Directive Principles of Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies
Article 1–
(1) This directive regulates the procedures and the principles relating to the aims, areas of activity, committees, the duties of the committees, the manner of working, scientific ethics and the time periods of Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies (ISSN: 2147-8058 | eISSN: 2148-1431) which is published by a group of idealist academics and the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Article 2–
(1) This directive covers the provisions concerning the aims, areas of activity, committees, the duties of the committees, the way of working, scientific ethics and the time periods of Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies.
(2) Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies is published annually, in electronic format and in the status of a peer-reviewed journal scanned through international indexes. The journal which was founded by Prof. Dr. Murat Arslan in 2013 has been scanned by international indexes such as TRDizin and Ebscohot since 30.06.2013.
• The articles to be published or the editorial evaluations are not charged any fees.
• The journal does not pay heed to the interests of any parties.
• The journal is published by a group of academics from Akdeniz University in the Mediterranean Civilisations Research Institute.
• It is an open access journal and free of charge
• It cannot be sold in exchange for money.
• The articles, the evaluation process of which has been completed, are published each year, in the month of June, both on the web page of the journal ( and in print.
• The responsibility of the works published in the journal rests with their authors.
Legal Basis
Article 3–
In accordance with articles 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Press Legislation numbered 5187.
Article 4–
(1) The following terms carry the meanings set out below, in this directive;
a) The Journal stands for Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies.
b) The Owner of the Publication stands for the owner of the Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies;
c) The Editor in Chief stands for the editor-in-chief of the Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies;
d) The Editor stands for the editor of the Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies;
e) Surface Explorations stand for the Directorate of Surface Explorations of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
The Aim of the Journal
Article 5–
(1) Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies aims to be an interdisciplinary periodical in which experts in the fields of Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern and Modern History find a place for discussion, examining the cultural-historical accumulation of the Mediterranean basin within the historical geography of Turkey since 2013.
The aim of the journal is to develop dialogue among scholars from different disciplines and introduce original and scientific studies that will make a contribution to update and spread the present data to the academic community.
The Content of the Journal
Article 6–
(1) Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies is an interdisciplinary and international peer-reviewed journal which publishes articles in Turkish, English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.
(2) The articles which are sent to the Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies should be in accordance with at least one of the criteria listed below:
a) The article should be prepared through appropriate research, method and models and be original so as to fill in a void in the area of the study.
b) It should be a study or research which evaluates a study which has been published previously, or which puts forward new and significant points of view.
c) It should be a study in which conceptual, methodical and theoretical approaches are examined in an original way.
d) It should be the translation of fundamental articles which have been published in other languages.
e) It should be the evaluation or review of a book which will contribute to the field of study.
(3) The articles sent to the journal for the review process should not have been previously published in any journals.
(4) The permissions relating to the artefacts presented for the first time in the article must be obtained from the head of the excavation/surface exploration research, the director of the museum or the Ministry of Culture and should be forwarded to the Editorial Committee of the Journal.
(5) The artefacts presented for the first time in the article should not belong to the collections of private individuals.
Article 7–
(1) The administrative bodies of the journal are as follows:
a) The Owner of the Publication and his/her Duties
b) The Editor in Chief and his/her Duties
c) The Editors and their Duties
ç) The Advisory Board and its Duties
d) The Editors’ Assistants and their Duties
e) The Proof-readers and their Duties
The Duties and the Term of Office of the Owner of the Journal
a) The owner will continue in office unless he/she requests otherwise. The founding owner will manage the journal independently, without any outside intervention. He/She is not subject to appointment. He/She cannot be replaced without his or her consent
b) The owner will appoint the editor-in-chief who carries all scientific responsibility for the journal.
The Duties and the Term of Office of the Editor-in-Chief
Article 8–
(1) Editor-in-chief is appointed by the present or the last editor-in-chief from among the academics deemed suitable within the framework of criteria such as commitment to ethical rules, scientific qualifications and editorial experience in parallel with the aims of the journal.
(2) Only one editor-in-chief may serve in the Journal at any one time.
(3) The editor-in-chief is primarily responsible for the smooth execution of the work, the inspection and supervision of all activities and the publication of the journal.
(4) The editor-in-chief will determine the publication policy of the journal and obtain the contributions of the editors relating to this policy.
(5) The editor-in-chief is responsible for the publication of the journal in a timely manner and in complete scope from scientific and technical aspect.
(6) The editor-in-chief will take a close interest in all stages of the publication process and ensure that this process is conducted out in a speedy and meticulous manner in accordance with the ethical conception of the journal.
(7) The editor-in-chief will assemble the necessary committees to evaluate any suggestions for a special edition of the journal, solve problems related to the function of the journal, develop the vision of the journal and preside over these assemblies.
