Writing Rules

Language of Publication
The publication languages ​​of the journal are Turkish and English.

General Rules Regarding Format and Writing

The general rules to be followed in articles are as follows:
Turkish Article Title 14 Point Bold, Centered and Only First Letters Capitalized
Author Name and Surname 14 Point Italic, Centered and Only First Letters Capitalized
Articles to be sent to the journal must include a Turkish “Abstract” consisting of 300 to 500 words. All abstracts in the article must be written using the “Palatino Linotype” font, 10 point, 6 and 0 pt paragraph spacing and single line spacing. The Abstract and Summary must be a single paragraph. If the data requiring ethics committee approval in the study (survey, interview, etc.) was obtained in 2020, it requires ethics committee approval. If it is from 2019 and before, you should also indicate the date in the abstract section. If it was obtained in 2020 and there is ethics committee approval, information about the ethics committee approval should be provided in the abstract with an expression similar to “… ethics committee’s decision numbered … dated ……”
Keywords: word 1, word 2, word 3. (3 to 5 words.)
English Article Title 12 Point Bold, Justified and Only First Letters Capitalized
You should prepare your article according to this template. Articles sent without using the template and without following the specified rules will be rejected. An English translation of the Turkish “Abstract” consisting of 300 to 500 words must be added here. Articles to be sent to the journal must contain a Turkish “Abstract” consisting of at least 300 to 500 words, an English “Abstract” and Keywords (3 to 5 words). All abstracts in the article should be written using the “Palatino Linotype” font, 10 points, 6 and 0 points paragraph spacing, and single line spacing. The abstract and summary should be a single paragraph.

Keywords: word 1, word 2, word 3. (3-5 words)
Introduction (Titles should be 12 Point Bold, Left Aligned, Only the First Letters should be Capitalized and should not be numbered.)
The article should be written in Microsoft Word format and its size should be under 8 MB.
The text should be organized using the Palatino Linotype font, 11 points, single line spacing, 1.25 paragraph indentation, and 6 and 0 points paragraph spacing.
There should be no space between paragraphs.
Texts should be written with 2.5 cm margins on each side of the page, single line spacing, Palatino Linotype font and 11 font size, and should not exceed 8000 words including footnotes, except for the References, Summary and Abstract. All text except the general title should be aligned left, 1.25 cm paragraph indentation should be used, and no extra space should be left between paragraphs.

Subheading (Only the first letters should be capitalized and should not be numbered.)
The text should be arranged according to 12 point Palatino Linotype font, single line spacing, 1.25 paragraph indentation and 6 and 0 nk paragraph spacing.

The latest current spelling guide and dictionary of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as basis for Turkish spelling, punctuation and abbreviations.
Subheadings should be written in bold and aligned left. Only double quotes should be used for special emphasis; styles such as single quotes, bold, all capital letters, underline, italic text should be avoided. In writing foreign words or specific names and terms according to the necessity of the work, only italic letters should be used. If it is desired to provide the foreign language equivalent of a word used in Turkish to clarify it, this equivalent should be written in parentheses, in italic letters. In the text and in the References, the titles of published books, magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, brochures, novels, plays and films in the "long work" category are written in italic letters. (Care should be taken to ensure that the punctuation marks adjacent to italic letters are not italic.) Unpublished voluminous works such as manuscripts and drafts, and individual titles of poems, stories, articles, book chapters, letters and speeches in the "short work" category are given in normal writing, in double quotation marks. (Double quotes and italic fonts are not used at the same time. If a “long work” title is also included in a “short work” title, such as an article given in double quotes, the long work title is written in italics.) Consistency should be observed in special uses not included here.

The table content should be prepared with Palatino Linotype font and 10 font size and single line spacing, the table should be placed so that it does not extend beyond the right and left edges of the page, the table title should be given in bold font, 12 point size and numbered above the table.

