Writing Rules

1. Young Thinkers Journal is a scientific refereed journal and is published twice a year, in June and December.

2. The Editorial Board is the only authorized body that decides whether the articles submitted to the journal should be published or not. Editors are considered natural members of the Editorial Board.

3. The publication language of the journal is Turkish, Arabic, English and Persian. The decision to publish articles in other languages belongs to the Editorial Board.

4. Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication are evaluated by at least two referees. Blind referee system is applied in the journal.

5. The Evaluation Reports of the Referee and the Editorial Board must be kept confidential for 5 years in an open manner.

6. Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication are at least 150; It should contain a maximum of 200 words of Turkish and English titles and abstracts. Manuscripts should contain appropriate keywords (Key Words) in Turkish and English that describe the subject.

7. The references used in the manuscripts should be given as a list of references at the end of the article.

8. In the article, the author's name, title, institution and contact information should be clearly stated. All legal responsibility for the ideas in the manuscripts belongs to the author.

9. Manuscripts should not exceed 15000 words, 1.15 lines are spaced on one side of A4 paper; the main text of the font Palatino Linotype is 11 points, the footnotes are the Palatino Linotype is 8 (eight) or 9 (nine) points; The margins should be left so that the left is 3 cm, the top is 3 cm, the bottom is 3 cm and the right is 3 cm.

10. Subtitles of the manuscripts should be written in 12 font size and left-aligned.

11. If there is a graphic or image in the manuscript, it should be sent in jpeg format as a maximum size of 10x20 and as a separate file.

12. Journal of Young Intellectuals, Young Thinkers Journal also includes academic activities, interviews, book and article evaluations and criticism articles, with a maximum of 600 to 6000 words.

13. The journal also includes translated articles. Imprint information such as the author, date, where it was published, volume, number and page of the article to be translated must be fully stated and if it is not covered by copyright protection, publication permission must be obtained.

14. All rights of the published articles belong to Genç Mütefekkirler Dergisi. It can be cited provided that the source is shown.

15. The articles published in our journal are scanned in the plagiarism (turnitin) program. Articles with a similar rate not exceeding 20% are published.

16. APA in-text footnote system is used in the articles published in our journal. You can examine the examples below.


1. Single Author Book

Rule in the bibliography Surname of the author, Author's name and name of the work, place of publication and year.

Abdulbaki, Muhammad Fuad, Mu'jamu'l-Mufahras li Elfazi'l-Qur'ani'l-Karim, Daru al-Hadith, Cairo 1945.

Example in Text: (Abdulbaki: 1945, 67).

Maturidi, Abu Mansur Muhammad b. Mahmud, Ta'vilat-i Ahli's-Sunnah, Daru al-Qutbu'l-Ilmiyya, Lebanon, 2005.

Example in Text: (Maturidî: 2005, VI, 67).

2. Book with Two Authors

Sarıçam, İbrahim – Erşahin, Seyfettin, History of Islamic Civilization, TDV Yay., Ankara 2019.

In Text: (Sarıçam-Erşahin: 2019, 54).

3. Books with More Than Two Authors

Karaman et al., Hayrettin, Qur'an Yolu Türkçe Meal ve Tafsir, DİB Yayınları, Ankara 2012.

Inside the Text: (Karaman et al.: 2012, III, 45).


1. Single Author Article in Periodicals

Yılmaz, Musa Kazım, "Etiquette Highlighted by Surat Hujurat", Harran Univ. Journal of Divinity Faculty, (38), 2017, 1-30.

In Text: (Yılmaz: 2017, 35.)


Temel, Ahmet Vefa, "Islam's View of Irritability", International Symposium on Misperceptions and True Islam, Şanlıurfa 2016, 68-95.

In-text: (Baseline: 2016, 80)

Ögüt, Salim, "İhram", DİA, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, İstanbul 2000.

Example in Text (Öğüt: 2000, IV, 70)

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