(8) The editor-in-chief will carry out the first evaluation of the articles submitted to the journal; he/she may include the article in the peer-review process after having examined it based on the conformity of the subject matter and the principles of the journal, or may reject it on deciding that it is not appropriate for the journal.
(9) The editor-in-chief examines the articles which have been accepted for publication in terms of their scientific validity, grammar, style and spelling and supervise the revisions carried out by the proof-readers.
(10) The editor-in-chief will appoint editors, assistant editors or field editors in; and he /she may change the members of committees where deemed necessary.
(11) The editor-in-chief will consult the committees of the journal on decisions related to the publication policies of the journal and make the final decision, taking into account general tendencies.
The Duties and Terms of Office of the Editors, Assistant Editors and Field Editors
Article 9–
(1) All editors are in charge of the execution of the works within the framework of the schedule determined by the editor-in-chief.
(2) Editors are responsible for assisting the editor-in-chief to ensure that the publication process is conducted out in a speedy and meticulous manner and in accordance with the ethical conception of the journal and that it is published in a timely manner and in full.
(3) Editors will discuss all assessments and suggestions related to the scientific flow and publication of the journal.
(4) They will present opinions and make suggestions within this framework.
(5) They will submit suggestions to the editor-in-chief for articles which are considered appropriate for the peer-review process.
(6) Editors are responsible for providing suggestions when determining the publication policy of the journal, its operation, publication principles and style guides, as well as for making decisions in these areas.
(7) No special privilege is conferred on any of the editors in terms of authority or responsibility due to differences in terms of their title, seniority, etc..
(8) The editor-in-chief will determine the term of office of each editor.
The Duties of the Advisory Board
Article 10–
(1) The Advisory Board will provide consultancy services to the journal relating to the appointment of suitable referees, the presentation of the journal in domestic and international platforms and other scientific and technical matters.
(2) It will provide suggestions in order to improve the scientific content and the quality of the journal.
(3) In line with this, it will make the necessary contacts to ensure quality applications are made to the journal.
(4) The members of the Advisory Board will be selected from among individuals who possess experience or are experts in the field of study of the journal, are committed to academic ethics and possess the potential to carry the journal to the international level.
(5) The editor-in-chief possesses the authority to select and change the members of this board.
The Duties of the Assistant Editors
Article 11–
(1) The secretariat of the journal ensures the coordination between the various committees of the journal, assisting the synchronised operation of all of the units.
(2) The secretariat is required to read and respond to the e-mails sent to the e-mail address of the journal ( as well as making the necessary telephone calls.
(3) The secretariat will perform the filing, photocopying and other work within the scope of the secretaries and is responsible for ensuring that filing activities are carried out in full and in a timely manner which is transparent and open to inspection.
(4) The secretariat will make the necessary reminders to the referees who have not submitted their reports on time, or the authors who are late in making the necessary amendments in line with the publication principles.
(5) The editor-in-chief possesses the authority to select and the change the members of the secretariat.
The Duties and Term of Office of the Proof-Reading Committee
Article 12–
(1) The members of the proof-reading committee are selected from among the individuals who have command in the rules of grammar and spelling in the language of publication of the journal.
(2) The committee will review all articles accepted for publication in terms of their conformance with the rules of grammar and spelling and ensure that the necessary amendments are made.
(3) The committee is responsible for the preparation of the abstracts and the correction of any existing translations of the articles which have been accepted for publication.
(4) The editor-in-chief is authorised to appoint proof-readers and determine their terms of office.
Publishing Editors and their Duties
Article 12–
(1) The Publishing Editors are responsible for the preparation and publication of the issues of the journal from a technical aspect.
(2) They are responsible for ensuring that the articles which have been decided to be published, are published, and to notify the Editor-in-Chief of any issues which may result in a delay to or which may hinder the publishing process, together with any recommendations they have for solving the said issues, in a timely manner.
(3) They are responsible for updating the website of the journal.
(4) They are responsible for updating the indexes in which the journal is scanned and for the operation of the processes related to the indexes which are to make an application.
(5) The editor-in-chief is authorised to appoint Publishing Editors and determine their terms of office.
Admission of the Article, Publication Process and the Committees of Academic Ethics
Article 14–
(1) The articles which are to be submitted to the journal should be original so as to fill in a void in the area of the study, a methodological study including new founding and approaches, a research evaluating the studies published previously or an analytic study proposing significant ideas about the subject.
(2) The works which have been sent to the journal must not have been published and applications for their publications in any other journals/books must not have been made, in order for these works to be published in the journal. The articles which have been sent to the journal should have been prepared in line with the editing rules of the journal.
