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Farklı formülasyonlarda üretilen buğday bazlı tahıl ekmeklerinin antioksidan kapasitelerinin ve duyusal özelliklerinin kapsamlı bir değerlendirmesi

Year 2025, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 105 - 117


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de marketlerde satışa sunulan ve sıklıkla tüketilen bazı buğday bazlı tahıllı ekmek türlerinin fizikokimyasal, duyusal ve antioksidan özelliklerinin araştırılması amaçlamıştır. Ev tipi ekmek yapma makinesi yardımıyla ekmek çeşitleri üretilmiş olup, kontrol olarak %100 beyaz buğday unu ekmeği (WB) kullanılmıştır. Duyusal değerlendirmeler dokuz noktalı hedonik ölçek yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Toplam fenolik madde içerikleri Folin-Ciocalteau yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Antioksidan kapasiteleri ABTS, DPPH ve FRAP testleri kullanılarak belirlendi. Ayrıca, ekmek çeşitlerinin özelliklerini ayırt etmek için tüm veriler temel bileşenler analizi (PCA) kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Tam buğday ekmeği en yüksek antioksidan potansiyelleri (ABTS için 200.00µM TEAC, DPPH için 147.50µM TEAC, FRAP için 116.94µM TEAC) ve en yüksek fenolik içeriği (64.30mg GAE/100g DW) göstermiş, ancak genel olarak düşük kabul edilebilirlik puanına (6.00/9.00) sahip olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, farklı tahıl unlarının ilavesi üretilen ekmeklerin antioksidan, duyusal ve fiziksel özelliklerini etkilemiştir (p<0.05). Ekmek formülasyonuna eklenen farklı tahıl unları, tüm ekmeklerin antioksidan özelliklerini olumlu yönde etkilemiş; ancak yalnızca buğday kepeği ve yulaf unu ilavesi ekmek türlerinin genel duyusal kabul edilebilirliğini olumlu yönde etkilemiştir. Böylelikle bu çalışma ile bireyler, mikrobesinler açısından çok fakir olan WB yerine önemli mikrobesinler içeren farklı tahıl unlarıyla zenginleştirilmiş ekmek çeşitlerini tüketme konusunda bilinçlendirilmiş olacaktır. Çalışma ayrıca bu ekmeklerin ev tipi ekmek yapma makinesinde üretilmesi konusunda da bireylere kolaylık sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, WB’den daha az tüketilen ekmek türlerinin fonksiyonel özelliklerine ilişkin çeşitli verileri ortaya koymaktadır.

