Our aim is to contribute to the national and international literature by conducting scientific research on constitutional developments in our country and in the world from a comparative law perspective.
Journal of Constitutional Law is a peer-reviewed journal published electronically twice a year, in summer and winter.
The Journal publishes articles in Turkish, English, French and German.
It is recommended that articles should not exceed 10,000 words in length and should consist of the following: Turkish/English title, Turkish/English abstract, Turkish/English keywords, main text and bibliography.
The Chicago citation method is used.
1. The Journal of Constitutional Law is a peer-reviewed academic publication, published biannually.
2. The Journal accepts a variety of contributions, including but not limited to research articles, decision reviews, book reviews and translations in the field of Constitutional Law. These are to be written in Turkish or in other European languages.
3. It is imperative to note that manuscripts submitted for publication in the Journal should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
4. In addition to the submitted manuscript, pertinent author information, including full name, academic title, institutional affiliation, postal address, telephone numbers for efficient communication, e-mail addresses, and ORCID code, which can be obtained from https://orcid.org, should be provided to the editor.
5. Submissions to the Journal are required to include a title in Turkish and English, in addition to an abstract of no more than 160 words in both languages.
6. Submitted manuscripts to the Journal should include appropriate keywords in Turkish and English that describe the topic of the article.
7. Citation footnotes and the bibliography should be prepared in accordance with the Chicago style.
8. The ethical principles and rules that have been established are based on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE (https://publicationethics.org/)).
9. It is acknowledged that the manuscripts submitted to the Journal have been finalised in terms of spelling and are prepared for printing.
10. The manuscripts are subjected to an initial evaluation by the Editorial Board, after which they are dispatched anonymously to the designated reviewer. The decision regarding the publication of the article, whether to request minor amendments or to withhold it, is made in accordance with the reviewer's report. The author is informed of the decision as soon as possible. Following any necessary corrections, the revised manuscript is re-sent to the reviewer by the Editorial Board.
11. The journal is founded on the principle of blind peer review, where the identity of the author is concealed from the peer reviewer. To ensure the confidentiality of author information, articles submitted for review are de-identified to prevent the reviewer from knowing the author's identity.
12. All reviewer reports are retained for a period of five years, during which time they are subject to inspection by the ULAKBIM (National Academic Network and Information Centre) Law Database Committee.
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