Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 12/31/22

Year: 2022

Research Articles


Review Articles

Case report

Journal of Ankara Health Sciences is the scientific publication medium of Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences. The aim of the journal is to convey current developments in the field of health sciences at national and international level, to share original scientific studies and to support the development of health professionals.

Journal of Ankara Health Sciences accepts articles in areas such as nutrition and dietetics, child development, language and speech therapy, midwifery, occupational therapy, physical therapy and rehabilitation, gerontology, nursing, medicine, audiology, orthotics and prosthetics, health management and social work, and it is a scientific journal based on the double-blind peer-review principles.

The journal publishes original research, reviews, case reports in the field of health sciences. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. The publication language of the journal is both Turkish and English. It is published biannually (December and June) and both electronic and original hard copy edition are available.

Before uploading your article to the system, the following steps should be followed.

The Article Submission Checklist should be read carefully, approved after all options are filled in, signed by the corresponding author and uploaded to the system as an additional file.

The Sample Template file should be used in the preparation of the full text file, for Research Articles and for Review & Systematic Reviews.

The Copyright Transfer Form must be uploaded to the system in PDF format after being signed by all authors and the corresponding author.

Research articles should be created according to the rules in the Research Article Writing Guideline file.

Reviews and systematic reviews should be written according to the rules in the Review & Systematic Review Writing Guideline file. The similarity rate in the plagiarism report should not exceed 20%.

Case reports should be prepared according to the rules in the Case Report Writing Guideline file.

The Title Page must be in line with the rules in the Sample Title Page file and should be uploaded into the system in a different word file.

Ethics Committee Approval Form must be uploaded to the system.

Journal of Ankara Health Sciences asks authors to comply with research and publication ethics. Compliance with the "National and International Ethical Guidelines" and permission from the relevant ethical committees are essential for research conducted on humans or animals. The articles in the journal must be prepared within the framework of "ethical rules". Ethical responsibility belongs to the authors. In addition, in scientific articles sent to journals; The editorial board, authors and reviewers should consider the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and the International Standards for Editors and Authors of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Ankara Journal of Health Sciences is based on the principles stated in the "Helsinki Declaration", "Good Clinical Practice Guideline", "Good Laboratory Practice Guideline" and relevant regulations of the Ministry of Health in all studies involving the "human" element. For the studies with human participants or animal subjects, a copy of the Ethics Committee approval must be sent to the journal. If the relevant document is not sent to the journal, the article will not be evaluated. Authors should write the approval date and number of the Ethics Committee in the "Sample and Method / Materials and Method" section.

In this context;

For authors;

- Ethics committee approval should be obtained for researchs that requires ethics committee approval, and this approval should be stated in the appropriate sections according to the article writing rules.

- The ethics committee permission obtained should be documented and uploaded to the system as a separate file. The information in the ethics committee file uploaded to the journal must be compatible with the title of the article and the names of the authors.

- In studies requiring ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be stated in the method section, and also on the last page of the article (under the heading "Ethics Committee Statement"). Case reports should include information about signing the informed consent form (under the heading "Informed Consent Statement").

- Authors are required to comply with the copyright regulations (citation of the source for the images, permission for the scales, etc.).

- If there is a funding institution in the research, its information must be stated in the method section.

- If the ethics committee approval is within the scope of the thesis, abstract poster or oral presentation of the article uploaded to the system, this information should be included on the title page ("This article was prepared using the data obtained from the author's master's/doctoral thesis." / " This article was presented as oral/poster at the congress of ..... (name) on .... (date)"). Full-text papers with the same method are not accepted into the journal publication process as an article.

For reviewers;

- In the Journal of Ankara Health Sciences, the selection of revieweres is carried out double-blindly during the refereeing process.

- The reviewers must accept/reject the review invitation within the specified time. After the reviewing is accepted, they must upload their suggestions to the system within the specified time. If there is no return within the specified time, the relevant task may be canceled and a new referee may be appointed by the editors.

- In the reviewing process, all reviewers should evaluate the articles impartially, they should know that this process is confidential and should not be shared with third parties.

- In addition to scientific evaluations, if the revieweres detect a situation where the ethical rules regarding the article are violated, they should notify the editor.

For the editorial board;

- The editorial board should review all the articles uploaded to the system by the authors according to the journal rules created according to the TR Index Journal Evaluation Criteria.

- The editorial board should pay attention to the confidentiality of the article evaluation process and should know that it should not be shared with third parties.

- All articles uploaded to the system should be evaluated by the editorial board in a completely impartial manner without any discrimination.

Publication policy

All articles sent to Journal of Ankara Health Sciences;

- First of all, manuscripts are controlled by the editor, assistant editor and technical editor according to the writing rules. Articles that are not found appropriate according to the journal's publication policy and rules are returned to the author without further examination. If necessary, corrections may be requested from the authors.

- The articles prepared in accordance with the journal writing rules and whose plagiarism rate does not exceed 20% are taken into the evaluation process by the editor. At this stage, if the editors think it scientifically inadequate, they may make a rejection decision, may send the article to the author or initiate the reviewing process.

- At least two reviewer are invited for the scientific evaluation of the articles approved by the editor. They are expected to upload comments/suggestions/corrections to the system within the reviewing evaluation period.

- The article is sent to the author so that the reviewer suggestions and, if any, the editorial board suggestions can be revised. Authors are required to accept the revision request and must upload the revised file to the system within the specified time (making corrections does not mean that the article will be published). Changes made to the revised file should be displayed as a comment in the file.

- Revised articles uploaded to the system within the specified period are checked by the editorial board. Editors can send the article back to the reviewer process after revision or make a revision/accept/rejection decision.

- The articles that are revised by the authors and accepted by the editors are sent to the layout editor after they are evaluated in terms of spelling and language. Final checks are made after the layout and revisions can be requested from the author when necessary. After all checks are made and the acceptance decision is made, the article is assigned to the relevant issue and queued for publication. All these procces are sent to the responsible author via e-mail to their registered addresses in the system.

- After the articles are published, according to the dergipark rules, the authors are given a certain period of time for control. During this period, the authors have to notify the editors of any changes. Since no changes can be made at the end of this period, authors who do not respond are considered to have approved the final version of the article.

Journal of Ankara Health Sciences does not charge for article acceptance, evaluation, and publication processes.


The copyrights of the studies published in our journal belong to our journal, and the published studies are published as open access under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.

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