e-ISSN: 3023-431X
Founded: 2022
Cover Image


Our journal has closed for article submissions for December 2024. You may submit your articles for June 2025.

EREN JOURNAL, published by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Bitlis Eren University, has started to be indexed in 7 international and 1 national index.

Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI)
Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI)
Index Copernicus
Turkish Bibliography

Link to Sindexs

Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI)
Link to ESJI

Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI)
Link to DRJI

Link to ResearchBib

Link to ROAD

Index Copernicus
Link to Index Copernicus

Turkish Bibliography
Link to Turkish Bibliography

The EREN Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Bitlis Eren University, publishes original research articles in the fields of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Administrative Sciences, including Philology, Educational Sciences, History, Literature, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Archaeology, Communication, Public Administration, Fine Arts, and Religious Studies.
The journal is a peer-reviewed international publication and will begin its publication life in 2022. It will be published twice a year, in June and December.

Research and Writing Ethics
Our journal is a peer-reviewed academic publication that publishes scholarly, scientific, and research-based articles. Only articles that have not been published elsewhere are accepted for publication.

The publication processes followed in our journal are designed to support the impartial and respectful development and distribution of knowledge. The processes applied are directly reflected in the quality of the work produced by the authors and the institutions supporting them. Peer-reviewed works are those that substantiate and support the scientific method. In this context, it is important for researchers and authors to adhere to ethical standards related to research and academic writing.

Ethical Rules for Scientific Work and Writing
"Scientific research is the process of identifying an issue and investigating it using universal scientific methods, evaluating, and analyzing the issue." The basic principles applied in scientific research include the following:

Having the necessary competence in designing and conducting the research.
Maintaining self-criticism, honesty, and transparency during the execution of the research and analysis of the findings.
Respecting the work of others who have conducted or are conducting research on the same topic.
Three key principles of scientific research ethics are:
Approaching the research problem with honesty.
Reporting research results openly and honestly.
Acknowledging the contribution of everyone involved in the research.
Scientific work should be in compliance with the research methodology and ethical guidelines. The roles and distribution of rights regarding the research process and publications should be clearly defined at the beginning of the research. Falsifying data, fabricating data, or using others' data without permission are considered ethical violations. All sources (including electronic ones) and methods used for data collection and analysis must be stated in the work. The purpose of scientific publication is to share and disseminate knowledge and to advance science for the benefit of humanity. Accordingly, the information in a scientific publication must be accurate and complete, and it should not intentionally omit any information. The publication should comply with 'scientific ethics' in the development and dissemination of information and data, while personal interests, concerns, political views, and beliefs should not influence the publication. All sources referenced in the publication must be properly cited, and contributions to the publication should be acknowledged either as authors or in the acknowledgements section.
Ethical Violations in Research and Writing

Plagiarism: Using someone else's ideas, data, works, or publications without proper attribution. Plagiarism is a violation of ethical standards and is punishable under legal and academic regulations.
Unfair Authorship: Including individuals who have not made significant intellectual contributions as authors, excluding those who have contributed, or changing the order of authors without justification.
Ghost Authorship: Not including an individual who has contributed to the work as an author.
Gift Authorship: Including someone as an author who has not made a significant contribution to the research or publication process.
Voluntary Participation Violation: Forcing students or other participants to join a study.
Failure to Obtain Informed Consent: Not providing adequate information to participants about the research steps and risks, or not obtaining consent before proceeding.
Violation of Privacy: Sharing personal or institutional data obtained from participants without legal requirements or consent.
Fabrication: Creating false or manipulated data or results in research.
Falsification: Intentionally altering research records or obtained data.
Salami Slicing: Publishing parts of a research project in multiple separate publications to increase the number of publications.
Duplicate Publication: Submitting the same research for publication in multiple journals simultaneously.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Authors submitting manuscripts to our journal are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:

Submissions should be original and must not have been published elsewhere. If authors use previous works, proper citations and references should be provided.
Individuals who have not made intellectual contributions to the content of the work should not be listed as authors.
Any conflicts of interest should be disclosed during the submission process.
Authors must be ready to provide raw data upon request during the evaluation process.
Authors should ensure they have the appropriate permissions for the data they are using and that informed consent has been obtained from participants, where applicable.
If an author identifies any errors or issues with a published or under-evaluation work, they are obligated to work with the journal’s editorial team to correct or retract the work.
Authors are not allowed to submit the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously.
Author responsibilities such as adding or removing authors cannot be changed once the evaluation process has begun.
Ethics Declaration for Publications

If a work submitted for publication is based on a thesis, dissertation, or an unpublished conference paper, it must be clearly stated on the first page of the article.

"This work is based on the Master's/Doctoral thesis titled 'XYZ,' presented and completed under the supervision of [supervisor name], on [date]."

Ethics Committee Approval

As of 2020, TR Dizin's criteria for journal evaluation have been updated, and the requirement for ethics committee approval for scientific studies has been elaborated. The guideline on "Ethics Committee Approval for Research" will apply to publications starting from 2020.

Is ethics committee approval required for all articles?
No. It is only required for certain types of research, including:

Qualitative or quantitative studies involving surveys, interviews, focus groups, experiments, or observations.
Research involving the use of animals or human subjects.
Clinical research involving humans.
Research using personal data subject to privacy laws.
Do I need ethics committee approval for research done before 2020?
No, unless the research involves the use of human subjects, animals, or personal data, or if it was part of a project involving retrospective studies after 2020.

What if a researcher is not from a university?
Non-university researchers can also apply to the ethics committees in their region for approval.

If you encounter any ethical violations in the publications, please report them to:


2024 - Volume: 3 Issue: 5