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Fermente Bir İçecek Olan Bozanın Dondurmanın Bazı Kalite Özelliklerine Etkisi

Year 2023, , 47 - 59, 30.04.2023


Dünya genelinde en popüler dondurulmuş süt ürünü olan dondurma, insan diyetlerinin geliştirilmesi ve iyileştirilmesi için yüksek potansiyele sahiptir. Bu çalışmada besin değeri yüksek fonksiyonel bir gıda olan boza ilavesiyle besin içeriği zenginleştirilmiş ticari dondurma üretim olanakları araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda %5 (BD5), %10 (BD10), %15 (BD15), %20 (BD20) ve %50 (BD50) oranlarda boza ilave edilmiş dondurmaların mikrobiyolojik ve reolojik özellikleri ile birlikte fiziko kimyasal, ve duyusal parametreleri araştırılmıştır. Fizikokimyasal özelliklerin belirlenmesi amacıyla kuru madde, pH, asitlik (%laktik asit), toplam şeker, protein, yağ, overrun ve erime stabilitesi analizleri yapılmıştır. Dondurma bileşiminde artan boza konsantrasyonu dondurma formülasyonundaki şekeri oransal olarak azaltmıştır. En iyi erime stabilitesine sahip dondurma BD10 olarak belirlenmiştir. Dondurma formülasyonlarının reolojik karakteriasyonu Power-law modeline göre test edilmiş, dondurma örneklerinin psöudoplastik davranış gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Dondurmaların kıvam indeksleri 5,47-10,29 arasında tespit edilmiş olup, en düşük viskozite kontrol örneğinde ve en yüksek viskozite BD50 örneğinde bulunmuştur. Akış davranış indeksi n değeri dondurma örneklerinin tümünde 1’in altında bulunmuş ve 0,431-0,505 arasında değişmiştir. Tiksotropik davranış yönünden BD10’un en yüksek geri kazanım kabiliyetine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir.. Depolama süreci dondurmaların reolojik özelliklerini etkilememiştir. Duyusal yönden en beğenilen örnek BD20 olmuştur. Boza ilaveli dondurmaların LAB içeriği 5 ile 5,65 log kob/g arasında bulunmuş ve depolama süresince de LAB sayısında önemli düzeyde artış görülmüştür. Boza ilaveli dondurmalar önemli seviyede LAB içeriğine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak belirli oranda boza ilavesi dondurmanın mikrobiyolojik ve reolojik bazı özelliklerine olumlu yönde etki ettiği belirlenmiştir