Ethical Statement

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi

Supporting Institution

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi

Project Number



Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü


  • Akhtar, Saeed, Faqir M. Anjum, and M. Akbar Anjum. 2011. “Micronutrient Fortification of Wheat Flour: Recent Development and Strategies.” Food Research International 44(3):652–59. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2010.12.033.
  • Altuğ Onoğur, Tomris, and Yeşim Elmacı. 2011. Gıdalarda Duyusal Değerlendirme.
  • Angulo-López, Jorge E., Adriana C. Flores-Gallegos, Juan A. Ascacio-Valdes, Juan C. Contreras Esquivel, Cristian Torres-León, Xochitl Rúelas-Chácon, and Cristóbal N. Aguilar. 2023. “Antioxidant Dietary Fiber Sourced from Agroindustrial Byproducts and Its Applications.” Foods 12(1). doi: 10.3390/foods12010159.
  • Benzie, Iris F. F., and J. J. Strain. 1996. “The Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP) as a Measure of ‘Antioxidant Power’: The FRAP Assay.” Analytical Biochemistry 239(1):70–76. doi: 10.1006/abio.1996.0292.
  • Brand-Williams, W., M. E. Cuvelier, and C. Berset. 1995. “Use of a Free Radical Method to Evaluate Antioxidant Activity.” LWT - Food Science and Technology 28(1):25–30. doi: 10.1016/S0023-6438(95)80008-5.
  • Burnaz, Nesibe Arslan. 2021. “Evaluation of Ultrasonication and Agitation Extraction Methods at Different Conditions on the Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Mammillaria Prolifera.” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 83(5):963–73. doi: 10.36468/pharmaceutical-sciences.849.
  • Burnaz, Nesibe Arslan, Müge Hendek Ertop, and Şeyda Merve Karataş. 2018. “Enrichment of Phenolic Content of Bread by Using of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.” GIDA / The Journal of Food 43(2):240–49. doi: 10.15237/gida.gd17098.
  • Can, Zehra, Barbaros Dincer, Huseyin Sahin, Nimet Baltas, Oktay Yildiz, and Sevgi Kolayli. 2014. “Polyphenol Oxidase Activity and Antioxidant Properties of Yomra Apple (Malus Communis L.) from Turkey.” Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 29(6):829–35. doi: 10.3109/14756366.2013.858144.
  • Coda, Rossana, Carlo Giuseppe Rizzello, José Antonio Curiel, Kaisa Poutanen, and Kati Katina. 2014. “Effect of Bioprocessing and Particle Size on the Nutritional Properties of Wheat Bran Fractions.” Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 25(1):19–27. doi: 10.1016/j.ifset.2013.11.012.
  • Dary, O., and J. O. Mora. 2013. “Food Fortification: Technological Aspects.” Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition 2–4:306–14. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-375083-9.00120-3.
  • Dimov, Ivan, Nadezhda Petkova, Gjore Nakov, Ira Taneva, Ivan Ivanov, and Viktorija Stamatovska. 2018. “Improvement of Antioxidant Potential of Wheat Flours and Breads by Addition of Medicinal Plants...” Ukrainian Food Journal 7(4):671–81. doi: 10.24263/2304-974x-2018-7-4-11.
  • Diosady, L. L., J. O. Alberti, K. Ramcharan, and M. V. Mannar. 2002. “Enriched Salt-Iot.Pdf.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 23(2):196–207.
  • Dogan, İsmail Sait, and Önder Yıldız. 2009. “The Effects of Various Ingredients Used in Bread Machine on Bread Quality.” 34(5):295–301.
  • Dziki, Dariusz, Renata Rózyło, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, and Michał Świeca. 2014. “Current Trends in the Enhancement of Antioxidant Activity of Wheat Bread by the Addition of Plant Materials Rich in Phenolic Compounds.” Trends in Food Science and Technology 40(1):48–61. doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2014.07.010.
  • Fogarasi, Attila Levente, Szilárd Kun, Gabriella Tankó, Éva Stefanovits-Bányai, and Beáta Hegyesné-Vecseri. 2015. “A Comparative Assessment of Antioxidant Properties, Total Phenolic Content of Einkorn, Wheat, Barley and Their Malts.” Food Chemistry 167(1):1–6. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.06.084.
  • Hasler, Clare M. 2002. “Functional Foods: Benefits, Concerns and Challenges—A Position Paper from the American Council on Science and Health.” The Journal of Nutrition 132(12):3772–81. doi: 10.1093/jn/132.12.3772.
  • Heiniö, R. L., M. W. J. Noort, K. Katina, S. A. Alam, N. Sozer, H. L. de Kock, M. Hersleth, and K. Poutanen. 2016. “Sensory Characteristics of Wholegrain and Bran-Rich Cereal Foods - A Review.” Trends in Food Science and Technology 47(1):25–38. doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2015.11.002.
  • Ilyasoʇlu, H., and N. A. Burnaz. 2015. “Effect of Domestic Cooking Methods on Antioxidant Capacity of Fresh and Frozen Kale.” International Journal of Food Properties 18(6):1298–1305. doi: 10.1080/10942912.2014.919317. International, AACC. 2001. “AACC International. (2001), Guidelines for Measurements of Volume by Rapeseed Displacement. Method 10-05.01.”
  • Jiang, Yuqin, Zhongxiang Fang, William Leonard, and Pangzhen Zhang. 2021. “Phenolic Compounds in Lycium Berry: Composition, Health Benefits and Industrial Applications.” Journal of Functional Foods 77:104340. doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2020.104340.
  • Kundakcı, Akif, and Duygu Göçmen. 1992. “The Bread Making Quality of Some Wheat Varieties Produced in Marmara Region.” GIDA-Journal of Food 17(2):102–7.
  • Lawless, H. T., and H. Heymamn. 2010. Sensory Evaluation of Food: Priciples and Practises.
  • Masisi, Kabo, Trust Beta, and Mohammed H. Moghadasian. 2016. “Antioxidant Properties of Diverse Cereal Grains: A Review on in Vitro and in Vivo Studies.” Food Chemistry 196(1):90–97. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.09.021.
  • Okarter, Neal, and Rui Hai Liu. 2010. “Health Benefits of Whole Grain Phytochemicals.” 8398. doi: 10.1080/10408390802248734.
  • Perales, Sara, Reyes Barberá, María Jesús Lagarda, and Rosaura Farré. 2006. “Fortification of Milk with Calcium: Effect on Calcium Bioavailability and Interactions with Iron and Zinc.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54(13):4901–6. doi: 10.1021/jf0601214.
  • Prokopov, Tsvetko, Valentina Chonova, Anton Slavov, Tzvetelin Dessev, Nikolay Dimitrov, and Nadezhda Petkova. 2018. “Effects on the Quality and Health-Enhancing Properties of Industrial Onion Waste Powder on Bread.” Journal of Food Science and Technology 55(12):5091–97. doi: 10.1007/s13197-018-3448-8.
  • Ragaee, S., I. Guzar, N. Dhull, and K. Seetharaman. 2011. “Effects of Fiber Addition on Antioxidant Capacity and Nutritional Quality of Wheat Bread.” LWT - Food Science and Technology 44(10):2147–53. doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2011.06.016.
  • Re, Roberta, Nicoletta Pellegrini, Anna Proteggente, Ananth Pannala, Min Yang, and Catherine Rice-Evans. 1999. “Antioxidant Activity Applying an Improved ABTS Radical Cation Decolorization Assay.” Free Radical Biology and Medicine 26(9–10):1231–37. doi: 10.1016/S0891-5849(98)00315-3.
  • Roberfroid, M. B. 1999. “What Is Beneficial for Health? The Concept of Functional Food.” Food and Chemical Toxicology.
  • Rosell, C. M. 2008. “Vitamin and Mineral Fortification of Bread.” Technology of Functional Cereal Products 336–61. doi: 10.1533/9781845693886.2.336.
  • Singleton, V. L., and J A Rossi. 1965. “Colorimetry of Total Phenolics with Phosphomolybdic-Phosphotungstic Acid Reagents.” American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.
  • Singleton, V. L., and Joseph A Rossi. 1965. “Colorimetry of Total Phenolics with P-Molybdic Tungstic Acid Reagents.” Am J Enol Vitic 16(3):144–58.
  • Siró, István, Emese Kápolna, Beáta Kápolna, and Andrea Lugasi. 2008. “Functional Food. Product Development, Marketing and Consumer Acceptance-A Review.” Appetite 51(3):456–67. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2008.05.060.
  • Soong, Yean Yean, Seow Peng Tan, Lai Peng Leong, and Jeya Kumar Henry. 2014. “Total Antioxidant Capacity and Starch Digestibility of Muffins Baked with Rice, Wheat, Oat, Corn and Barley Flour.” Food Chemistry. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.05.041.
  • Torbica, Aleksandra, Miroslav Hadnadev, and Tamara Dapčević. 2010. “Rheological, Textural and Sensory Properties of Gluten-Free Bread Formulations Based on Rice and Buckwheat Flour.” Food Hydrocolloids 24(6–7):626–32. doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2010.03.004.
  • Torrijos, Raquel, Tiago de Melo Nazareth, Juan Manuel Quiles, Jordi Mañes, and Giuseppe Meca. 2021. “Application of White Mustard Bran and Flour on Bread as Natural Preservative Agents.” Foods 2021, Vol. 10, Page 431 10(2):431. doi: 10.3390/FOODS10020431.
  • Wrigley, C. W. 2009. “Wheat: A Unique Grain for the World.” Wheat: Chemistry and Technology: Fourth Edition 54(2):58–64. doi: 10.1016/B978-1-891127-55-7.50008-2.
  • Xu, Jingwen, Weiqun Wang, and Yonghui Li. 2019. “Dough Properties, Bread Quality, and Associated Interactions with Added Phenolic Compounds: A Review.” Journal of Functional Foods 52:629–39. doi: 10.1016/J.JFF.2018.11.052.
  • Younas, Atia, Summar A. Naqvi, Moazzam Rafiq Khan, Muhammad Asim Shabbir, Mushtaque Ahmed Jatoi, Farooq Anwar, Muhammad Inam-Ur-Raheem, Nazamid Saari, and Rana Muhammad Aadil. 2020. “Functional Food and Nutra-Pharmaceutical Perspectives of Date (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) Fruit.” Journal of Food Biochemistry 44(9):1–18. doi: 10.1111/jfbc.13332.
  • Zieliński, H., and H. Kozłowska. 2000. “Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolics in Selected Cereal Grains and Their Different Morphological Fractions.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. doi: 10.1021/jf990619o.

