Aim & Scope

The Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Journal of Health Sciences and Research which is the scientific publication of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Bandırma University, aims to contributes to the knowledge of health sciences by publishing original research, meta analysis, systematic review to the editor related to the fields of nursing, nutrition and dietetics, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, child development, midwifery, gerontology, health management, social work.

The Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Journal of Health Sciences and Research is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, periodical and open access journal published in electronic environment three times a year (as of 2020) (April - August - December) by Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Faculty of Health Sciences.

Manuscripts submitted to our journal for evaluation should not be published, accepted for publication, or should not be under evaluation process for publication. The responsibility of the published and under-reviewed works belongs to the author (s). The copyrights of the published works belong to the Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Journal of Health Sciences and Research.

The studies to be published should be prepared and submit in accordance with the conditions specified in the journal writing rules and publication principles.The papers submitted to the journal are primarily examined in terms of form and content. Works that are appropriate in form and content are submitted by the editor to the editorial board. The works approved by the editorial board are subject to evaluation by at least two referees. The evaluation process takes 4 to 8 weeks on average. 

Period Months
April August December
Last Update Time: 12/23/24, 10:38:38 AM

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