Table 1. First Letters of the Table Title Capital and 12 point size

10 point size and 0 pt space before, 0 pt after and single line spacing should be used throughout the table.
In all visuals such as tables, maps and figures, the title must be indicated under the table.
In-Text References
In articles sent to Kün, the MLA (Modern Language Association) 7th edition method, the rules of which are adapted to Turkish syntax and punctuation rules, is used. In the MLA method, when citing a source in the text, the author's surname (or authors' surnames) and the page number (or page numbers) from which the source is cited are specified. In cases where there is no author, the title of the work is written. In cases where there is no page number, the abbreviation "sy" (no page) is used. The first names of authors with the same surname are abbreviated in the text: e.g. (J. Parla 53); (T. Parla 124-25). When more than one source is used on the same subject, the following example is followed: (Burke 3-6; Dewey 21, 97). If a footnote or endnote in a source is referenced, a period is placed after the page number and the number of the note is added: e.g. (Moran 86.7). "Quotations of four lines or less are written within the paragraph within quotation marks; if the sentence ends with a quotation, a period is placed after the bracket indicating the source information at the end of the quotation; other punctuation marks are left as they are, and 'double quotation marks in the source text are converted to single quotation marks.'" (J. Parla 53).

Quotations longer than four lines are written in block paragraph form, aligned 2.5 cm (two tabs) from the left margin and 1.25 cm (one tab) from the right margin; punctuation marks are placed before the bracket indicating the source information; double quotes in the source text are not converted to single quotes. If the quote used is itself a quote, it is written as (quoted by Moran 94) before the punctuation mark ending the sentence at the end of the quote; at the end of block quotes, it is written as (quoted by Moran 94) after the punctuation mark. In quotations, “quoted by” is written in the same way. It is not necessary to give the citation information of the source that the quoter quotes (or the source that the quoter quotes).
When citing sources, the places where the reference starts and ends should be clearly stated. In this regard, it is recommended that the author or work name be mentioned in the sentence where the reference begins. When the author or work is mentioned in a sentence or as long as the same text is referenced, it is not necessary to repeat the author's surname or the name of the work in parentheses; it is sufficient to give the page number. However, if another reference is made, the reference to the previous author and work is repeated. Only the number of the relevant page (or pages) is given in the reference. If the quote or citation covers a page, a hyphen is placed between the page numbers, and if a reference is made to a statement or subject repeated on different pages, a comma is placed. Since there are generally no page numbers on websites, if expressions such as "as stated on the site titled ..." are used in the sentence, it will be clear to the reader why there is no page number after the author's surname.

Quotations from different pages or paragraphs of the source text should not be combined into a single quotation; quotations should be separated from each other by the author's words, page numbers and necessary punctuation. Ellipses and their variations should not be placed at the beginning or end of quotations.
In cases where changes are required to ensure that the quoted sentences match the sentences of the article author or in cases where intervention is required in the text, such as correcting spelling errors or adjusting the size of letters, square brackets ([ ]) are used. When a word is omitted from the quote, three dots ([…]) are used within the square brackets, and when a sentence is omitted, four dots ([….]) are used; punctuation marks before or after the square brackets are not used.

Footnotes should only be used for additional explanations. Abbreviations are used in footnotes, in the References, and in expressions within parentheses. Abbreviations should not be used in normal sentences, except for abbreviations for proper names and units of measurement.

In the “References” section, all sources used in the study are listed correctly and completely; sources not referred to in the text are not included.
Form and Language
The first line of each entry is kept adjacent to the left of the page, and the second and subsequent lines are written as much as the paragraph indentation (1.25 cm). When creating indents, the “hanging” format should be selected from the paragraph layout. (Since this order could not be created on the web page, it could not be shown in the examples here.)
In the imprints of non-Turkish sources, expressions indicating the editor, translator, volume and edition numbers, and in periodicals, the names of seasons or months are translated into Turkish. Care is taken to include the Turkish usage of city names (e.g. London).

Resources are listed alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors. In authors with double surnames, both surnames are written in order, before the comma. If there is no author's name, the name of the work is taken as basis. If more than one work by an author is used, the sources are written in alphabetical order. When writing the imprints of works, the information given follows the following general order: (a) author's name, (b) title of the work section, (c) name of the work, (ç) name of the compiler, translator and editor, (d) number of editions, (e) number of volumes, (f) name of the series, (g) place of publication, name of the publisher, year of publication, (ğ) page numbers, (h) additional information and explanations. What is known from these information groups and what is required according to the type of work are given.

