Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Open Access Policy
Cappadocia Journal of Gastronomy, Food and Tourism Studies is an open access journal and all issues of the journal and all materials published in the journal can be accessed free of charge from the “Current Issue” and “Archive” sections of the DergiPark database. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of articles in Cappadocia Journal of Gastronomy, Food and Tourism Studies without prior permission from the publisher or author. When copying any such content, users must include a link to the journal or reference the author(s) of the article.
Cappadocia Journal of Gastronomy, Food and Tourism Studies combines the advantages of an open access journal with a completely free article publishing policy. Author(s) do not pay any fees to publish their work.
Ethical Principles
Cappadocia Journal of Gastronomy, Food and Tourism Studies implements a journalism approach that is committed to scientific and publishing ethics. Accordingly, the responsibilities of authors, editors, editorial board and referees and the principles they must comply with are stated below.
Not Having Been Published Before
Articles to be published in Cappadocia Journal of Gastronomy, Food and Tourism Studies must not have been published anywhere, either partially or in whole. In addition, articles that are in the publication/evaluation process in other journals or sent for publication are not evaluated in accordance with Cappadocia Journal of Gastronomy, Food and Tourism Studies “Ethical Principles”. However, studies based on papers presented at a scientific event can be published by indicating the paper title and event information in the footnote.
Plagiarism Policy
The ithenticate program is used to evaluate articles sent for publication in Cappadocia Journal of Gastronomy, Food and Tourism Studies in terms of plagiarism. Articles with the highest similarity rate of 10%, excluding citations and references, are included in the referee evaluation. Articles with a similarity rate of 10% to 20% are sent back to the author for correction before the referee evaluation. Articles with a similarity rate exceeding 20% ​​are rejected without requesting correction. If the necessary arrangements are not made in articles where scientific ethical problems are detected during the peer review process, the article is rejected for publication.

Evaluation of Incoming Articles
“Double-Blind Refereeing” evaluation processes are applied in the Cappadocia Journal of Gastronomy, Food and Tourism Studies. Articles sent for publication are first examined by the assistant editor responsible for the issue in terms of format and publication principles, and plagiarism checks are performed. Articles that are not found appropriate in these respects are sent back to the author. Articles that are found appropriate are presented to the editorial board after any information that would reveal the author’s identity is concealed. The editorial board evaluates the articles in terms of scientific quality, originality and the integrity of the journal. A double-blind refereeing process is initiated for articles deemed appropriate, and the responsible editor evaluates the articles for reviews and translations. Section editors can review the articles themselves or send them to referees to be determined by the editorial board.
Referees evaluate within the time period given to them. In their evaluations, they observe scientific ethical principles, use a constructive language within the framework of academic etiquette and are impartial. They do not share the texts they evaluate until the article is published and they adhere to the principle of confidentiality. When they notice information that may reveal the author's identity and understand that there is a conflict of interest or unity of interest, they refuse to evaluate the article and inform the editors.

A correction may be requested from the author according to the referee reports. The author takes into consideration the criticism, suggestions and correction requests of the referees and, if necessary, the editorial board; prepares a report stating the changes to the text and the suggestions they reject, if any, with their reasons. The revised texts are compared with the referee reports and evaluated by the assistant editor responsible for the issue. The editors-in-chief make the publication decision according to the final form of the articles. The articles that are decided to be published are read one last time by the assistant editor in charge to make them compliant with the journal's standards in terms of spelling, punctuation, in-text references and bibliography.

If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article may be sent to a third referee or the editorial board may make its final decision based on the reports. Articles that have been decided to be published are placed in the order as of the acceptance date, but editors may make some changes for many reasons related to journalism, such as file preparation, timeliness, necessity and integrity.

If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article may be sent to a third referee or the editorial board may make its final decision based on the reports. Articles that have been decided to be published are placed in the order as of the acceptance date, but editors may make some changes for many reasons related to journalism, such as file preparation, timeliness, necessity and integrity. Typed articles are sent to the author for final reading before being made available for open access. The author may request mandatory, minor corrections at this stage, but cannot request corrections that will require the article to be retyped. For articles that have reached the publication stage, authors are asked to sign the “Transfer of Publication Rights” and “Ethical Declaration” forms.

Last Update Time: 2/20/25, 8:32:52 PM