Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 12/29/22

Year: 2022

Research Article


Psychiatry, Sociology, Nursing, Mental Health Nursing
Curriculum and Instration , Health Sciences, Nursing, Nurse Education
Health Sciences, Public Health, Public Health Nursing
Surgical Diseases Nursing​​
Health Sciences, Nursing, ​Internal Diseases Nursing​
Health Sciences, ​Internal Diseases Nursing​
Psychiatry, Nursing, Mental Health Nursing
Nursing, Surgical Diseases Nursing​​

Journal Description

Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty (JEUNF) is published in line with the "Regulation on Publications Excluding Books, Duplicates and Auxiliary Textbooks Used in Universities as a Course Tool," published in the Official Gazette No.18553 on October 22, 1984.
It is published by Ege University Faculty of Nursing as an open-access peer-reviewed scientific journal with three issues/one volume per year, in April, August, and December. The scientific publication of the journal started in 1985 with the name of Journal of Ege University Nursing School and was among the first nursing journals published nationally. After the School of Nursing's transformation into a faculty, the journal's name was changed to "Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty" in 2011. The journal's editorial board, which is included in the peer-reviewed journals, consists of a responsible editor-in-chief, assistant editors, and nine field editors.

The journal is indexed within the scope of the ULAKBIM TR Index, Turkey Citation Index, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Sobiad Citation Index (SOBIAD), Turk Medline, and CiteFactor.

Journal Information
Previous Name: Journal of Ege University Nursing School
Range Of Years Published with the Previous Name: 1985-2011
ISSN: 2147-3463

Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty continues its publication with the aim and ideals of

• increasing scientific research and publication literacy,
• being an intermediary in sharing qualified and original research results with colleagues and related disciplines in line with scientific norms and ethics,
• developing and strengthening communication in the scientific platforms.

Original research, reviews, analysis reviews (systematic reviews and meta-analyses), and case reports covering the disciplines in care interaction related to science and nursing specialties are within the journal's scope. Nurses, nursing students, and other healthcare professionals of different fields of practice and speciality are the journal's target audience.
Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty continues its publication with the aim and ideals of increasing scientific research and publication literacy, being an intermediary in sharing qualified and original research results with colleagues and related disciplines in line with scientific norms and ethics, and developing and strengthening communication in the scientific platforms.

Original research, reviews, analysis reviews (systematic reviews and meta-analyses), and case reports covering the disciplines in care interaction related to science and nursing specialties are within the journal's scope. Nurses, nursing students, and other healthcare professionals of different fields of practice and specialty are the journal's target audience.

Journal's Publication language is Turkish and English.


• Publication language is Turkish and English.
• Word Count: Original Research Articles, Meta-Analyses, and Systematic Reviews should be limited to 6000-8000 words, and Reviews and Case Reports to 3000-5000 words.
• The number of references should be limited to a maximum of 50 for all article types.
• The margins of the page from all sides of the text should be 2.5 cm.
• The title and the first line of the paragraph should be left-justified, and the entire article should be justified.
• All the articles should be written in Times New Roman fonts with double spacing, abstract, references, tables and figures in 10-point, and the main text in 12-point size.
• Main headings: All the letters should be capitalized and in bold. Sub-titles under the main headings should be left-justified, bold, and the first letters capitalized; other titles under the sub-titles should be written 1.25 indent, bold, and the first letter capitalized other letters should be lowercase.
• Title page and main text should be submitted as two separate Microsoft Word files. The manuscript should start with title, abstract, and keywords, followed by text, references, tables, figures, and supplementary documents.
• All pages should be numbered starting from the title page. The page numbers should be in the lower right corner of the page.
• Tables should be numbered according to the order in which they are cited in the text. A period should be placed followed by a space after the table's number, and the table's name should be written over the table, with the first letter of each word is capitalized.
• The maximum number of tables, figures, and graphics altogether in all article types should be limited to five.
• The headings of the graphics and the legends for the figures should be placed under the figures and graphics with the first letter capitalized.
• Figures should be in a digital format with 300 DPI resolution and a .jpeg extension. Tables, figures, and graphics should be given after the references and each on a separate page. Each table, figure, and graphic should be cited in the text.
• If previously printed figures, images, tables, and graphics are to be used, the reference should be indicated.
• No space should be left before comma and period.
• No space should be left before and after the sentences or words indicated with signs such as () and ". "
• Period should be used when writing decimal numbers.
• In numbers expressed with percentage (%), no spaces should be left between % and numbers.
• Various statistical data should be displayed with their abbreviations. Such as variance analysis with (F), statistical values with (n, %).
• Abbreviations should not be used in the Title and Abstract; definitions of the abbreviations should be given in the text where they are first used with the abbreviation written in brackets. The number of abbreviations should be kept at a minimum.
• Manuscripts should be saved in ".doc" format and sent as a Word document. It should not be sent in "PDF" format.