Page Numbers and Abbreviations
When specifying page numbers in the References, two-digit page numbers are written as they are. In the case of larger numbers, it is sufficient to specify the last two digits of the second number unless more is needed (e.g. 10-14; 106-09; 296-304; 1001-02; 1503-642). In cases where there is no page number, the abbreviation “sy” (no page) is used.

If a work has a compiler, translator, editor or editor, the following abbreviations are used in the citation: “der.”, “trans.”, “haz.” and “ed.” Abbreviations begin with uppercase or lowercase letters depending on whether they appear at the beginning or end of information groups separated by periods.

If the city where the work was published is not specified in the source, the abbreviation “Yyy” (no place of publication) is used in the citation where this information should be found. In the imprints, attention should be paid to the distinctions between “Publications”, “Publishing”, “Publishing House” and “Neşriyat” in the publisher’s name. If this information is not stated in the work, the abbreviation “yy” (no publisher) is used, and if the publication year is not stated, the abbreviation “ty” (no date) is used (e.g. “Yyy: yy, ty.”, “N.p.: n.p., n.d.”).

A Book with a Single Author or Editor
In the text: (Ahmet Haşim 46), (Berk 36), (Halikarnas Balıkçısı 214-34), (Memet Fuat 123-24).
In the References:
Ahmet Haşim. All Poems. Prepared by İnci Enginün and Zeynep Kerman. İstanbul: Dergâh Publications, 1999.
Berk, İlhan. Poetika. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Publications, 1997.
The Fisherman of Halicarnassus [Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı]. Aganta Burina Burinata. Ankara: Bilgi Publications, 1999.
Memet Fuat, ed. Contemporary Turkish Poetry Anthology. Istanbul: Adam Publications, 1997.
A Section in a Compilation by a Single Author
In the text: (Karasu 17), (Uşaklıgil 180-85).
In the References:
Karasu, Bilge. “The Novel is Still in the First Rank in Image Production”. Neither Without a Book Nor Without a Cat. Istanbul: Metis Publications, 1997. 13-22.

Uşaklıgil, Halid Ziya. “Ferhunde Kalfa”. A Literary History. Istanbul: İnkılâp Bookstore, 1988. 179-90.
Different Works by the Same Author
According to the MLA method, when listing different works by the same author, after the author's name is given in the first citation, the following citations begin with two adjacent long dashes and a period. Since electronic databases do not perceive these signs correctly, our journal has adopted the method of repeating the author's name in each citation instead.
In the text: (Moran, Edebiyat Kuramları ve Kritiki 36), (Moran, “Peyami Safa’nın Romanlarında…” 54).
In the References:
Moran, Berna. Edebiyat Kuramları ve Kritiki. 9th ed. Istanbul: Cem Yayınevi, 1994.
Moran, Berna. “Peyami Safa’nın Romanlarında Ideolojik Kuruluşları”. Birikim 54-55 (August-September 1979): 51-56.
Rifat, Mehmet, ed. Bizim Kritrenlerimiz. Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Culture Publications, 2008.
Rifat, Mehmet, ed. Voice of the Text. Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Culture Publications, 2007.
Rifat, Mehmet. Novel Fiction and Structural Analysis: Michel Butor’s Change. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Publications, 2012.
Rifat, Mehmet. Criticism Theorists with Their Approaches. Istanbul: Sel Publishing, 2008.
Rifat, Mehmet, Sema Rifat, Ayşenaz Koş and Duygu Tekgül. Dictionary of Semiotics, Linguistics and Translation Studies Terms. Istanbul: Sel Publishing, 2010.
A Book with Multiple Authors or Editors
In the text: (Aksoy et al. 172), (Taner and Bezirci 140).
In the References:
Aksoy, Nazan et al. Discourses on Poetry and Poetry Theory. Istanbul: Duzlem Publications, 1996.
Taner, Refika and Asim Bezirci. Selected Stories in Our Literature. Reference Books. Istanbul: Gozlem Publications, 1981. The work is presented in the “research/criticism” category and includes story summaries.
Chapter in a Book with Multiple Authors or Editors
In the text: (Nazim Hikmet 108)
In the References:
Nazim Hikmet (Ran). “Some Advice for Those Who Will Serve Prison”. Anthology of Contemporary Turkish Poetry. Ed. Memet Fuat. Istanbul: Adam Publications, 1985. 108-09.
More Than Two Works in the Same Source
In accordance with the MLA method, if more than two short works in the same source are referenced in the References, the full citation of the source is not repeated for each short work. A short reference to the author of the source and the page numbers of the works is sufficient. The full book title is also given separately.