  • Altay, F., Karbancıoglu-Güler, F., Daskaya-Dikmen, C. ve Heperkan, D. (2013). A review on traditional Turkish fermented non-alcoholic beverages: microbiota, fermentation process and quality characteristics. International journal of food microbiology, 167(1), 44-56.
  • AOAC. (2006). Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Vol.1.
  • Arici, M. ve Daglioglu, O. (2002). Boza: a lactic acid fermented cereal beverage as a traditional Turkish food. Food Reviews International, 18(1), 39-48.
  • BahramParvar, M., Razavi, S. M. ve Khodaparast, M. H. (2010). Rheological characterization and sensory evaluation of a typical soft ice cream made with selected food hydrocolloids. Food Science and Technology International, 16(1), 79-88.
  • Botes, A., Todorov, S. D., Von Mollendorff, J. W., Botha, A. ve Dicks, L. M. (2007). Identification of lactic acid bacteria and yeast from boza. Process Biochemistry, 42(2), 267-270.
  • Boza-Méndez, E., López-Calvo, R. ve Cortés-Muñoz, M. (2012). Innovative dairy products development using probiotics: challenges and limitations. In. Tech, Costarica, 10, 213-236.
  • Bozdemir, M., Gümüş, T. ve Altan Kamer, D. D. (2022). Technological and beneficial features of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Boza A cereal-based fermented beverage. Food Biotechnology, 36(3), 209-233.
  • Cemeroğlu, B. (2007). Gıda analizleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları, 34, 168-171.
  • Coskun, F. ve Cakır, E. (2014). Effect of the addition of different spices on some characteristics of boza during storage. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20(5), 1079-1084.
  • Cottrell, J. I., Pass, G. ve Phillips, G. O. (1979). Assessment of polysaccharides as ice cream stabilisers. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 30(11), 1085-1088.
  • Cuamatzin-García, L., Rodríguez-Rugarcía, P., El-Kassis, E. G., Galicia, G., Meza-Jiménez, M. d. L., Baños-Lara, M. d. R., . . . Pérez-Armendáriz, B. (2022). Traditional Fermented Foods and Beverages from around the World and Their Health Benefits. Microorganisms, 10(6), 1151.
  • Debon, J., Prudêncio, E. S. ve Petrus, J. C. C. (2010). Rheological and physico-chemical characterization of prebiotic microfiltered fermented milk. Journal of Food Engineering, 99(2), 128-135.
  • Deegan, L. H., Cotter, P. D., Hill, C. ve Ross, P. (2006). Bacteriocins: biological tools for bio-preservation and shelf-life extension. International Dairy Journal, 16(9), 1058-1071.
  • Diez-Ozaeta, I. ve Astiazaran, O. J. (2022). Fermented foods: An update on evidence-based health benefits and future perspectives. Food Research International, 111133.
  • Dimitreli, G., Gregoriou, E. A., Kalantzidis, G. ve Antoniou, K. (2013). Rheological properties of kefir as affected by heat treatment and whey protein addition. Journal of Texture Studies, 44(6), 418-423.
  • Dogan, M., Kayacier, A., Toker, Ö. S., Yilmaz, M. T. ve Karaman, S. (2013). Steady, dynamic, creep, and recovery analysis of ice cream mixes added with different concentrations of xanthan gum. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(6), 1420-1433.
  • Espírito-Santo, A., Lagazzo, A., Sousa, A., Perego, P., Converti, A. ve Oliveira, M. N. (2013). Rheology, spontaneous whey separation, microstructure and sensorial characteristics of probiotic yoghurts enriched with passion fruit fiber. Food Research International, 50(1), 224-231.
  • Ghaderi, S., Mazaheri Tehrani, M. ve Hesarinejad, M. A. (2021). Qualitative analysis of the structural, thermal and rheological properties of a plant ice cream based on soy and sesame milks. Food Science & Nutrition, 9(3), 1289-1298.
  • Gnanaprakasam, K. (2021). Physıcochemıcal And Sensory Propertıes Of Ice Cream Produced Usıng Raw And Processed Mılk.
  • Goff, H. D. (2002). Formation and stabilisation of structure in ice-cream and related products. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 7(5-6), 432-437.
  • Homayouni, A., Azizi, A., Ehsani, M., Yarmand, M. ve Razavi, S. (2008). Effect of microencapsulation and resistant starch on the probiotic survival and sensory properties of synbiotic ice cream. Food Chemistry, 111(1), 50-55.
  • Huang, T., Tu, Z., Zou, Z., Shangguan, X., Wang, H. ve Bansal, N. (2020). Glycosylated fish gelatin emulsion: Rheological, tribological properties and its application as model coffee creamers. Food Hydrocolloids, 102, 105552.
