1. Articles to be sent to the journal are 2.5 cm in top, bottom and right space on A4 size white paper and left space should be 3 cm (21x29.7 cm area), using single line spaced, 12 font size, Times New Roman (Turkish), justified plain text and line break without spelling. In each section, paragraphs should be started with a 1 cm indentation. Articles should not exceed 15 pages.
2. In the articles, the spelling guide of the Turkish Language Institution should be taken as an example, and Turkish words should be used instead of foreign words. While very unfamiliar words are used in Turkish, the equivalent of the foreign language should be given in parentheses in the first place (Turkish and English).
3. For Turkish articles, a broad English summary of at least 500 words or 4000 characters including justification, method, findings, conclusions and discussion sections should be prepared. After the broad English summary article is accepted for publication, it should be prepared and submitted in a separate file.
4. Articles; The title should include the Abstract (Turkish), Keywords, Main Text (Introduction, Purpose, Method, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion, Suggestions and References) sections. The headings of the chapters should be written without indenting, and the first sentence of the paragraph should be indented with 1cm indenting. All pages should be numbered as (1, 2, ...) below the page and in the middle.
a) Title: The name and surname of the authors should be given under the title of the article consisting of maximum 3-12 words. The author's academic title, institution and department he / she works for should be written under the name section. Unless necessary, abbreviation should not be used in the title. In addition, the author's correspondence address, e-mail address, fax and telephone number should be specified in the correspondence address section (see h) after resources.
b) Summary and Keywords: The summary section should be prepared under the title of "Summary" between 10 points and 100-150 words. Keywords (between 3 and 5) should be given under the summary, using the 'Keywords' title. Care should be taken to ensure that the summary reflects critical information regarding the purpose, method, content and results of the study.
c) Main text: In research type articles, the main text should consist of sections (Introduction, Purpose, Method, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestions, References), respectively. Compilation type articles, literature reviews and titles appropriate to the aims and dimensions of the study should be used in translations.
The introduction should include the approaches and findings in the literature and the rationale for the research.
The purpose of the study should be clearly stated in the purpose section.
In the method section, necessary explanations should be made about the sample, data sources, data collection tools and materials used, analysis and interpretation of the data.
The findings should include statistical analyzes used to test the research's hypotheses, mean and standard deviation values of each variable. Tables or figures should be given on the same page without dividing.
The discussion section should include explanation and discussion of the research findings in the light of the literature.
The conclusion should include the findings from the research and the situation resulting from the discussion.
The Suggestions section should include the researcher's (s) 'suggestions for the subject.
d) References should start from a new page. All the sources cited in the text should be listed in the "References" list in accordance with the APA 6 (American Psychological Association) style and in alphabetical order.
e) Attachments should start from a new page. If it is not necessary, supplementary files should not be given. In the studies for developing a measurement tool, all the items that make up the tool must be given in the text or in addition. Attachments should be written in 10 font size.
f) Tables should be given within the same page without dividing each table, using a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 10 points. The table number and the text of the table should be written in 11 font size, italic and the first letters of the text should be above the table. (ex: Table 1. Table Title should be written like this) In addition, the width of the tables is 12cm., the height is 19 cm. should not be more than.
g) Figures and Graphics should be given in the same page without dividing. Figures and graphic numbers and letters should be written in 11 font size with the first letters of the words in the same page, under the figure and in italics (eg: Figure 1. Figure Title should be written like this). In addition, the shape or graphic is 12 cm wide and 19 cm high. should not be more than.
5. After the blind review process. the manuscript will be gone a detailed evaluation about the plagiarism including a software support.