Eyhenbaum, Boris. “How Gogol’s ‘Overcoat’ Was Made”. Todorov 183-200.

Jakobson, Roman. “On Realism in Art”. Todorov 84-93.

Todorov, Tzvetan, ed. Literary Theory: Texts of Russian Formalists. Trans. Mehmet Rifat and Sema Rifat. Cogito 36. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Publications, 1995.
Books with Anonymous Authors
In the text: (Secret Session Minutes of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey 36).
In the References:
Secret Session Minutes of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Volume 3. Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Publications, 1985.
Later Editions, Revised or Expanded Editions
Alpay, Necmiye. Guide to Turkish Problems. Revised 2nd edition. Istanbul: Metis Publications, 2004.
Özkırımlı, Atilla. Turkish Literature Encyclopedia. 4th edition. 5 volumes. Istanbul: Cem Publications, 1987.
Tanpınar, Ahmet Hamdi. 19th Century Turkish Literature History. 1949. 8th edition. Istanbul: Çağlayan Bookstore, 1997.
Multi-Volume Books
It is difficult to understand which volume is referred to in the text.

In order to understand which volume is being referred to in the text, the volume number is indicated before the page number and a colon is used: (Moran 3: 18). If the entire volume is to be referred to, a comma is placed after the author's surname and "volume" is used: (Moran, volume 3).

Moran, Berna. A Critical View of the Turkish Novel. 3 volumes. Istanbul: İletişim Publications, 1995.
Translated Books
Benjamin, Walter. "Story Telling". Trans. Nurdan Gürbilek and Sabir Yücesoy. Son Bakışta Aşk. Ed. Nurdan Gürbilek. Trans. Ahmet Doğukan and others. Istanbul: Metis Publications, 1994. 77-100. Information on the translators of the book is provided on the fourth page, not on the title page.
Chapter or Article in Reference Books
Akün, Ömer Faruk. "Divan Literature". Diyanet Foundation Islamic Encyclopedia. Volume 9. Istanbul: Turkey Religious Foundation Publications, 1992. 398-422.

Moran, Berna. “Ideological Structure in Peyami Safa’s Novels”. Birikim 54-55 (August-September 1979): 51-56.

Strauss, Johann. “Who Read What in the Ottoman Empire (19th-20th Centuries)?”. Trans. Günil Ayaydın Cebe. Narratology Special Issue. Kritik 3 (Spring 2009): 205-65.
Texts in Electronic Media
In citing texts in electronic media as sources, preference should be given to those whose author, title and publication date are specified in terms of reliability. The imprint information follows this order: author name, title of the text, date of the source if any (or “Ty” if none), name of the site from which the source was taken, Internet expression to indicate the medium of the source, date of access, address of the site.
Hızlan, Doğan. “Romanımıza Dair Bir Önemli Belge”. October 15, 2020. Hürriyet Kitap Sanat. Internet. October 21, 2020. https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/kitap-sanat/romanimiza-dair-onemli-bir-belge-41637352.
Slat, Boyan. “Whales Likely Impacted by Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” April 10, 2019. The Ocean Cleanup. Internet. July 4, 2021. www.theoceancleanup.com/updates/whales-likely-impacted-by-great-pacific-garbage-patch.
Film and Other Sound and Image Recordings
When writing the citation information for sound and image recordings in theses, either start directly with the name of the work or provide the surname and name of the person whose contribution will be highlighted (director, screenwriter, actor, author, composer, singer, etc.) followed by the title of the work, other individuals or institutions that contributed, format (record, videocassette, VCD, DVD, etc.) and publication or distribution information.