  • Ignat, M. V., Salanță, L. C., Pop, O. L., Pop, C. R., Tofană, M., Mudura, E., . . . Pasqualone, A. (2020). Current functionality and potential improvements of non-alcoholic fermented cereal beverages. Foods, 9(8), 1031.
  • Kavaz Yuksel, A. (2015). The Effects of Blackthorn (P runus Spinosa L.) Addition on Certain Quality Characteristics of Ice Cream. Journal of Food Quality, 38(6), 413-421.
  • Keller, J., Steinmann, M. ve Wentzel, B. (1987). quality of South African ice-cream. South African journal of dairy science= Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrit vir suiwelkunde.
  • Kocacık, A. (2021). Çöven Ekstraktının Kurutulması ve Dondurmada Emülgatör Olarak Kullanılmasının Araştırılması Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü].
  • Kurt, A., Cengiz, A. ve Kahyaoglu, T. (2016). The effect of gum tragacanth on the rheological properties of salep based ice cream mix. Carbohydrate polymers, 143, 116-123.
  • Kuş, S., Altan, A. ve Kaya, A. (2005). Rheological behavior and time‐dependent characterization of ice cream mix with different salep content. Journal of Texture Studies, 36(3), 273-288.
  • Lomolino, G., Zannoni, S., Zabara, A., Da Lio, M. ve De Iseppi, A. (2020). Ice recrystallisation and melting in ice cream with different proteins levels and subjected to thermal fluctuation. International Dairy Journal, 100, 104557.
  • Marco, M. L., Sanders, M. E., Gänzle, M., Arrieta, M. C., Cotter, P. D., De Vuyst, L., . . . Merenstein, D. (2021). The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) consensus statement on fermented foods. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 18(3), 196-208.
  • Martı́n-Diana, A. B., Janer, C., Peláez, C. ve Requena, T. (2003). Development of a fermented goat's milk containing probiotic bacteria. International Dairy Journal, 13(10), 827-833.
  • McGovern, P. E., Zhang, J., Tang, J., Zhang, Z., Hall, G. R., Moreau, R. A., . . . Wang, C.-s. (2004). Fermented beverages of pre-and proto-historic China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(51), 17593-17598.
  • Meriç, A. (2010). Trakya bölgesinde üretilen bozaların bazı fizikokimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleri Namık Kemal Üniversitesi].
  • Metin, M. ve Öztürk, G. (2008). Süt ve mamülleri analiz yöntemleri. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir.
  • Murtaza, M. A., Mueenuddin, G., Huma, N., Shabbir, M. A. ve Mahmood, S. (2004). Quality evaluation of ice cream prepared with different stabilizers/emulsifier blends. Agriculture and Biology, 6, 65-67.
  • Pon, S., Lee, W. ve Chong, G. (2015). Textural and rheological properties of stevia ice cream. International Food Research Journal, 22(4).
  • Razavi, S. M. ve Karazhiyan, H. (2009). Flow properties and thixotropy of selected hydrocolloids: Experimental and modeling studies. Food Hydrocolloids, 23(3), 908-912.
  • Soukoulis, C., Fisk, I. D. ve Bohn, T. (2014). Ice cream as a vehicle for incorporating health‐promoting ingredients: Conceptualization and overview of quality and storage stability. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 13(4), 627-655.
  • Şimşekli, N. ve Doğan, I. (2015). Tahıl esaslı beta-glukan ilavesinin gıdaların teknolojik ve fonksiyonel özelliklerine etkisi. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 3(4), 190-195.
  • Tamang, J. P., Cotter, P. D., Endo, A., Han, N. S., Kort, R., Liu, S. Q., . . . Hutkins, R. (2020). Fermented foods in a global age: East meets West. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 19(1), 184-217.
  • Tangüler, H. (2014). Traditional Turkish fermented cereal based products: Tarhana, boza and chickpea bread. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 2(3), 144-149.
  • Vica, M., Glevitzky, M., Dumitrel, G., Popa, M. ve Todoran, A. (2010). Microbiological quality of ice cream produced in Alba county, Romania. Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, 16, 19-23.
  • Yaman, H., Elmali, M., Ulukanli, Z., Tuzcu, M. ve Genctav, K. (2006). Microbial quality of ice cream sold openly by retail outlets in Turkey. Revue de médecine vétérinaire, 157(10), 457.
  • Zulim Botega, D. C., Marangoni, A. G., Smith, A. K. ve Goff, H. D. (2013). The potential application of rice bran wax oleogel to replace solid fat and enhance unsaturated fat content in ice cream. Journal of food science, 78(9), C1334-C1339.

