Writing Rules


Article Preparation (Article Template)

Language: Turkish, English, Arabic
The language of the journal is Turkish and English.

Article Subject Area: The scope of the journal is limited to the basic fields of Theology. For this reason, only articles related to the subfields of Theology are accepted for publication.

Publication Types: Research article, review article, book review, and editorial essays are published. However, we advise authors to be as concise as possible for the dissemination of the work. It has been decided not to publish translation articles in the journal as of 2024. In book review type studies, only qualified studies by experts in the field will be evaluated.

Publication Period: Our journal is published twice a year, 15 March and 15 September. The article acceptance dates are 01 October-01 November for the March issue and 01 April-01 May for the September issue. If the number of articles is deemed sufficient, the system may be closed to article submission before the specified acceptance dates at the discretion of the editorial board of the journal. Articles that do not reach the publication date due to the incomplete evaluation process are transferred to the next issue.

Ethical Principles: Author(s) are required to review the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy of Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Faculty of Theology before submitting the article. For field research studies, the approval of the ethics committee must be obtained and the approval must be indicated with the meeting date. It should be added separately during manuscript submission. On the first page of the article, the name, date and number of the ethics committee in the ethics committee approval document should be added. In the method section, the start and end dates of the data collection process must be included. The plagiarism similarity rate must be less than 15%. Even if the similarity rate appears to be 1%, it can still be considered plagiarism if citations and quotations are not properly made. The plagiarism report will be generated and uploaded by the pre-review editor, so the authors do not need to upload it themselves.

Author Change: It is only processed before the manuscript is accepted. The author(s) should carefully review the list and order of author(s) before submitting the manuscript and provide the final author list at the time of original submission.

Copyright Notice: The Copyright Notification Text to be submitted by the corresponding author is filled in completely, signed and uploaded to the system as PDF. In articles with more than one researcher, if the authors are from different institutions, the notification text must be filled in and signed by each author and all copies must be combined and uploaded in a single PDF file.

Article Format:
• Title: It should be a title that summarises the subject of the article and attracts the attention of the reader.
• Abstract: It is a short summary of the article. It includes the problem, purpose, original value, method, findings and results of the research.
• Introduction: It is the section that defines the general purpose, research questions or hypotheses of the study. After the summary of the literature is presented to show the originality of the study, the importance of the study is stated.
• Method: This is the section detailing how the research was conducted. Data collection methods, tools or materials used are explained here. In this section, the selection of the data collection tool, introduction of the data collection tool, explanation of the data collection process, data analysis method should be specified.
• Findings: This is the section where the obtained data and findings are presented. Tables, graphs or statistical analyses can be included in this section.
• Discussion: This is the section where the findings are interpreted and compared with the literature. The importance and limitations of the study can be included here. If deemed necessary, findings and discussion section can be given together.
• Conclusion: This is the section where the main findings of the study are summarised, important conclusions are drawn and recommendations for future research are given.
• Bibliography: This is the section where the literature used is listed.

Writing Rules:

• The upper word limit for articles (including title, abstract and references) is 9000 words. The abstract text should be between 450-600 words. If the word limit is exceeded or if it is less than the minimum level, it is sent to the author with a request for correction.
• Articles submitted to the journal should be prepared according to the article template of Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Theology Journal. Articles that are not submitted in accordance with the journal template are returned to the author without being included in the evaluation process. (Article Template)
• After the articles are prepared according to the template, they should be uploaded to the system only in Word file format (.doc).
• Article writing rules are detailed in the template. The text of the article can be automatically adapted according to all spelling rules from the styles tab. You can apply and update the font and size in Arabic articles according to the rules.
• Consistency should be maintained in the use of letters with diacritical marks and transcribed words. For words whose spelling is uncertain, the spelling rules of the Turkish Language Association (Türk Dil Kurumu) should be considered.
• If additional information, data, documents, or visuals are to be provided in the article, they should be included in the appendices section at the end of the article, with proper citations to their sources. The information in the appendices should support the main text but should not be excessive.
• Direct quotations exceeding 40 words should be written as a separate block, without quotation marks, indented 1 cm from the text, and with single line spacing. Quotations of 40 words or fewer should be included within the text and enclosed in quotation marks.
• Field-specific terms and abbreviations used in the text should be clearly defined or explained at their first occurrence. Names of individuals and works, as well as conceptualized terms, should be written according to the entry titles and spelling rules in the Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi.

Source Citation Style
References should be organised according to the ISNAD Citation System (https://www.isnadsistemi.org/download/isnad-2-yazim-kilavuzu/) with footnotes or in-text according to the author's preference. A single bibliography writing style should be preferred in the article.

Final Checklist
It is hoped that this list will be useful during the final check of the manuscript before it is uploaded to the journal system.

Make sure that the following items are present:
1. Author information added.
• E-mail address
• Full postal address
• Telephone number
2. All necessary files have been uploaded.
• Article text
• Copyright Agreement
• Ethics Committee Declaration (Mandatory for Field Research)
3. The article has been "spell-checked" and "grammar-checked".
4. All references mentioned in the bibliography are cited in the text and vice versa.

Article Submission
At least one of the author or authors of the article must have a PhD degree. In articles produced from thesis, the student should be indicated as the first author and the supervisor as the second author. In the applications, the account of the corresponding author of the study should be used. All correspondence regarding the application is sent to the corresponding author via e-mail sent through the journal system. When uploading the manuscript file, make sure that this file does not contain any elements that will decipher the identity of the author due to the double-blind review process.
Files You Need to Upload Separately:
1) Full Article Text
2) Copyright Agreement

During submission, the following commitment is obtained from the author electronically:
1. I am authorised/authorised by the co-authors to submit this work to your journal.
2. The manuscript is original, has not been formally published in another peer-reviewed journal, is not under consideration by another journal, and does not violate any existing copyright or other third-party rights.
3. I/we agree that if the article is accepted for editorial publication, it will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence.
4. The copyright and intellectual property rights of the author(s) or, if applicable, the author(s)' employer are reserved. The author(s) undertake(s) that the publisher is not responsible for any claims or lawsuits to be filed by third parties due to copyright infringement, and that they bear full responsibility.
5. The author(s) undertake(s) that there are no criminal offences or illegal expressions in the article, and that no illegal materials and methods were used during the research.

Last Update Time: 9/15/24, 11:44:30 AM

Creative Commons Lisansı

Journal of Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Theology (ESOGUIFD) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International license.