Title Page
The Turkish and English titles of the text are written only in capital letters, bold and centered, and the author names are written in the same way on the bottom line. Authors' titles, their institution names and addresses, contact information (phone, fax, and e-mail addresses and ORCID information), all authors' contribution to the article, and information about conflict of interest, if any, should be written left-justified in the following line. Information about the submitted article (such as its presentation at a scientific congress or symposium, any financial support or created from the thesis) should be provided after the author information section.

- In all article types, the first page consists of abstract and keywords with a maximum of 250-300 words.
The abstract should consist of the "Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Keywords" sub-titles in original research articles.
- The abstract of review articles should be structured in a way that the content reflects the introduction, purpose, discussion, and conclusion.
The Case Report's abstract section should briefly describe the case and include practices for nursing care.
- A minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords should be given in Turkish and English. The first keyword should start with a capital letter, and other keywords should be written in lowercase, a semicolon (;) to be placed between the keywords, and a period should be placed at the end of the last keyword. Turkish keywords should be given in line with "Turkish Science Terms" (http://www.bilimterimleri.com). English keywords should comply with the standards of "Index Medicus: Medical Subject Heading (MeSH)" (www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html).

Main Text
Original Research Article
Original research articles are reported studies that have completed the scientific research process, presenting original and important scientific results on subjects falling into the journal's scope. Original Research articles consist of the following sections:
* Introduction: In this section, the importance of the subject and the scientific opinions on which it is based should be clearly expressed. The research problem should be explained in line with current studies. The knowledge gap towards the problem should be specified in detail. Then the purpose of the research, hypothesis(s), or research question(s) should be included.
* Methods: This section should include the research design, population and sample, data collection,  data collection tools, data analysis, and ethical considerations.
* Findings: Findings should be presented systematically and to test the research hypotheses or answer the research questions supported by statistical data. The information given in the figures and tables should not be repeated unless necessary. Only results of the analysis should be included in this section.
* Discussion: In this section, the findings should be evaluated and presented systematically. With the data obtained, the research questions or hypotheses confirmed or not should be explained with the reasons. Limitations and possible missing aspects of the study should be mentioned.
* Conclusion: In this section, the importance of the subject should be emphasized; briefly, recommendations should be presented for future studies by summarizing the new information or contribution of the outcomes obtained from the results to the field without repeating them.
* References: All references should be prepared according to the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6 (http://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf) and presented in alphabetical order on a separate page at the end of the text.
* Tables: Tables should be double-spaced and vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. All abbreviations (*, **) for p-value and other symbols should be explained in footnotes. Each table should be placed on a separate page after the references.

Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses should be prepared according to PRISMA guidelines (PRISMA Statement: Checklist of items to include when reporting a systematic review, or meta-analyses) (www.prisma-statement.org) and they should consist of Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion and References sections.

Review articles, preferred to be written by experts with experience and studies in their field, are studies in which discussions and author views on the subject are put forward in line with national and international current references. Sections are listed as Introduction, Subject Headings, and References.

