Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 12/31/24

Year: 2024


The aim of the Journal is to provide researchers and academicians interested in the typical processes and disorders of communication, language, speech and swallowing with a qualified peer-reviewed journal to share their work and to create an appropriate publication environment for researchers in other countries, due to the fact that the Journal accepts articles in English. Speech and language therapy is a developing field in Turkey. A large number of students is enrolled in the recently established departments of various local universities. The Journal also aims to be an important resource for students studying both in the area of Speech and Language Therapy and other related fields.


The scope of the Journal covers the normal processes of acquiring all aspects of language and disorders in these processes (phonology, pragmatics, semantics, syntax, morphology), language loss as a result of head traumas or cerebro-vascular accidents, structural (e.g., cleft palate and lip, voice disorders) and cognitive processes, stuttering, speech and swallowing disorders due to neurological causes, language and speech disorders seen in other disorders such as autism, mental disability, hearing loss, disorders in school children such as dyslexia and learning difficulties and other It is open to studies on related topics and therapy processes and methods of all mentioned topics. DKYAD publishes original research, case reports, translated articles, reviews, literature reviews, book reviews and letters to the editor in Turkish and English.

Journal of Language, Speech and Swallowing Research (DKYAD) Instructions for Manuscript Writing

The Forms section includes an "Article Template" which should aid in writing the manuscript.

Important: Please upload your manuscript in word (.doc or .docx) format to the DergiPark system so that the referees can take notes on the manuscript and your manuscript can enter the double-blind refereeing process.

Title Page
Authors should write their names, credentials and contact addresses on a separate page. The manuscript should not include any information about the identities of author(s). Any acknowledgements should also be mentioned on the title page.

The title page should be submitted separately. The title page should be written using Times New Roman font, 12 font size, bold and middle-aligned. In case where there is more than one author, the names of authors should be separated with a comma and the corresponding author should be indicated. The names, affiliations, contact information such as addresses, e-mails and ORCID IDs of author(s) should be submitted as a separate title page. 

General Considerations
1. The manuscript should be prepared double-spaced and justified in a single column, leaving 2.5 cm. from the bottom, top, left and right side of the page.
2. The manuscript should be written in Times New Roman font and 12 font size. Please see the relevant sections for the information about the title, Turkish-English abstract, tables and figures.
3. The title should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 font size, bold, middle-aligned with the initial letters of the words in capital letters.
4. In case that the study is based on a project or thesis, or presented previously, this information should be provided as a footnote at the end of the title.
5. The length of the entire manuscript should not exceed 10000 words including the references. The abstract should not exceed 300 words for the manuscripts written in Turkish. These manuscripts should also include an extended English summary between (minimum) 400 and (maximum) 2000 words. The abstract should not exceed 300 words for the manuscripts written in English. These manuscripts should also include an extended Turkish summary between (minimum) 400 and (maximum) 2000 words. For English manuscripts, the Editorial Office will provide help in translating the extended summary into Turkish if requested. Please state your request on the title page.
6. The abstracts should be arranged under the following headings: Purpose, Method, Results, and Conclusion.
7. The abstracts should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 font size and justified. The keywords should be (at least) five to (at most) seven words; the keywords must be separated with a comma and written in lower case letters.
8. The main body of the manuscript should appear in the next page after the Turkish and English versions of the abstracts.
9. The first line of each new paragraph in the manuscript should be indented by one tab space, which should be set to 1.25 cm.
10. In empirical research articles, the main body of the manuscript should include introduction, method, results and discussion sections, in that order. The tables and figures, etc. should be attached to the end of the manuscript. However, their place should be indicated by their numbers within the text.
11. The headings should be arranged as follows:
-All the main headings (introduction, method, results, discussion) should be written with the first letter in capital, bold, plain text font and justified,
-The first level heading (i.e. participants, data analysis) should be written with the first letter in capital, bold and left-aligned,
-The second level heading should be written with the first letter in capital, bold, italic and left-aligned,
-The third level heading should be written with the first letter in capital, bold, with 1.25 cm (one tab) space indented,
-The fourth level heading should be written with the first letter in capital, bold, italic, with 1.25 cm (one tab) space indented.
12. The references section should appear at a separate page following the end of manuscript. The writing rules stated in the “Publication Manual of American Psychological Association” (APA) (7th ed.) should be considered both in the manuscript and references.
13. All the citations in the manuscript should be properly stated in the references section, and vice versa.
14. The appendices, if present, should be given under an “Appendix” heading following the references. The numbering should start with Appendix-1, Appendix-2; a heading related to the appendix should be provided. Please see the Appendix-1: The text given to the participants.

