supplier Selection Life Cycle Approach İntegrating Traditional and Environmental Criteria Using the Best–Worst Method”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 577-588.
Rezaei, J., Wang, J. & Tavasszy, L. (2015). “Linking Supplier Development to Supplier Segmentation Using Best–Worst Method”. Expert Systems with Applications, 42, 9152-9164.
Sadaghiani, S., Ahmad, K. W., Rezaei, J. & Tavasszy, L. (2015). Evaluation of External Forces Affecting Supply Chain Sustainability in Oil and Gas Industry Using Best–Worst Method. 2015 International Mediterranean Gas and Oil Conference, DOI: 10.1109/MedGO.2015.7330322.
Sakhuja, S., Jain, V. & Dweiri, F. (2015). “Application of An Integrated MCDM Approach in Selecting Outsourcing Strategies in Hotel Industry”. International Journal Logistics Systems and Management, 20(3), 305-324.
Salimi, N. & Rezaei, J. (2016). “Measuring Efficiency of University-Industry Ph.D. Projects Using Best–Worst Method”. Scientometrics, 109, 1911–1938.
Shariati, S., Chamzini, A. Y., Salsani, A. & Tamosaitiene, J. (2014). “Proposing a New Model for Waste Dump Site Selection: Case Study of Ayerma Phosphate Mine”. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 25(4), 410–419.
Sliogeriene, J., Turskis, Z. & Streimikiene, D. (2013). “Analysis and Choice of Energy Generation Technologies: The Multiple Criteria Assessment on The Case Study of Lithuania”. Energy Procedia, 32, 11-20.
Şimşek, A., Çatır, O. ve Ömürbek, N. (2015). “TOPSIS ve MOORA Yöntemleri ile Tedarikçi Seçimi: Turizm Sektöründe Bir Uygulama”. Balıkesir University The Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 18(33), 133-161.
Tamosaitiene, J. & Zavadskas, E. K. (2013). “The Multi-Stage Decision Making System for Complicated Problems”. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 82, 215–219.
Tamosaitiene, J., Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z. & Vainiunas, P. (2011). “Multicriteria Complex for Profitability Analysis of Construction Projects”. Economics and Management, 16, 969-973.
Tetik, N. ve Ören, V. E. (2007). “Dış Kaynak Kullanımı: Antalya Yöresindeki 5 Yıldızlı Otellerde Bir Araştırma”. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 34, 74-86.
Turskis, Z. & Zavadskas, E. K. (2010). “A Novel Method for Multiple Criteria Analysis: Grey Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS-G) Method”. Informatıca, 21(4), 597–610.
Yalçın, İ., Akın, M. ve Şeker, M. (2011). “Kamu Hastanelerinde Dış Kaynak Kullanımı: Kayseri Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Örneği”. KMÜ Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(20), 83-92.
Yıldırım, B. F. (2015). “Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Problemlerinde ARAS Yöntemi”. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(9), 285-296.
Zavadskas, E. K. & Turskis Z. (2010). “A New Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Method in Multicriteria Decision-Making”. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 16(2), 159 172.
Zavadskas, E. K. & Turskis, Z. (2010). “A New Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Method in Multicriteria Decision-Making”. Technological and economic development of Economy Baltic Journal on Sustainability, 16(2), 159–172.
Zavadskas, E. K., Antucheviciene, J., Saparauskas, J. & Turskis, Z. (2013). “Multi-criteria Assessment of Facades’ Alternatives: Peculiarities of Ranking Methodology”. Procedia Engineering, 57, 107–112.
Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z. & Bagocius, V. (2015). “Multi-Criteria Selection of a Deep-Water Port in The Eastern Baltic Sea”. Applied Soft Computing, 26, 180–192.
Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z. & Vilutiene, T. (2010). “Multiple Criteria Analysis of Foundation İnstalment Alternatives by Applying Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Method”. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 10(3), 124-141.
Çakır, E., & Can, M. (2019). Best-Worst Yöntemine Dayalı ARAS Yöntemi ile Dış Kaynak Kullanım Tercihinin Belirlenmesi: Turizm Sektöründe Bir Uygulama. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 23(3), 1273-1300.