COVID-19 Sürecinde Özel Eğitimde Uzaktan Eğitime Yönelik Ebeveynlerin Görüşleri
Year 2021,
, 465 - 479, 31.12.2021
Raziye Erdem
Ebru Ünay
Orhan Çakıroğlu
Bu çalışmanın amacı, COVID-19 sürecinde Türkiye'de özel eğitim alanındaki uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarının ebeveynlerin bakış açısından incelenmesidir. Çalışmanın katılımcılarını özel eğitim sınıfında öğrenimine devam eden öğrencilerin gönüllü ebeveynleri oluşturmuştur. Katılımcıların çocukları hafif düzeyde zihinsel yetersizlik tanısı alan ve özel eğitim sınıflarında öğrenimine devam eden öğrencilerdir. Çalışma verileri yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Bu kapsamda dokuz ebeveynle telefon aracılığıyla yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan ebeveynlerin COVID-19 salgını sürecinde uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarına yönelik görüşleri alınmıştır. Katılımcılarla görüşmeler sonucunda elde edilen veriler içerik analizi yapılarak kodlanmış ve elde edilen kodlar temalar altında sınıflandırılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları ebeveynlerin uzaktan eğitim sürecinde güçlüklerle karşılaştıklarını ve desteğe ihtiyaç duyduklarını göstermiştir. Ayrıca ebeveynler yüz yüze eğitimi tercih ettiklerini vurgulamıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgular alanyazın doğrultusunda tartışılmıştır.
- Akbulut, M., Sahin, U., & Esen, A. C. (2020). More than a virus: How COVID 19 infected education in Turkey?. Journal of Social Science Education, 19, 30-42.
- Aruk, İ. (2008). Bilişim teknolojilerinin zihinsel engellilerin e-eğitiminde kullanılması ve örnek bir uygulama geliştirilmesi (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Trakya Üniversitesi
- Ayda, N. K., Bastas, M., Altinay, F., Altinay, Z., & Dagli, G. (2020). Distance education for students with special needs in primary schools in the period of COVID-19 epidemic. Propósitos y Representaciones, 8(3), 587.
- Brown, S. M., Doom, J. R., Lechuga-Peña, S., Watamura, S. E., & Koppels, T. (2020). Stress and parenting during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Child Abuse & Neglect, 104699.
- Cahapay, M. B. (2020). How Filipino parents home educate their children with autism during COVID-19 period, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. 2020.1780554
- Canning, N. & Robinson, B. (2021) Blurring boundaries: The invasion of home as a safe space for families and children with SEND during COVID-19 lockdown in England, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36:1, 65-79, doi. 10.1080/08856257.2021.1872846
- Center on Reinventing Public Education. (2020, 16 Haziran). The digital divide among students during COVID-19: Who has access? Who doesn’t?
- Cluver, L., Lachman, J. M., Sherr, L., Wessels, I., Krug, E., Rakotomalala, S., Blight, S., Hillis, S., Bachmand, G., Green, O., Butchart, A., Tomlinson, M., Ward, C. L., Doubt, J., & McDonald, K. (2020). Parenting in a time of COVID-19. The Lancet. 395 (10231), 1194.
- Couper-Kenney, F., & Riddell, S. (2021).The impact of COVID-19 on children with additional support needs and disabilities in Scotland, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36(1), 20-34, doi. 10.1080/08856257.2021.1872844
- Creswell, J. W. (2016). Araştırma deseni: Nitel, nicel ve karma yöntem yaklaşımları (S. B. Demir, Çev. Ed.). Eğiten Kitabevi.
- Dünya Bankası. (2020, 26 Mart). COVID19 salgını sırasında uzaktan eğitim, uzaktan eğitim ve çevrimiçi öğrenim: Dünya bankasının edtech ekibinden bir kaynak listesi (Remote learning, distance education and online learning during the COVID19 Pandemic: A resource list by the world bank’s edtechteam -English).
- ElSaheli-Elhage, R. (2021). Access to students and parents and levels of preparedness of educators during the COVID-19 emergency transition to e-learning. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 3(2), 61-69.
- Garbe, A., Ogurlu, U., Logan, N., & Cook, P. (2020). Parents’ experiences with remote education during Cocid-19 school closures. American Journal of Qualitative Research, 4(3), 45-65.
- Grayer, A., Janrrent, L., & Pomrenze, Y. (2020, 6 Haziran). Parents of teens with special needs find themselves alone in COVID-19 lockdown. index.html
- Greenway, C. W., & Eaton-Thomas, K., (2020) Parent experiences of home-schooling children with special educational needs or disabilities during the coronavirus pandemic. British Journal of Special Education. 47(4) 510-535.