(3) The responsibility of the articles published in the journal, from a scientific and linguistic point of view, rests with the authors and they may not hold the journal or its editors responsible in this respect. The articles included in the journal are open to the use of everyone and all types of citations may be made subject to showing sources. No fees will be sought in any manner whatsoever for the articles sent to the journal.
Publication Principles
Article 15–
(1) The article submitted to Cedrus should be unpublished and should follow the publishing guidelines of the journal accessible from the Journal’s web site. The text should be written in 11,5 point Times New Roman (for PC and for Macintosh), the footnotes should be written in 10 point.
(2) Please use the New Athenean Unicode/ Minion Pro Display font for Greek.
(3) Footnotes should be placed at the foot of the page, employing continuous numbering.
(4) For all photographs, drawings and maps, only the abbreviation (fig.) should be employed in continous numbering. The plate numbers will be given by the editors. For this reason, remarks such as plate, picture, drawing, graphic, chart, plan, map other word or abbreviation should not be used, only fig. followed by the consecutive number.
(5) Figures (tables, images, graphs, photographs, pictures, drawings and maps) should be included in a manner which will not prejudice the integrity of the text or the pages. Any text related to the figures should be placed under the figures, in italics and should be type size 10.
(6) The article should be sent as an e-mail to or submitted as a printed copy on A4 paper together with a CD/DVD copy of the article.
(7) Any visual images in the article should be in .jpeg or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
(8) An abstract consisting of a 150 to 200 word summary of the article. It should contain the reasons why the author(s) felt the study was needed, a literature review, methods, findings and a conclusion, as well as a description of the sub-headings and contents of the study.
(9) An abstract is required with a list of 4 to 6 keywords.
(10) An article in Turkish is to have its abstract in both Turkish and English and an article in other languages is to have an abstract in both the language of the article and in Turkish.
(11) The submission form requires the author’s name, surname, academic title, institution, address, ORCID, e-mail address, telephone number and/or fax number.
(12) Abbreviations of any work cited should be given at the end of the article.
(13) References used in the text should be written in accordance with the reference system of the journal which is form based on Harvard style (author’s name-surname, publication date, page number, plate/figure no. if there is any) in abbreviated form. Same principle is applied to the references used once. (See. Publication Principles on the web page).
(14) Both the name of the publication and the author which are written in non-Latin alphabet should be written in the original script of the publication
(15) Subtitles in an article should be written in small letters and all initial letters of words should be written in bold.
(16) An author who has several cited articles published within the same year should have the reference marked a., b., c., etc. in both the footnotes and in the bibliography.
(17) Roman numerals are to be used when referring to centuries prior to and including the X century A.D. (IV century B.C., etc.). After the X century A.D. Arabic numerals are to be used eg. 19th century.
(18) Each article submitted for publication is examined by the editor-in-chief, the journal’s editor and field editors.
(19) The article will be evaluated by at least two referees. Decision concerning publication will be conveyed to the author within two months of the submission of an article to Cedrus.
(20) An author cannot publish articles in two consequent issues.
(21) Any unethical publication act such as copying a part of his/her works (book/MA-PhD thesis) or another book or article, paraphrasing a significant part of an article without citation, or adopting others’ works, or withdrawal of articles publishing process of which are still continuing, cannot be accepted. On such a situation is encountered, the aforesaid author is declared as not to be suited to apply Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies for publication for 5 years.
(22) Should an article is produced through a thesis, it should certainly be expressed in the first footnote of the article stating through which thesis the said article is produced. In articles based on Master's and Doctoral theses, the author of the thesis should be listed first, in accordance with ethical guidelines.
(23) It has been decreed that no special issue will be published within the scope of the journal.
(24) The text should not exceed nearly 7.500 words (app. 20 pages) excluding title, abstract and bibliography.
(25) The title and the subject of the article should be in accordance with its method, scope and main problem.
(26) Article should be written in line with scientific principles and ethical rules which are commonly accepted.
(27) The ideas and conclusions are the personal remarks of the author and cannot be considered as the journal’s arguments.
(28) Editor-in-chief and the editorial board of the journal cannot publish any article in the journal while performing these duties.
Enforcement and Executing
Article 16–
(1) This hereby directive come into force after the approval of the owner of the Cedrus: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies. It can only be abolished by the decision of the owner of the journal.
(2) The founder of the journal charges editor-in-chief and editorial board in order that the publication process and the running of the journal can be carried out in a smooth and scientific manner.
(3) All responsibility and the management of the journal is performed by editor-in-chief on behalf of the owner of the journal.
(4) The journal is a scientific and open access publication. Administration and the running of the publication process is under the responsibility of the editor-in-chief.
Article 17–
(1) The provisions of the directive is executed by the Publication owner of the Cedrus.
(2) This hereby directive is issued on the Internet page.