Issue: 24, 7/1/22

Year: 2022

Research Article

Journal Belgi is a peer reviewed journal which has been published biannually (in January and July), in print, since 2011 by Pamukkale University, Research and Application Center of Ataturk’s Principles and History of Revolution. Articles written in Turkish and English are accepted. 

The journal includes articles on final period of Ottoman Empire, Turkish War of Independence, Ataturk’s Reforms, Ataturk, Turkish modernization and recent period of Turkish history

    Yazılar A4 boyutunda (29.7x21 cm) kâğıda, MS Word veya MS Word uyumlu programlarla yazılmalıdır. Yazı karakteri olarak Calibri kullanılmalıdır. Yazılar 10 punto ve tek satır aralığıyla yazılmalıdır. Sayfa kenarlarında 2,5 cm boşluk bırakılmalı ve sayfalar numaralandırılmalıdır. Yazılar 20 sayfayı geçmemelidir. 

    Yazarın adı, soyadı büyük olmak üzere koyu, adresler ise normal harflerle yazılmalı; yazarın görev yaptığı kurum, haberleşme ve e-posta adresi belirtilmelidir. 

    En az 250 en fazla 270 sözcükten oluşan, 8 puntoyla yazılmış Türkçe ve İngilizce öz, öz altında genelden özele doğru en az 4, en çok 8 sözcükten oluşan anahtar kelimeler verilmelidir. 

    Başlıklar kalın harflerle yazılmalıdır. Uzun yazılarda ara başlıkların kullanılması okuyucu açısından yararlıdır. Ana başlıkların, A.,B., C., ara başlıklar, 1., 2., 3., şeklinde numaralandırılması tavsiye edilir. Ana başlıkların tümü (ana bölümler, kaynaklar ve ekler) BÜYÜK İNCE HARFLERLE veya daha büyük puntoyla Kalın Küçük Harflerle yazılmalıdır. Ara ve alt başlıkların ise sadece ilk harfleri büyük yazılmalıdır. 

    Metin içindeki vurgulanması gereken ifadeler, eğik harflerle gösterilir, kalın karakter kullanılmaz. Doğrudan alıntılar tırnak içinde verilir. Alıntılar 5 satırdan fazla olduğunda, paragraf girintisinden bir cm içeriden başlatılmalı ve bir punto küçük yazılmalıdır. 

    Yazımda, TDK Yazım Kılavuzu esas alınır. 

    Kaynak Gösterimi

    Dipnot ve kaynakların yazımı konusunda, yöntem bakımından kendi içinde tutarlı olması, dergi ve kitap adlarının eğik/ince, makale başlıklarının ise “tırnak” içinde, düz olarak yazılması ve sonda “Kaynaklar”ın verilmesi gerekir. 

    İnternet adreslerinde, parantez içinde erişim tarihi belirtilir. 

    Kaynaklar metnin sonunda, yazarların soyadına göre alfabetik olarak aşağıdaki şekilde yazılmalı; eserin yayınevi ve makalelerin sayfa aralıkları belirtilmelidir. Atıf yapılmayan çalışmalara Kaynaklar kısmında yer verilmemelidir.


Cunbur, Müjgân (1987), “Atatürk ve Milli Birlik”, Erdem, C.3, S. 7, s. 1-11.

Ergin, Muharrem (1991), Dede Korkut Kitabı II, 2. bs. Ankara: TDK Yay.

Öztuna, Yılmaz (2000), Türk Mûsıkîsi Kavram ve Terimleri Ansiklopedisi, Ankara: AKM Yay.

Dört ve daha fazla yazarlı yayınlar: Deny, Jean vd. (1959), Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta I, Wiesbaden: Steiner Verlag.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publication processes of Journal Belgi are based on producing, developing and sharing knowledge evenhandedly within scientific methods.


In our journal, we use the double blind review process. The manuscripts are firstly submitted to the editorial and/or field editors then forwarded to reviewers.

Refereed articles are studies require scientific methods and they provide objectivity. All components of publication process (publisher, editors, authors, reviewers and readers) should obey ethical rules for scientific production. Within this context, the policies of ‘publication ethics’ and ‘open access’ also require all components of publication process to obey the ethical principles, in direction of guides and policies of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”.
*In case we identify that author(s) of the manuscript use(s) falsified and fabricated data, then we will report this to the institution of the authors where he/she works and reject the manuscript. Editorial members of the journal and/or the reviewers reserve the right to ask author(s) to provide raw data which was used in the manuscript.