- Feeney, P. T. (2020, 14 Nisan). Homeschooling children with special needs during COVID-19 quarantine - Parents speak candidly about the challenges and realizations. Tap into South Plainfield,
- Hebebci, M. T., Bertiz, Y., & Alan, S. (2020). Investigation of views of students and teachers on distance education practices during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 4(4), 267-282
- Kaden, U. (2020). COVID-19 School closure-related changes to the professional life of a K–12 teacher. Education Sciences, 10(6), 165.
- Karabulut, M. (2020, 10 Ağustos). Corona salgını özel eğitime muhtaç çocukları nasıl etkiledi?
- Khan, T. M. (2020). Use of social media and WhatsApp to conduct teaching activities during the COVID-19 lockdown in Pakistan. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, n/a(n/a).
- Korkmaz, G. & Toraman, Ç. (2020). Are we ready for the post-COVID-19 educational practice? An investigation into what educators think as to online learning. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 4(4), 293-309.
- Koskela T, Pihlainen K, Piispa-Hakala S, Vornanen R, Hämäläinen J. (2020). Parents’ views on family resiliency in sustainable remote schooling during the COVID-19 outbreak in Finland. Sustainability. 12(21), 8844.
- Kritzer, K. L., & Smith, C. E. (2020). Educating deaf and hard-of-hearing students during COVID-19: What parents need to know. The Hearing Journal, 73(8),
- Lindgren, S., Wacker, D., Suess, A., Schieltz, K., Pelzel, K., Kopelman, T., Lee, J., Romani, P., & Waldron, D. (2016). Telehealth and autism: Treating challenging behavior at lower cost. Pediatrics, 137 (Supplement 2), S167-S1
- MEB (2020a). Bakan Selçuk, 23 Martta başlayacak uzaktan eğitime ilişkin detayları anlattı. -baslayacak-uzaktan- egitime-iliskin-detaylari-anlatti/haber/20554/tr
- MEB (2020b). E-özel özel eğitim ve rehberlik. 1. Özel Eğitim ve Rehberlik Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. E_Bulten_2020_ 01_b.pdf
- Meckler, L., & Guskin, E. (2020, 6, Ağustos). Fearing coronavirus and missed classes, many parents prefer mixing online and in-person school, poll finds. The Washington Post.
- Meral, B. F. (2006). Zihin engelli çocuk babalarının bir iletişim sunumu olarak Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim uygulaması hakkındaki görüşleri (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Anadolu Üniversitesi.
- Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Narzisi, (2020). Handle the autism spectrum condition during coronavirus (COVID-19) stay at home period: ten tips for helping parents and caregivers of young children. Brain Sciences, 10(4).
- Nusser, L. (2021). Learning at home during COVID-19 school closures – How do German students with and without special educational needs manage?, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36(1), 51-64, doi 10.1080/08856257.2021.187284
- Onyema, E. M., Eucheria, N. C., Obafemi, F. A., Sen, S. Atonye, F. C., Sharma, A., & Alsayed, A. O. (2020). Impact of coronavirus pandemic on education. Journal of Education and Practice, 11, 13.
- Özer, M. (2020). Educational policy actions by the Ministry of National Education in the times of COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 28(3), 1124- 1129. doi: 10.24106/kefdergi.722280
- Rose, J., Willner, P., Cooper, V., Langdon, P. E., Murphy, G. H. & Kroese, B. S. (2020). The effect on and experience of families with a member who has Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: Developing an investigation. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1–3.
- Stenhoff, D. M., Pennington, R. C. & Tapp, M.C. (2020). Distance education support for students with autism spectrum disorder and complex needs during COVID-19 and school closures. Rural Special Education Quarterly. 39(4), 211–219, doi: 10.1177/8756870520959658
- Sullivan, F., Hillaire, G., Larke, L., & Reich, J. (2020). Using teacher moments during the COVID-19 pivot. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 303-313.
- T. C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı. (2020). Ülkemizin maruz kaldığı virüs tehdidinin en kısa sürede bertaraf edilmesi için devlet olarak tüm imkânlarımızı seferber ettik.
- Tarigan, K. E., & Stevani, M. (2020). Role of parents in early educational childhood in education technology in COVID-19 outbreak. In I. Sahin & M. Shelley (Eds.), Educational practices during the COVID-19 viral outbreak: International perspectives (pp. 143–166). ISTES Organization.