Case report
These are studies involving cases that make scientific contributions to the field and contain important clinical experiences. Case reports consist of Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, References, and tables if necessary. Written informed consent should be obtained and indicated in the main text.
Acknowledgment, Individuals or institutions that contribute to the preparation of the manuscript or the research can be included in this section.

Reference style and format
Authors should present citations in the text and the reference list in line with APA 6 (http://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf) rules. The author (s) are responsible for the accuracy of the references.
All references in the list should be cited in the text. The name of the author and date information in the text must be the same as the author name and date information in the references.
All references cited in the text should be presented in a separate section at the end of the text, alphabetically according to the author's surnames without numbering them. Alphabetical order is not only based on the first letter of the surname, references with the same first letter in their surnames should also be alphabetical within themselves. Publications of the same single author are listed from the oldest to the newest.
Examples are given below according to types of references.
a) Tukish Book
Arslan, H., Coşkun, A. (2012). Kadın sağlığı ve hastalıları hemşireliği el kitabı [Women’s health and disease nursing handbook]. (1th ed.). İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Karasar, N. (2015). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi [Scientific research method]. (28. Press) Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
b) Edited Book
Ören, T.,Üney, T.,Çölkesen, R. (Ed.). (2006). Türkiye bilişim ansiklopedisi [Turkiye informatics encyclopedia]. İstanbul: Papatya Publishing
c) English Book
Bandura, A. (1997). Self–efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freemanand Company.
d) Chapter Within a English Book
Bassett, C. (2006). Cultural studies and new media. In G. Hall& C. Birchall (Eds.), New cultural studies: Adventures theory (pp. 220–237). Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
e) Chapter within a Turkish Book
Erkmen, T. (2012). Örgüt kültürü: Fonksiyonları, öğeleri, işletme yönetimi ve liderlikteki önemi. M. Zencirkıran (Ed.), Örgüt sosyolojisi kitabı içinde (s. 233–263). Bursa: Dora Basım Yayın.
f) Turkish article
Yavuz Van Giersbergen, M., Geçit, S. (2017). Son gün ve saatlerdeki yaşam sonu bakımında kanıta dayalı uygulama önerileri. [Evidence-based practice recommenda tion about en o-of-life care during the last days and hours]. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 33(1), 171-181. (in Turkish).
g) English article
Ter, N., Yavuz, M., Aydoğdu, S.,Kaya Biçer, E. (2015). The effect of 2 adhesive products on skin integrity used forfixation of hip and knee surgical dressings: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 42(2), 145-150. doi: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000112.
h) Articles with more than Eight Authors
Unsal Atan, Ş., Ozturk, R., Gulec Satir, D., Ildan Çalim, S., Karaoz Weller, B., Amanak, K. … Akercan, F. (2018). Relation between mothers' types of labor, birth interventions, birth experiences and postpartum depression: A multicentre follow-up study. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, 18,13-18. doi: 10.1016/j.srhc.2018.08.001
ı) Article Obtained Online Without DOI
Düzgün, G., Karadakovan, A. (2018). Cancer rehabilitation in palliative care and nursing management. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 34(3), 103-118. Retrieved from: https://dergipark.org.tr/download/article-file/602453
i) Dissertation or Thesis
Yavuz, M. (1998). Developing a nurse care form for the care of day surgery patients and monitoring the quality safety of the form. (Doctoral Thesis). Ege University Institute of Health Sciences, Izmir.
j) Congress Report
Yavuz Van Giersbergen, M., Şahin Köze, B. (2018). Video lecture of nursing students in Operating Room Nursing Class and clinical practice in Kahoot interview. 21. National Surgery Congress 16. Surgical Nursing Congress, Antalya.
k) Web sites
Hacettepe University Information Literacy program. (2010). Retrieved from: http://hubo.hacettepe.edu.tr/

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. References that are not used directly or cited from other references, unpublished data of articles, personal communications, and abstracts of articles accessed through Medline scans should not be referenced.


Publication Policy:
The JEUNF is accessible free of charge via the Dergipark Directory through the internet, with open access and full-text registration.