Board is based on independence policy, and all decisions of the editors are independent from the publisher and the other persons and institutions.
Journal Belgi permanently strives to develop and raise the quality of the journal.
Journal Belgi determines and performs journal policies as publication, blind review, evaluation process and ethical principles.
Journal Belgi keeps copyrights of the articles published in Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences.
Journal Belgi is responsible for keeping intellectual property rights of authors in publication processes and guarding against unethical behaviors, plagiarism and reference gangs.
Journal Belgi prepares a “Guide for Authors” to inform authors and “Guide for Reviewers” to inform reviewers about evaluation processes.
Journal Belgi determines incentive policies for the authors.
Journal Belgi her keeps records of every article electronically or in written forms.


1-Editors try to inform reviewers, authors, researchers and readers, to answer their questions clearly within the principles of clarity.
2- Editors, during the publication process, consider that the articles should be original and contribute the literature, the readers and researchers.
3- While editors are making decisions about the article publication, they consider originality, contribution to the field, clarity of expressions, content and validity and reliability of the articles.
4- Editors take the articles without any problem to the preliminary evaluation, consider positive views of reviewers, and they do not change the decisions of the reviewers unless there is a big problem for publishing. Submitted manuscripts that pass preliminary control are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. After plagiarism check, the eligible ones are evaluated by editor-in-chief for their originality, methodology, the importance of the subject covered and compliance with the journal scope.
5- Editors implement the policies of blind review and evaluation processes, keep private personal identity information of the authors, and provide impartial evaluation processes in due of time for the articles.
6- Editors send the articles to field editors and reviewers considering their professional fields, and care that the articles are evaluated impartially and independently.
7- Editors, in evaluation processes, consider if there are conflicts or collaborations between authors and reviewers or not.
8- Editors generate a large number or reviewers, and they update it consistently.
9- Editors prevent non-scientific that do not comply with academic etiquette rules.
10- Editors ensure that journal publishing processes are operated in accordance with publishing policies and guidelines, inform those who are in the process of the developments on publishing policies, and prepare training programs when necessary.
11- Editors communicate effectively with everyone involved in the publishing processes, and organize meetings at regular intervals.
12- Editors provide protection of personal data in assessed articles; they keep personal data of authors, referees and readers.
13- Editors take precautions against misconduct. When there are complaints about the abuse of duty, they share the findings about the subject by conducting an objective investigation.
14- Editors provide errors, inconsistencies, or misleading errors in articles to be corrected.
15- Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles, and defend the rights of the journal and the author (s) in case of violation. Editors also take the necessary precautions to ensure that the content of the published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other publications; they control authenticity-similarity.
16- Editors considers consistent critiques for the articles published in the journal and enables authors to answer these critiques.
17- Editors evaluate the complaints sent to the journal and make necessary statements.


Journal Belgi are evaluated by double-blind review in a process, which neither the authors know the reviewers nor the reviewers know the authors; reviewers cannot communicate the authors directly; article evaluation forms and proofreading requests are sent to the authors through the website of the journal. Reviewers must bear the ethical responsibilities in Pamukkale University Journal Belgi as below:
1- Reviewers should only accept to evaluate the articles related to the field of their specializations.
2- Reviewers should make the evaluation impartially and confidentially. In accordance with this principle, the articles they review should be annihilated after the evaluation process, but they should be used after publication. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not distort the impartiality of the evaluation.
3- When reviewers understand that there is a conflict or collaboration, they should inform the editors and refuse to evaluate the article.
4- Reviewers must evaluate articles with a constructive attitude in accordance with the academic etiquette rules; they should refrain from insulting and hostile personal comments.
5- Reviewers should evaluate the articles they agree on during the evaluation.


The ethical responsibilities of the authors that apply to Journal Belgi as below:
1- The authors should not send an article published in or sent to be published in another journal to Journal Belgi at the same time.
2- The authors should send original articles to Journal Belgi . Authors should refer to the sources they use in writing articles in the correct way in the direction of ethical principles.
3- Persons who do not contribute to the articles should not be listed as authors, and it should not be proposed to change the author order of a published article and to add authors.
4- Reviewers must notify the editors of the conflicts and collaborations about the article.
5- In the evaluation process of the articles the authors should provide the editorial staff with information about the articles or the raw data if required.
6- The authors must document the rights to use the data they use in their articles, the permission for research or the approval of the participants to whom they have searched.
7- Authors should communicate with the editors to provide information, to correct the article or to withdraw it when they are aware of the error associated with the evaluation and early appearance phase or the published article in electronic form.
8- The author (s) should present proof of their ethical principles in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others to use documents such as scale, questionnaire, photograph). It should be noted that the articles comply with copyright regulations for research and publication ethics and intellectual and artistic works.


In case of encountering an unethical situation in articles or about editors, reviewers and authors or in articles that does not comply with the ethical principles regarding in Journal Belgi , it should be reported by

Belgi Dergisi, kullanıcılardan makale gönderim ücreti, süreç işletim ücreti veya hiç bir isimle ücret talep etmez, tamamen ücretsizdir.