Author and Reviewer Guidelines

Articles submitted to Cedrus must not have been previously published in another journal or book, nor must they have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Nevertheless, should a previously published work be republished in Cedrus for specific reasons (corrigendum, addendum, or translation article), it is necessary to obtain permission from the journal or book publisher where it was originally published. This must be stated on the first page of the article.

Article Submission
  1. The submission of articles should be made via DergiPark, with the text written in a Word file. In cases where it is deemed necessary to use special fonts, authors should attach a PDF file as an attachment and send the relevant font file to the journal secretariat via e-mail ( 
  2. It is the responsibility of authors to prepare their articles in accordance with the Cedrus editorial guidelines. They must also ensure that images are displayed correctly within the text and, if necessary, provide them in a separate Word file. Further, authors are required to send their 300 dpi resolution images to via e-mail or WeTransfer. If a table is to be included in the text, it should be prepared either as a Word or an Excel file.
  3. At the stage of submission, the control and commitment form must be filled in and signed by the responsible author and submitted to the journal secretariat in PDF format via DergiPark. In the case of articles with more than one author, the article authors’ contribution rates must be specified.
  4. If the article is based on a master's or doctoral thesis or presented at a conference or symposium, this must be stated on the first page of the article, under the author's affiliation.
  5. In the event that the article in question constitutes a study that requires ethical committee approval, it is imperative that this approval be obtained prior to the commencement of the research. Furthermore, the requisite permission must be sent to the journal secretariat at the time of submission and must be acknowledged on the first or last page of the article.
  6. The authors of the articles published in Cedrus Journal bear the responsibility for the scientific and linguistic integrity of their work. The journal and its editors cannot be held accountable for any issues that may arise. The journal's studies are open to the public and may be referenced or quoted in any manner, provided that the source is duly cited.
  7. The journal does not charge a fee for the submission of articles.
Preliminary Assessment
  1. All articles submitted to Cedrus Journal for publication are initially reviewed by the editor within the first 10 days of application. This review is conducted with regard to the journal's purpose, focus and scope, as well as writing principles. In the event that the article is found to contain deficiencies or problems in the text and files, the article is returned to the author with a justified explanation for the remedy of these deficiencies. The author is then asked to upload the article again after the necessary work have been completed. Articles that do not adhere to the established publication principles of Cedrus are returned to the author for editing.
  2. The Cedrus Journal employs iThenticate Similarity Programme to examine articles for instances of plagiarism. The journal does not request any similarity reports from the authors. The journal retains the relevant document of the article with a similarity rate (maximum 15%-20%) for further analysis. Should the similarity rate exceed 20%, the article is returned to the author for revision and reduction to below 20%. Should the revised article fail to meet the specified similarity ratio, it will be rejected.
  3. Articles that successfully pass the preliminary assessment are included in the refereeing process.
  4. Articles that do not comply with the stated purpose, scope and writing principles of the journal are automatically rejected.
Referee Process
  1. In order to prevent conflicts of interest, Cedrus Journal maintains the anonymity of referees and authors. This is achieved through the application of a double-blind refereeing system. To ensure anonymity during the refereeing process, an anonymous Word file is created, removing any information that might reveal the identity of the authors, such as name, institution, address, ORCID, e-mail, metadata, and thesis name.
  2. The referees of the articles that pass the preliminary evaluation are appointed by the editor from the referee list of Cedrus Journal and the DergiPark system among the academicians who are experts in their field with a doctoral thesis, book, or article on the subject. A minimum of two and a maximum of three referees are appointed for the evaluation of an article.
  3. Referees will be given 2+2 days to respond to the invitation to evaluate. Those who accept the invitation will be given 15 days to complete their evaluation, starting from the date they accept the invitation.
  4. Should the referee fail to evaluate the article within the specified period, an additional period of 4 days is given. In the event that the referee does not evaluate the article within this period, the editor will invite a new referee to undertake the evaluation.
  5. A referee may only see the document a maximum of two times before issuing their final determination. In this context, the timeframe allotted to referees to provide their assessment for a second time is 10 days.
  6. The decision as to whether the article will be included in the publication programme is made in accordance with the joint decisions of the referees. In this context, the article with two positive opinions is included in the publication programme, while the article with one positive and one negative opinion is sent to a third referee. The evaluation period of the third referee is the same as that for the first two referees, and the opinion of the third referee determines whether the article will be published or not. In order for an article to be published, it must receive at least two positive opinions from referees. An article with two negative opinions is not included in the publication programme and will be rejected by the editor, with any necessary corrections or suggestions being sent to the author.
Referee Contribution
  1. It is expected that referees will not only complete the questions on the referee form and send it to the journal, but also contribute to the article in terms of problematic, methodological, and literary context (ancient and modern) – if any – concerning recent studies in the field. Reviewers are expected to justify and exemplify any favourable or unfavourable opinion on the article.
  2. Referee evaluations are expected to be author-friendly in tone. This is because each author has invested a significant amount of time and effort in their scientific work. It is therefore important to treat authors and their work with respect, even if one disagrees with the author's hypotheses, propositions and outputs or finds flaws. This process should not be taken to the extent of offending the author and minimising what has been written.
  3. It is expected that the referee will read the article from a revisionist perspective, defining, examining, questioning and analysing its problematic aspects, and explaining to what extent the author's work contributes to the academic community.
  4. The referee may point out aspects that exemplify the definitions, information, inferences and judgements of the article or the missing parts. Nevertheless, in order to substantiate his or her arguments, the referee must provide illustrative examples by referring to comparable books and studies concerning the same subject.
Post Evaluation Process
  1. Following the refereeing process, the author is expected to edit the article in accordance with the referee's suggestions. Should the author have objections to the referee's opinions, they are required to submit these to the journal management with justification. The objection and its justification are then forwarded to the relevant blind referee by the editor, and the objection is accepted or rejected according to the joint decision taken.
  2. Following the completion of the editorial amendments, the article is initially submitted to the journal's language editor for review. This is followed by a second review by the journal's proofreader, in accordance with the Cedrus publication principles.
  3. Upon completion of the requisite reviews, the author is requested to review the modifications made and edit the final version of the text in accord with Cedrus publication principles (if deemed necessary).
  4. Once the edits have been completed by the author, the article is prepared for publication by means of typesetting and layout. Thereafter, the article is subjected to a final editorial review by the editor, and if any amendments are deemed necessary, the author is duly informed, and the final editing is carried out under the author's supervision.
  5. Following the editorial review, the article is scheduled for publication.
  6. Once all articles in the journal have been processed, a pre-publication check file is sent to authors in early June. Authors are asked to make any minor changes, if any, and give their approval for publication. The approval period is a maximum of 4 days, and articles from authors who have not responded within this period are considered approved.
  7. After the approval period, all articles will be published with assigned DOI numbers on the journal website and on DergiPark during the last week of June.

Last Update Time: 4/30/24, 9:08:11 PM

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 15 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.