The effect of Boza, a Fermented Beverage, on Some Quality Properties of Ice Cream

Year 2023, , 47 - 59, 30.04.2023


Ice cream, being the world's most consumed frozen dairy product, provides a great opportunity for dietary innovation and improvement. Boza is a traditional fermented beverage that has high nutritional value as a functional food. In this research, it was investigated to whether it was possible to produce commercial ice creams that were nutritionally enhanced with boza. In this context, the microbiological, rheological, physico-chemical, and sensory characteristics of ice creams containing %5 (BD5), %10 (BD10), %15 (BD15), %20 (BD20), and %50 (BD50) boza were studied. Analyses of dry matter, pH, acidity (lactic acid), total sugar, protein, fat, overrun, and melting stability were performed to investigate the physicochemical parameters. The amount of sugar in the ice cream formulation decreased proportionally as boza concentration was increased. BD10 was found to be the ice cream with the best melt stability. The Power-law model was used to examine the rheological characteristics of ice cream formulations, and it was found that the ice cream samples exhibited pseudoplastic behavior. The consistency indexes for the ice creams ranged from 5.47 to 10.29; the control sample had the lowest viscosity and the BD50 sample had the highest. In all of the ice cream samples, the flow behavior index n value ranged from 0.431 to 0.505, which was below 1. It was the highest recovery ability of BD10 in terms of thixotropic behavior. The rheological characteristics of the ice creams were unaffected by storage. The BD20 was the model that was most liked from a sensory perspective. There was a significant increase in the amount of LAB during storage, and the ice creams with the addition of boza had a LAB content of between 5 and 5.65 log cfu/g. It has been discovered that ice creams with Boza added have a high level of LAB. As a consequence, it was found that adding a particular amount of boza to ice cream improved its rheological and microbiological characteristics.


