Writing Rules

Author Guidelines

Writing Format and Style

File Naming: The article file must be uploaded under the name of “Author Version” to an electronic submission website DergiPark.

Page Layout:

A4 paper size;

2,5 cm left and right edgestop, and bottom edges

Must align on both sides

Paragraphs should be indented 0,5 cm

Paragraph Structure:

Click the “Line and Paragraph Spacing” button, then select Before or After space 6 nk and 1,5 line spacing option

Writing Fonts: Times New Roman, 12-point font size for text and main headings. 10-point font for footnotes

Word Limit: Manuscript should not exceed 8,000 words.

Order of Parts in the Article

Title: The title of the article must be written in bold and center-aligned. The first letter of each word in

heading should be capital, except words such as; a, the, is, to, and so on.

Authors’ Name: Submitted articles shall always include the authors’ names, as the the submission and review

process is done on electronic submission website DergiPark. Accordingly, articles with no author names will not be processed for review and will be returned to authors.

Abstract: The abstract should be 200 words, not containing any citations or quotations. with 10-point font size. 

Keywords: The Keywords should be between 3-5 words.

After the abstract and the keywords in Turkish, the abstract and the keywords should also be in English.

Main Text:

Experimental, quantitative and qualitative studies should include Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion sections.

Experimental, quantitative and qualitative studies should include sub-sections such as sample/study group /data source, data collection tools, data analysis in the method section.

Literature review type of studies should clearly state the problem, analyze the relevant literature in a competent way, focus on the deficiencies and contradictions in the literature with stating the steps to be taken for solution.

The parts of the text which are to be emphasized should not be in bold instead emphasis must be shown in italics or quotation marks (“ ”).

Direct quotations are indented from left according to the main text and must be in 11 font size. Should not shown in italics or quotation marks.

No paragraph spacing between bullet points.

Referencing and Bibliographies:

for in-text citations and bibliography is done according to the rules in the guideline book of the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). For summary information about writing rules click here.
Footnotes are only used for making additional information about the text.

English Section:

This section of the article includes the English title and extended abstract/summary (1500 words). 

Tables, Figures and Appendices:

Elements like; table, shape, picture, graphics etc. should be included in the text.

The tables, figures, pictures, graphics should stay within the page margins. For easier use and to prevent graphics and pictures to exceed the page they should stay within 10x17 cm area. The original files of pictures and graphics to be used in studies should be saved separately from the text. Figures and images should be in high resolution.
Tables and graphics should not be in image format.
The Journal of Values Education has a specific table template. Tables should be prepared in accordance with this templateClick here for the table template.

Line spacing in tables and figures must be single spacing. Smaller point sizes can be used if necessary.

Appendices Section: Each appendix must be given on separate pages after the bibliography.

Heading Format

Headings must not be labelled with number or letters.
Level 1 headings include; introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion.
It is not recommended to create more than four levels.

Article Heading: Headings initial letters should be capital, except words such as; a, the, is, to, and so on.

1st level Heading: Uppercase, center aligned, boldface. The paragraph after the heading is aligned left. The second paragraph and the subsequent paragraphs 0.5 cm indented.

2nd level Heading: Uppercase, center aligned, boldface. The paragraph after the heading is aligned left. The second paragraph and the subsequent paragraphs 0.5 cm indented.

3rd Level Heading: Uppercase, 0.5 cm indented, bold. The paragraph after the heading is aligned with the heading which means 0.5 cm indented.

4th Level Heading: Uppercase, 0.5 cm indented, boldface and italic. With a period. The title 
     and the text remain on the same line.

Charts and Table Titles: charts and tables are referred to as (Table 1, Chart 1, ...). The title is uppercase. The table header is written inside the first cell in the table.

You can find the article writing template here