The in-text citations should be provided as follows:
1. Crow (2010) defines the articulation competence as a skill where the inpidual correctly produces the speech sounds belonging to a specific language in a sequential and coherent manner.
2. Speech sound disorders include problems related to the erroneous production of speech sounds in terms of place, manner, speed, timing and pressure (Crow, 2010).
3. According to a study by Crow in 2010, the phonological competence refers to a skill in which the speech sounds are utilized appropriately in the language context.

Type of Citation
In case of the initial citation
Other citations to the same publication
The initial citation in the parenthesis format to the publication
Other citations to the same publication in the parenthesis format
Work by one author
Crow (2009)
Crow (2009)
(Crow, 2009)
(Crow, 2009)
Work by two authors
Crow and Stacey (2009)
Crow and Stacey (2009)
(Crow & Stacey, 2009)
(Crow & Stacey, 2009)
Work by three authors
Crow et al., (2009)
Crow et al., (2009)
(Crow et al., 2009)
(Crow et al., 2009)
Work by four authors
Crow et al., (2006)
Crow et al., (2006)
(Crow et al., 2006)
(Crow et al., 2006)
Work by five authors
Crow et al., (2006)
Crow et al., (2006)
(Crow et al., 2006)
(Crow et al., 2006)
Work by six authors (or more)
Crow et al., (2006)
Crow et al., (2006)
(Crow et al., 2006)
(Crow et al., 2006)
Name of the institution (abbreviated)
Association of Speech and Language Therapists (DKTD, 2006)
DKTD (2006)
(Association of Speech and Language Therapists [DKTD], 2006)(DKTD, 2006)
Name of the institution (without abbreviation)
Anadolu University (2007)
Anadolu University (2007)
(Anadolu University, 2007)
(Anadolu University, 2007)

Tables and Figures

1. The title and number of the table should be above the table.
2. The title and number of the table and the text inside should be written in Times New Roman font, 10 font size, single-spaced, and left-aligned.
3. The initial letters in the table numbers should be capital, the table titles should be in italic and the initial letters should be capital.
4. Space should be provided both before the table title and after the table.
5. In the manuscript, a statement referring to the table such as “as shown in Table 1” should be made. The table should then follow.

6. The title and number of figures should be above the figure.
7. Each word in the title and number of figures should be capitalized and written in Times New Roman font, 10 font size, and left-aligned. The title should be in italic.
8. Space (enter) should be provided both before the figure title and following the figure.
9. In the manuscript, a statement referring to the figure such as “as shown in Figure 1” should be made. And the figure should follow.
10. If the figure is taken from a separate resource, a reference to the source should be given with the page number.

1. The references should be given in their alphabetical order. In case where the surnames are the same, the initial letters of the first names should be considered.
2. In the paragraph tab and indentation section, the right and left space should be zero, the custom tabs should be hanging and set to 1.25 cm (1 tab).
3. The references should be written with Times New Roman font, 10 font size, double-spaced and justified.
4. Some examples related to reporting the references are provided below. For further information, please see the “Publication Manual of American Psychological Association” (APA) (7th ed.).

ArticleVuolo, J., & Goffman, L. (2020). Vowel accuracy and segmental variability differentiate children with developmental language disorder in nonword repetition. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(12), 3897-4332.
BookBloodstein, O. & Bernstein Ratner, N. (2008). A Handbook on Stuttering. Delmar Learning.
Chapter in edited bookRvachew, S. (2007). Perceptual foundations of speech acquisition. In S. McLeod (Ed.), The International Guide to Speech Acquisition (pp: 26-30). Delmar Learning.
Ünal, Ö. (2011). Nasometric evaluation in resonans disorders: Turkish norms for 4-8 year-olds. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation. Anadolu University, Institute of Health Sciences, Eskişehir, Turkey
Internet Sources
Britton, L. (2021, Jan. 9). Why does the impact of COVID-19 feel so hard for many SLTs? RCSLT Home.