  • Altay, F., Karbancıoglu-Güler, F., Daskaya-Dikmen, C. ve Heperkan, D. (2013). A review on traditional Turkish fermented non-alcoholic beverages: microbiota, fermentation process and quality characteristics. International journal of food microbiology, 167(1), 44-56.
  • AOAC. (2006). Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Vol.1.
  • Arici, M. ve Daglioglu, O. (2002). Boza: a lactic acid fermented cereal beverage as a traditional Turkish food. Food Reviews International, 18(1), 39-48.
  • BahramParvar, M., Razavi, S. M. ve Khodaparast, M. H. (2010). Rheological characterization and sensory evaluation of a typical soft ice cream made with selected food hydrocolloids. Food Science and Technology International, 16(1), 79-88.
  • Botes, A., Todorov, S. D., Von Mollendorff, J. W., Botha, A. ve Dicks, L. M. (2007). Identification of lactic acid bacteria and yeast from boza. Process Biochemistry, 42(2), 267-270.
  • Boza-Méndez, E., López-Calvo, R. ve Cortés-Muñoz, M. (2012). Innovative dairy products development using probiotics: challenges and limitations. In. Tech, Costarica, 10, 213-236.
  • Bozdemir, M., Gümüş, T. ve Altan Kamer, D. D. (2022). Technological and beneficial features of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Boza A cereal-based fermented beverage. Food Biotechnology, 36(3), 209-233.
  • Cemeroğlu, B. (2007). Gıda analizleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları, 34, 168-171.
  • Coskun, F. ve Cakır, E. (2014). Effect of the addition of different spices on some characteristics of boza during storage. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20(5), 1079-1084.
  • Cottrell, J. I., Pass, G. ve Phillips, G. O. (1979). Assessment of polysaccharides as ice cream stabilisers. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 30(11), 1085-1088.
  • Cuamatzin-García, L., Rodríguez-Rugarcía, P., El-Kassis, E. G., Galicia, G., Meza-Jiménez, M. d. L., Baños-Lara, M. d. R., . . . Pérez-Armendáriz, B. (2022). Traditional Fermented Foods and Beverages from around the World and Their Health Benefits. Microorganisms, 10(6), 1151.
  • Debon, J., Prudêncio, E. S. ve Petrus, J. C. C. (2010). Rheological and physico-chemical characterization of prebiotic microfiltered fermented milk. Journal of Food Engineering, 99(2), 128-135.
  • Deegan, L. H., Cotter, P. D., Hill, C. ve Ross, P. (2006). Bacteriocins: biological tools for bio-preservation and shelf-life extension. International Dairy Journal, 16(9), 1058-1071.
  • Diez-Ozaeta, I. ve Astiazaran, O. J. (2022). Fermented foods: An update on evidence-based health benefits and future perspectives. Food Research International, 111133.
  • Dimitreli, G., Gregoriou, E. A., Kalantzidis, G. ve Antoniou, K. (2013). Rheological properties of kefir as affected by heat treatment and whey protein addition. Journal of Texture Studies, 44(6), 418-423.
  • Dogan, M., Kayacier, A., Toker, Ö. S., Yilmaz, M. T. ve Karaman, S. (2013). Steady, dynamic, creep, and recovery analysis of ice cream mixes added with different concentrations of xanthan gum. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(6), 1420-1433.
  • Espírito-Santo, A., Lagazzo, A., Sousa, A., Perego, P., Converti, A. ve Oliveira, M. N. (2013). Rheology, spontaneous whey separation, microstructure and sensorial characteristics of probiotic yoghurts enriched with passion fruit fiber. Food Research International, 50(1), 224-231.
  • Ghaderi, S., Mazaheri Tehrani, M. ve Hesarinejad, M. A. (2021). Qualitative analysis of the structural, thermal and rheological properties of a plant ice cream based on soy and sesame milks. Food Science & Nutrition, 9(3), 1289-1298.
  • Gnanaprakasam, K. (2021). Physıcochemıcal And Sensory Propertıes Of Ice Cream Produced Usıng Raw And Processed Mılk.
  • Goff, H. D. (2002). Formation and stabilisation of structure in ice-cream and related products. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 7(5-6), 432-437.
  • Homayouni, A., Azizi, A., Ehsani, M., Yarmand, M. ve Razavi, S. (2008). Effect of microencapsulation and resistant starch on the probiotic survival and sensory properties of synbiotic ice cream. Food Chemistry, 111(1), 50-55.
  • Huang, T., Tu, Z., Zou, Z., Shangguan, X., Wang, H. ve Bansal, N. (2020). Glycosylated fish gelatin emulsion: Rheological, tribological properties and its application as model coffee creamers. Food Hydrocolloids, 102, 105552.
  • Ignat, M. V., Salanță, L. C., Pop, O. L., Pop, C. R., Tofană, M., Mudura, E., . . . Pasqualone, A. (2020). Current functionality and potential improvements of non-alcoholic fermented cereal beverages. Foods, 9(8), 1031.