Ceylan, Nuri Bilge, dir. Uzak. Sen. Nuri Bilge Ceylan. Play. Muzaffer Özdemir, Mehmet Emin Toprak, Zuhal Gencer Erkaya and others. DVD. Artificial Eye Film Company, 2004.
Bengi, Işın. “A Linguistic Approach to Poetry for TEFL Classes”. Master's thesis. Boğaziçi University, 1983.
Personal Interviews and Conversations
Bener, Vüs’at O. Personal interview. December 12, 2001.
The imprint of published interviews is written according to the imprint rules appropriate to the type of publication and based on the interviewer, and the information of the interviewer is added.
İlhan, Attilâ. “The Passenger of Love and Fight: Attilâ İlhan”. Interviewer Zeynep Aliye. Cumhuriyet Kitap 558 (October 26, 2000): 1, 4-6.
Dinçel, Bihter. “Bihter Dinçel Narrated Her First Novel ‘Keşke Unutsam’ı”. Interviewer Duygu Bay. October 6, 2020. Milliyet. Internet. October 21, 2020. .
Other Sources
For the presentation of sources of types not specified here in the References, the method in the 7th edition of the Modern Language Association (MLA) guide should be followed, taking into account the characteristics of Turkish and the basic approach in this guide.
Information on Ethics Committee Approval and How to Include It in the Article
If the data requiring ethics committee approval used in the study were obtained in 2020 or later, ethics committee approval is required.
Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles produced from master's/doctoral studies where research data was used before 2020. However, the date of obtaining the data should be stated in the abstract and method section.
If the data was collected in 2020 or later and there is ethics committee approval, information regarding ethics committee approval should be provided in all abstracts and in the method/method section of the article with the phrase "... ethics committee approval was obtained according to the decision numbered ... dated ... of the ethics committee" or a similar expression.

In addition;
• It should be stated that an "Informed consent form" was obtained in case reports,
• It should be stated and permission should be obtained from the owners for the use of scales, surveys, and photographs belonging to others,
• It should be stated that copyright regulations were complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
Althusser, Louis. Ideology and the Ideological Devices of the State. Trans. Alp Tümertekin. Istanbul: İthaki Publications, 2017.
Atzakas, Yannis. Tholos Vithos. Athens: Ekdoseis Agra, 2008.
Bachelard, Gaston. Poetics of Space. Trans. Alp Tümertekin. Istanbul: İthaki Publications, 2017.
Baran, Suat. “The Story of a Jewish Child’s ‘Orphanhood’”. August 13, 2020. K24. Internet. February 26, 2022. https://t24.com.tr/k24/yazi/bir-yahudi-cocugun-yetimlik-hikayesi,2806.

Danforth, Loring M. ve Riki Van Boeschoten. “The Paidopoleis of Queen Frederica.” Children of the Greek Civil War: Refugees and the Politics of Memory. Chicago ve Londra: The University of Chicago Press, 2012. 85-114.

Gürel, Emel ve Canan Muter. “Psikomitolojik Terimler: Psikoloji Literatüründe Mitolojinin Kullanılması”. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 7.1 (2007): 537-69.
Mendel, Gerard. “Annenin Bilinçaltı İmgelerinin Yansıması”. Babaya İsyan: Sosyopsikanalitik Bir Deneme. Çev. Hüseyin Portakal. İstanbul: Cem Yayınevi, 2000. 91-101.
Pimplis, Manolis. “Ehoun vari iskio oi simasies.” 28 Aralık 2009. Ta Nea. İnternet. 12 Ocak 2020. https://www.tanea.gr/2009/12/28/lifearts/culture/exoyn-bary-iskio-oi-simaies/.
Spivak, Gayatri C. “Can the Subaltern Speak?” Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader. Der. Patrick Williams ve Laura Chrisman. New York: Harvester/Wheatsheaf, 1994. 66-112.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. “Resistance that Cannot be Recognized as Such.” Söyleşiyi yapan Suzana Milewska. Conversations with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Ed. Swapan Chakravorty, Suzana Milevska ve Tani E. Barlow. Londra: Seagull Books, 2006. 57-85.
Winnicott, D. W. Oyun ve Gerçeklik. Çev. Tuncay Birkan. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, 1998.

Other Sources
For the types of sources not specified here, the APA 6 Rules should be used, taking into account the basic approach in this guide.

Last Update Time: 2/20/25, 8:31:50 PM