- Tambyraja, R. S., Farquharson, K. & Coleman, J. (2021). Speech-language teletherapy services for school-aged children in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), doi: 10.1080/10824669.2021.1906249
- Tezcan, C. (2013). Zihinsel engelli çocuklara web destekli uzaktan eğitim sistemi kurulması: matematik ve fen bilgisi dersleri uygulaması (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Trakya Üniversitesi
- Türnüklü, A. (2010). Eğitimbilim araştırmalarında etkin olarak kullanılabilecek nitel bir araştırma tekniği: Görüşme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 24, 543-559.
- Topaloğlu, M. (2008). Zihinsel engelli çocukların uzaktan eğitimi ve web tabanlı bir yazılım sisteminin geliştirilmesi (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Trakya Üniversitesi
- Toseeb, U., Asbury, K., Code, A., Fox, L., & Deniz, E. (2020). Supporting families with children with special educational needs and disabilities during COVID-19. PsyArXiv Preprints.
- Uçuş, H. (2017). Uzaktan eğitimin görme engellilerin problem çözüm sürecine yansımalarının incelenmesi: düşünme yapıları bağlamına matematiksel iletişim. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Marmara Üniversitesi
Van Lancker, W., & Parolin, Z. (2020). COVID-19, school closures, and child poverty: a social crisis in the making. The Lancet Public Health.
- Vismara, L. A., McCormick, C., Young, G. S., Nadhan, A., & Monlux, K. (2013). Preliminary findings of a telehealth approach to parent training in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(12), 2953-2969. doi: 10.1007/s10803-013-1841-8
- Wainer, A. L., & Ingersoll, B. R. (2015). Increasing access to an ASD imitation intervention via a telehealth parent training program. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(12), 3877-3890. doi: 10.1007/s10803-014-2186-7
Weale, S. (2020, 1 Temmuz). English schools ‘using coronavirus as excuse’ not to teach special needs pupils. -as -excuse-not-to-teach-specialneeds-pupils
- Yarımkaya, E., & Esentürk, O. K. (2020). Promoting physical activity for children with autism spectrum disorders during Coronavirus outbreak: Benefits, strategies, and examples. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1–6.
- Yazcayir, G., & Gurgur, H. (2021). Students with special needs in digital classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Pedagogical Research, 6(1).88. doi:10.29333/pr/ 9356
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek H. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Seçkin Yayıncılık.
- Young, J., & Donovan, W. (2020). Shifting to online learning in the COVID-19 spring. Policy Brief. Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research.
- Zhou, L., Li, F., Wu, S. & Zhou, M. (2020). School’s out, but class’s on, the largest online education in the world today: Taking China’s practical exploration during the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control as an example. Best Evid Chin Edu, 4(2), 501-519.
Views of Parents About Distance Education in Special Education During COVID-19
Year 2021,
, 465 - 479, 31.12.2021
Raziye Erdem
Ebru Ünay
Orhan Çakıroğlu
The aim of this study is to examine the process of distance education applications in the field of special education in Turkey from the perspective of parents during COVID-19 of . The participants of the study were the voluntary parents of the students who continued their education in the special education classroom. The children of the participants are students who are diagnosed with mild intellectual disability and were placed in special education classes.Study data were collected by semi-structured interview technique. In this context, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine parents via phone. The opinions of the parents participating in the study regarding the distance education practices during the COVID- 19 outbreak were collected. The data obtained as a result of the interviews with the participants were coded by content analysis and the codes obtained were classified under themes. The findings of the study showed that the parents encountered difficulties in the distance education process and needed support. In addition, parents emphasized that they preferred face-to-face training. Findings obtained in the study were discussed in line with the literatüre.
- Akbulut, M., Sahin, U., & Esen, A. C. (2020). More than a virus: How COVID 19 infected education in Turkey?. Journal of Social Science Education, 19, 30-42.
- Aruk, İ. (2008). Bilişim teknolojilerinin zihinsel engellilerin e-eğitiminde kullanılması ve örnek bir uygulama geliştirilmesi (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Trakya Üniversitesi
- Ayda, N. K., Bastas, M., Altinay, F., Altinay, Z., & Dagli, G. (2020). Distance education for students with special needs in primary schools in the period of COVID-19 epidemic. Propósitos y Representaciones, 8(3), 587.
- Brown, S. M., Doom, J. R., Lechuga-Peña, S., Watamura, S. E., & Koppels, T. (2020). Stress and parenting during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Child Abuse & Neglect, 104699.
- Cahapay, M. B. (2020). How Filipino parents home educate their children with autism during COVID-19 period, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. 2020.1780554
- Canning, N. & Robinson, B. (2021) Blurring boundaries: The invasion of home as a safe space for families and children with SEND during COVID-19 lockdown in England, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36:1, 65-79, doi. 10.1080/08856257.2021.1872846
- Center on Reinventing Public Education. (2020, 16 Haziran). The digital divide among students during COVID-19: Who has access? Who doesn’t?