  • Kavaz Yuksel, A. (2015). The Effects of Blackthorn (P runus Spinosa L.) Addition on Certain Quality Characteristics of Ice Cream. Journal of Food Quality, 38(6), 413-421.
  • Keller, J., Steinmann, M. ve Wentzel, B. (1987). quality of South African ice-cream. South African journal of dairy science= Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrit vir suiwelkunde.
  • Kocacık, A. (2021). Çöven Ekstraktının Kurutulması ve Dondurmada Emülgatör Olarak Kullanılmasının Araştırılması Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü].
  • Kurt, A., Cengiz, A. ve Kahyaoglu, T. (2016). The effect of gum tragacanth on the rheological properties of salep based ice cream mix. Carbohydrate polymers, 143, 116-123.
  • Kuş, S., Altan, A. ve Kaya, A. (2005). Rheological behavior and time‐dependent characterization of ice cream mix with different salep content. Journal of Texture Studies, 36(3), 273-288.
  • Lomolino, G., Zannoni, S., Zabara, A., Da Lio, M. ve De Iseppi, A. (2020). Ice recrystallisation and melting in ice cream with different proteins levels and subjected to thermal fluctuation. International Dairy Journal, 100, 104557.
  • Marco, M. L., Sanders, M. E., Gänzle, M., Arrieta, M. C., Cotter, P. D., De Vuyst, L., . . . Merenstein, D. (2021). The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) consensus statement on fermented foods. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 18(3), 196-208.
  • Martı́n-Diana, A. B., Janer, C., Peláez, C. ve Requena, T. (2003). Development of a fermented goat's milk containing probiotic bacteria. International Dairy Journal, 13(10), 827-833.
  • McGovern, P. E., Zhang, J., Tang, J., Zhang, Z., Hall, G. R., Moreau, R. A., . . . Wang, C.-s. (2004). Fermented beverages of pre-and proto-historic China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(51), 17593-17598.
  • Meriç, A. (2010). Trakya bölgesinde üretilen bozaların bazı fizikokimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleri Namık Kemal Üniversitesi].
  • Metin, M. ve Öztürk, G. (2008). Süt ve mamülleri analiz yöntemleri. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir.
  • Murtaza, M. A., Mueenuddin, G., Huma, N., Shabbir, M. A. ve Mahmood, S. (2004). Quality evaluation of ice cream prepared with different stabilizers/emulsifier blends. Agriculture and Biology, 6, 65-67.
  • Pon, S., Lee, W. ve Chong, G. (2015). Textural and rheological properties of stevia ice cream. International Food Research Journal, 22(4).
  • Razavi, S. M. ve Karazhiyan, H. (2009). Flow properties and thixotropy of selected hydrocolloids: Experimental and modeling studies. Food Hydrocolloids, 23(3), 908-912.
  • Soukoulis, C., Fisk, I. D. ve Bohn, T. (2014). Ice cream as a vehicle for incorporating health‐promoting ingredients: Conceptualization and overview of quality and storage stability. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 13(4), 627-655.
  • Şimşekli, N. ve Doğan, I. (2015). Tahıl esaslı beta-glukan ilavesinin gıdaların teknolojik ve fonksiyonel özelliklerine etkisi. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 3(4), 190-195.
  • Tamang, J. P., Cotter, P. D., Endo, A., Han, N. S., Kort, R., Liu, S. Q., . . . Hutkins, R. (2020). Fermented foods in a global age: East meets West. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 19(1), 184-217.
  • Tangüler, H. (2014). Traditional Turkish fermented cereal based products: Tarhana, boza and chickpea bread. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 2(3), 144-149.
  • Vica, M., Glevitzky, M., Dumitrel, G., Popa, M. ve Todoran, A. (2010). Microbiological quality of ice cream produced in Alba county, Romania. Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, 16, 19-23.
  • Yaman, H., Elmali, M., Ulukanli, Z., Tuzcu, M. ve Genctav, K. (2006). Microbial quality of ice cream sold openly by retail outlets in Turkey. Revue de médecine vétérinaire, 157(10), 457.
  • Zulim Botega, D. C., Marangoni, A. G., Smith, A. K. ve Goff, H. D. (2013). The potential application of rice bran wax oleogel to replace solid fat and enhance unsaturated fat content in ice cream. Journal of food science, 78(9), C1334-C1339.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Betül Büşra Ayar 0000-0002-7319-4673

Tuncay Gümüş 0000-0001-7635-5519

Deniz Damla Altan Kamer 0000-0002-9119-5979

Özgür Karadaş 0000-0002-7379-7845

Early Pub Date May 2, 2023
Publication Date April 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Ayar, B. B., Gümüş, T., Altan Kamer, D. D., Karadaş, Ö. (2023). Fermente Bir İçecek Olan Bozanın Dondurmanın Bazı Kalite Özelliklerine Etkisi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(50), 47-59.