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ISSN: 2667-4246
Founded: 2018
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  Electronic Republican Journal of Communication About
Our magazine's June 2024 (6.Volume, 1. Article acceptances for the number of) are continuing. You can upload your works via DergiPark.

June Dec Electronic Cumhuriyet Communication Journal (E-CIDER), which started its publication life in 2018, is an international refereed, open access, academic and electronic journal published twice a year (June and December). In the journal, priority is given to studies specific to all areas of the Communication field. In this sense, research, review, thought, practice-based research, review articles, etc. qualified studies are included, and the mentioned articles are sent to the referees by the field editors after being reviewed by the editorial boards.

In the appointment of referees, the referees are selected from among the faculty members who work at different universities and are suitable for the field of study. Dec.
At least two positive reports are required for the study to be accepted for publication. If one of the reports is positive and the other negative, the study is referred to a third field referee.
The work that received two rejections at the beginning is returned to the author without being sent to another referee.
If the referee gives a correction, this situation is communicated to the author through the editor and the author is obliged to make these corrections. If the author has not made the above-mentioned edits in the works that are decided "May be published after corrections", the work is returned to the author by the editorial board.
The articles sent to E-CIDER are submitted for publication after the "Blind Peer Review and Evaluation Process", if the studies are found appropriate. The opinions in the articles published in the journal belong to the authors. It does not mean that it has been adopted by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make the necessary spelling and sentence changes without touching the essence of the article. It is mandatory to show the source in the quotations made from the journal.

E-CİDER Hakkında

Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Adına;

Derginin Sahibi: Prof. Dr. Mustafa GÜLMEZ

Editör: Doç. Dr. Erkan ARSLAN      

Alan Editörleri : Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Meltem YILMAZ BİLECEN,  Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Kadir BENDAŞ, Doç. Dr. Özgür İPEK, Doç. Dr. Ömer AYDINLIOĞLU

İstatistik Editörü : Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ebuzer ARSLAN

 Dil Editörleri:  Öğr. Gör. Enes ÖZBAY, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İsmail DEMİRBAĞ  

Sekretarya: Arş. Gör. Leyla ÖZKAPLAN ve Arş. Gör. Mert SUSUR 

Mizanpaj ve Tasarım : Arş. Gör. Özcan BATÇI

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