DKYAD Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Journal of Language, Speech and Swallowing Research (DKYAD) is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles about normal processes, disorders, assessment and remediation and other issues regarding the field of speech and language and swallowing. It is a publication of the Turkish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (DKTD). No fee is required by DKYAD for the processes of submission, reviewing, acceptance or publication of articles.

DKYAD is an open access journal and provides instant open access to its content. The Journal applies the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license to its published articles. When authors submit their articles for publication, they agree to have the CC BY-NC-ND license applied to their work. Under this Open Access License, the authors agree that anyone may read, download, copy, print, distribute, or reuse the content of their articles free of charge for non-commercial purposes as long as the author and the original source are properly cited.

DKYAD aims to achieve high ethical standards in the publication of the articles. For this purpose, the journal adheres to the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). The writers, chief editor, associate editors, reviewers and the journal management all share responsibility in achieving the declared goals. Editors are expected to follow the Cope Guidance for Editors and reviewers are expected to review the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers and pay attention to the issues specified in the guidelines.

Within the scope of these guidelines:

Responsibilities of the Publisher and the Editors
• Editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject/accept an article.
• Only papers in line with the Journal’s scope of interest should be accepted.
• Editors should have no conflict of interest with respect to articles they reject/accept.
• Objectivity and anonymity should be maintained; information about the rejected articles, names of the reviewers and before publication any information regarding the accepted articles should not be revealed.
• Plagiarism and presentation of false data should be prevented.

Responsibilities of Authors
• Authors are expected to submit original articles.
• When authors submit their articles for publication, they agree to have the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license applied to their work. Under this Open Access License, the authors agree that anyone may read, download, copy, print, distribute, or reuse the content of their articles free of charge for non-commercial purposes as long as the author and the original source are properly cited.
• Authors should also confirm by signing a form entitled "Copyright and Publication Policy Consent Form" that (a) the article they submitted is their original work and has not been published or is under review in any other journal; (b) authors do not violate the copyright of the text, tables, and other documents pertaining to other individuals within the article; (c) authors accept and authorize DKYAD to permit the commercial use of the content as well as publication, republication in electronic and print format in the journal and distribution of the content, in addition to the non-exclusive rights DKYAD holds under the CC BY-NC-ND licence. In addition to these terms, the Authors should confirm that they retain all patent and other proprietary rights to the article, including copyright. Moreover, the Authors should assure in this form that they are responsible for any possible ethical violations, the results achieved and suggestions presented (See: DKYAD-Copyright and Publication Policy Consent Form).
• All individuals that have made a scientific and professional contribution to the study should be included as authors. The nature, content and percentage of the contribution should be revealed in detail (See: DKYAD Author Contribution Form).
• Direct or indirect institutional supports should be declared. Authors should be clear about any situations that might potentially create conflict of interest (See: DKYAD Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form).
• For all studies involving the ‘human factor’, confirmation is required by an ethics committee in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration ( authors have all the rights about the use of their data pertinent to their study. However, they should obtain ‘informed consent’ from their participants that contributed to the collection of data. Information regarding this procedure should be explained in detail under the Method section.
• The authors should provide complete and correct references to their sources. The manuscript is screened for plagiarism through softwares such as iThenticate or Turnitin and the maximum similarity rate is 20%. For more information, please see the Plagiarism Control Policy page.
• When necessary, authors should be ready to provide the raw data or output regarding the statistical analyses for purposes of transparency or clarity.

Responsibilities of Reviewers
• Reviewers act according to the requirements of the double-blind reviewing process.
• When sent an invitation for a review, they are expected to provide a prompt negative or positive response.
• If the topic is outside their area of expertise, they are expected to declare that and withdraw.
• The reviewers are expected to disclose any possible conflict of interest with the study. For example, if they are in the process of conducting a similar study, they should refrain from reviewing the article.
• When the reviewers detect any plagiarism, they are expected to inform the editor.
• The reviewers should be confidential about the information in the study they review before the study is published.
• The reviewers should inform the editors if they feel they are unable perform an objective and unbiased review.

No fee is required by DKYAD for the processes of submission, reviewing, acceptance or publication of articles.