Special Issue 2021;23(S1)

19039                                                          19028                                                          19035

Special Issue for

CONCOVID (12-14 June 2020) and ICOMEP (5-6 Dec 2020) Conferences

“Global Imbalances, Social Changes, Health Economics and Health Management in Pre and Post Pandemic Period”

Guest Editors
Ayfer GEDİKLİ, PhD, Economics, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul/Turkey
Seyfettin ERDOĞAN, PhD, Economics, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul/Turkey
Mehmet Rıza DERİNDAĞ, PhD, Management, Gelişim University, Istanbul/Turkey

International Editorial Board
Bülent GÜLOĞLU, PhD, Econometrics, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul/Turkey
Fuat ERDAL, PhD, Economics, Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul/Turkey
Gary CAMPBELL, PhD, Economics, Michigan Technological University, MI/USA
Kazi SOHAG, PhD, Economics, Ural Federal University, Russia
Mehmet Akif ÖNCÜ, PhD, Management, Duzce University, Duzce/Turkey
Muhammad SHAHBAZ, PhD, Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Nigar DEMİRCAN ÇAKAR, PhD, Management, Duzce University, Duzce/Turkey
Tolga OMAY, PhD, Econometrics, Atılım University, Ankara/Turkey

The aim of this special issue is to compile the qualified research articles on the global imbalances, economic and social changes, as well as health management and health policy with the interdisciplinary perspective within and after the COVID-19 pandemic period.

• Health management in pandemic period
• The effects of pandemic on health workers
• The effects of pandemic on health indicators
• The performance of countries’ health systems within the pandemic period
• The effects of pandemic on firms
• The comparison between the countries on health expenditures within the pandemic period
• Macroeconomic indicators within and after the pandemic period
• Evaluations on social insurance systems
• Hospital management
• Pharmaceutical industry and vaccine production process
• Other related topics not mentioned here will be accounted and evaluated by the editors and reviewers

All articles must be submitted online. Please read our "Author Guidelines" and "Review Process" pages. To submit an article, please visit the "Submit Article" page.

Important Dates (revised)
Deadline for submission: 15 January 2021
Deadline for reviewing: 28 February 2021
Production: 25 March 2021

Last Update Time: 2/5/25, 11:56:54 PM