- Cluver, L., Lachman, J. M., Sherr, L., Wessels, I., Krug, E., Rakotomalala, S., Blight, S., Hillis, S., Bachmand, G., Green, O., Butchart, A., Tomlinson, M., Ward, C. L., Doubt, J., & McDonald, K. (2020). Parenting in a time of COVID-19. The Lancet. 395 (10231), 1194.
- Couper-Kenney, F., & Riddell, S. (2021).The impact of COVID-19 on children with additional support needs and disabilities in Scotland, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36(1), 20-34, doi. 10.1080/08856257.2021.1872844
- Creswell, J. W. (2016). Araştırma deseni: Nitel, nicel ve karma yöntem yaklaşımları (S. B. Demir, Çev. Ed.). Eğiten Kitabevi.
- Dünya Bankası. (2020, 26 Mart). COVID19 salgını sırasında uzaktan eğitim, uzaktan eğitim ve çevrimiçi öğrenim: Dünya bankasının edtech ekibinden bir kaynak listesi (Remote learning, distance education and online learning during the COVID19 Pandemic: A resource list by the world bank’s edtechteam -English).
- ElSaheli-Elhage, R. (2021). Access to students and parents and levels of preparedness of educators during the COVID-19 emergency transition to e-learning. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 3(2), 61-69.
- Garbe, A., Ogurlu, U., Logan, N., & Cook, P. (2020). Parents’ experiences with remote education during Cocid-19 school closures. American Journal of Qualitative Research, 4(3), 45-65.
- Grayer, A., Janrrent, L., & Pomrenze, Y. (2020, 6 Haziran). Parents of teens with special needs find themselves alone in COVID-19 lockdown. index.html
- Greenway, C. W., & Eaton-Thomas, K., (2020) Parent experiences of home-schooling children with special educational needs or disabilities during the coronavirus pandemic. British Journal of Special Education. 47(4) 510-535.
- Feeney, P. T. (2020, 14 Nisan). Homeschooling children with special needs during COVID-19 quarantine - Parents speak candidly about the challenges and realizations. Tap into South Plainfield,
- Hebebci, M. T., Bertiz, Y., & Alan, S. (2020). Investigation of views of students and teachers on distance education practices during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 4(4), 267-282
- Kaden, U. (2020). COVID-19 School closure-related changes to the professional life of a K–12 teacher. Education Sciences, 10(6), 165.
- Karabulut, M. (2020, 10 Ağustos). Corona salgını özel eğitime muhtaç çocukları nasıl etkiledi?
- Khan, T. M. (2020). Use of social media and WhatsApp to conduct teaching activities during the COVID-19 lockdown in Pakistan. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, n/a(n/a).
- Korkmaz, G. & Toraman, Ç. (2020). Are we ready for the post-COVID-19 educational practice? An investigation into what educators think as to online learning. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 4(4), 293-309.
- Koskela T, Pihlainen K, Piispa-Hakala S, Vornanen R, Hämäläinen J. (2020). Parents’ views on family resiliency in sustainable remote schooling during the COVID-19 outbreak in Finland. Sustainability. 12(21), 8844.
- Kritzer, K. L., & Smith, C. E. (2020). Educating deaf and hard-of-hearing students during COVID-19: What parents need to know. The Hearing Journal, 73(8),
- Lindgren, S., Wacker, D., Suess, A., Schieltz, K., Pelzel, K., Kopelman, T., Lee, J., Romani, P., & Waldron, D. (2016). Telehealth and autism: Treating challenging behavior at lower cost. Pediatrics, 137 (Supplement 2), S167-S1
- MEB (2020a). Bakan Selçuk, 23 Martta başlayacak uzaktan eğitime ilişkin detayları anlattı. -baslayacak-uzaktan- egitime-iliskin-detaylari-anlatti/haber/20554/tr
- MEB (2020b). E-özel özel eğitim ve rehberlik. 1. Özel Eğitim ve Rehberlik Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. E_Bulten_2020_ 01_b.pdf
- Meckler, L., & Guskin, E. (2020, 6, Ağustos). Fearing coronavirus and missed classes, many parents prefer mixing online and in-person school, poll finds. The Washington Post.
- Meral, B. F. (2006). Zihin engelli çocuk babalarının bir iletişim sunumu olarak Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim uygulaması hakkındaki görüşleri (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Anadolu Üniversitesi.
- Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Narzisi, (2020). Handle the autism spectrum condition during coronavirus (COVID-19) stay at home period: ten tips for helping parents and caregivers of young children. Brain Sciences, 10(4).
- Nusser, L. (2021). Learning at home during COVID-19 school closures – How do German students with and without special educational needs manage?, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36(1), 51-64, doi 10.1080/08856257.2021.187284
- Onyema, E. M., Eucheria, N. C., Obafemi, F. A., Sen, S. Atonye, F. C., Sharma, A., & Alsayed, A. O. (2020). Impact of coronavirus pandemic on education. Journal of Education and Practice, 11, 13.
- Özer, M. (2020). Educational policy actions by the Ministry of National Education in the times of COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 28(3), 1124- 1129. doi: 10.24106/kefdergi.722280
- Rose, J., Willner, P., Cooper, V., Langdon, P. E., Murphy, G. H. & Kroese, B. S. (2020). The effect on and experience of families with a member who has Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: Developing an investigation. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1–3.
- Stenhoff, D. M., Pennington, R. C. & Tapp, M.C. (2020). Distance education support for students with autism spectrum disorder and complex needs during COVID-19 and school closures. Rural Special Education Quarterly. 39(4), 211–219, doi: 10.1177/8756870520959658
- Sullivan, F., Hillaire, G., Larke, L., & Reich, J. (2020). Using teacher moments during the COVID-19 pivot. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 303-313.
- T. C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı. (2020). Ülkemizin maruz kaldığı virüs tehdidinin en kısa sürede bertaraf edilmesi için devlet olarak tüm imkânlarımızı seferber ettik.
- Tarigan, K. E., & Stevani, M. (2020). Role of parents in early educational childhood in education technology in COVID-19 outbreak. In I. Sahin & M. Shelley (Eds.), Educational practices during the COVID-19 viral outbreak: International perspectives (pp. 143–166). ISTES Organization.
- Tambyraja, R. S., Farquharson, K. & Coleman, J. (2021). Speech-language teletherapy services for school-aged children in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), doi: 10.1080/10824669.2021.1906249
- Tezcan, C. (2013). Zihinsel engelli çocuklara web destekli uzaktan eğitim sistemi kurulması: matematik ve fen bilgisi dersleri uygulaması (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Trakya Üniversitesi
- Türnüklü, A. (2010). Eğitimbilim araştırmalarında etkin olarak kullanılabilecek nitel bir araştırma tekniği: Görüşme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 24, 543-559.
- Topaloğlu, M. (2008). Zihinsel engelli çocukların uzaktan eğitimi ve web tabanlı bir yazılım sisteminin geliştirilmesi (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Trakya Üniversitesi
- Toseeb, U., Asbury, K., Code, A., Fox, L., & Deniz, E. (2020). Supporting families with children with special educational needs and disabilities during COVID-19. PsyArXiv Preprints.
- Uçuş, H. (2017). Uzaktan eğitimin görme engellilerin problem çözüm sürecine yansımalarının incelenmesi: düşünme yapıları bağlamına matematiksel iletişim. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Marmara Üniversitesi
Van Lancker, W., & Parolin, Z. (2020). COVID-19, school closures, and child poverty: a social crisis in the making. The Lancet Public Health.
- Vismara, L. A., McCormick, C., Young, G. S., Nadhan, A., & Monlux, K. (2013). Preliminary findings of a telehealth approach to parent training in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(12), 2953-2969. doi: 10.1007/s10803-013-1841-8
- Wainer, A. L., & Ingersoll, B. R. (2015). Increasing access to an ASD imitation intervention via a telehealth parent training program. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(12), 3877-3890. doi: 10.1007/s10803-014-2186-7
Weale, S. (2020, 1 Temmuz). English schools ‘using coronavirus as excuse’ not to teach special needs pupils. -as -excuse-not-to-teach-specialneeds-pupils
- Yarımkaya, E., & Esentürk, O. K. (2020). Promoting physical activity for children with autism spectrum disorders during Coronavirus outbreak: Benefits, strategies, and examples. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1–6.
- Yazcayir, G., & Gurgur, H. (2021). Students with special needs in digital classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Pedagogical Research, 6(1).88. doi:10.29333/pr/ 9356
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek H. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Seçkin Yayıncılık.
- Young, J., & Donovan, W. (2020). Shifting to online learning in the COVID-19 spring. Policy Brief. Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research.
- Zhou, L., Li, F., Wu, S. & Zhou, M. (2020). School’s out, but class’s on, the largest online education in the world today: Taking China’s practical exploration during the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control as an example. Best Evid Chin Edu, 4(2), 501-519.