Open Access Policy
The JEUNF is published under the Open Access policy. Open Access Address: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/egehemsire

General Principles
The entire evaluation process for the articles submitted to be published in the JEUNF is carried out through a double-blinded peer-review method by keeping the identity of the reviewers and authors confidential. After the process is completed, the corresponding author is informed whether the article has been accepted or not.

Evaluation Process:
The evaluation process of the articles begins with the submission of the article to the system through the online application. The author team uploads a title Page file containing the title of the research, information about the researchers and previous academic background information about the research, the main text file with Turkish and English titles and abstracts in which the information of the author and institution is kept confidential, the Ethics Committee Approval Form and Copyright Transfer Form for original research. The submission process is completed with the upload of the Final Checklist, in which the author team confirms the fulfillment of the submission process properly.

Author Responsibility:
Statements and opinions presented in the JEUNF are the responsibility of the author(s). The authors are responsible for ensuring that the text meets the scientific language and the research's ethical requirements. The author team should consider the standard practice guidelines in line with the research methods, and the text should be presented in an appropriate flow (such as CONSORT for randomized controlled studies, PRISMA for systematic review, and meta-analyses studies). The edited main text should meet all the necessary conditions during the first submission. Within the framework of the journal's writing rules, the necessary sections, titles, and information in the references should be presented without the names of the authors and institutions in a way that does not violate the principle of anonymity of the text.
With the submission of the article to the journal publishing process, the author(s) confirms that the changes deemed necessary by the JEUNF Editorial Board will be carried out or changes that will not distort the content can be made by obtaining the author's permission. The author (s) who are requested to revise their texts as a result of the evaluation are responsible for uploading a single Microsoft Word document to the system within two weeks, in which the necessary revisions for all the reviewers have been made by highlighting them in red and underlined. According to the reviewer evaluations to the system, during the upload of the revised text, a note called "Notification to the Editors and Reviewers" including all the detailed information about the revisions made should also be uploaded to the system.

Editor and Reviewer Responsibility:
Following the submission, in the initial evaluation stage, the article's suitability to reviewer evaluation in terms of plagiarism and technicality is evaluated through the assistant editors of the journal. The articles whose originality is confirmed with the plagiarism program and meets the requirements are directed to the field editors, and the scientific evaluation process is initiated.
After the field editor makes the first evaluation regarding the scientific aspects of the study, the study is submitted to the reviewers for their evaluation. The author is informed of the evaluation results within twelve weeks following the submission through the Dergipark system. Delays caused by the author regarding the fulfillment of the revision requests are considered as a reason for the rejection of the article. Each manuscript, which is reviewed and approved for publication by three independent reviewers who are experts in their fields, is directed to the editor in chief after the approval of the field editor. The final decision on the publication of the article stands with the editor-in-chief of JEUNF.

Publication Ethics and Scientific Responsibility:
The JEUNF follows the highest standards in publishing ethics and adopts the principles developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and recommends the following guidelines on the subject to the authors (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations https: //publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines).
Articles submitted for the journal should be original, unpublished, and not have been sent to a different journal for evaluation purposes at the same time. All articles not complying with ethical standards will be removed from the publication. The similarity rate of the article scanned with the plagiarism program should not exceed 20%, excluding references.
The JEUNF is a journal that has adopted the principle of complying with the ethical standards of the Human Experiments Committee of the 1975 Helsinki Declaration, which was revised in 2013. In line with this, local or national ethics committee approval documents of the original research articles sent to the JEUNF should be uploaded to the system.

Conflict of interest:
All affiliations with pharmaceutical firms, biomedical device manufacturers, and other service or product procurers (consultation, any other agreement, etc.) relevant to the subject matter of the study should be explicitly indicated on the title page if there is any direct or indirect commercial connection or financial support of the institution in the article. Also, if there is a conflict of interest between the authors, this should be indicated. Academic commitments, personal relationships, political, financial, or institutional connections are types of conflicts of interest that should be disclosed.

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