A comprehensive assessment of the antioxidant capacity and sensory properties of wheat-based cereal breads produced in different formulations

Year 2025, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 105 - 117


In this study, it was aimed to investigate the physicochemical, sensory and antioxidant properties of some wheat-based cereal bread types that are offered for sale and frequently consumed in the markets in Turkey. Bread types were produced with the help of a home-type bread-making machine, and 100% white wheat flour bread (WB) was used as a control. Sensory evaluations were determined by using the nine-point hedonic scale method. Total phenolic contents were determined by using Folin-Ciocalteau’s method. Antioxidant capacities were determined by using ABTS, DPPH, and FRAP assays. Besides, all data were evaluated by using principal component analysis (PCA) to discriminate the properties of bread types. Whole-wheat bread showed the highest antioxidant potentials (200.00µM TEAC for ABTS, 147.50µM TEAC for DPPH, 116.94µM TEAC for FRAP) and the highest amount of phenolic content (64.30mg GAE/100gDW), but a low overall acceptability score (6.00/9.00). As a result, the addition of wheat-based cereal flours affected the antioxidant, sensory, and physical properties of the produced breads (p<0.05). Different cereal flours added to the bread formulation positively affected the antioxidant properties of all breads, but only wheat bran and oat flour addition positively affected the overall sensory acceptability of the bread types. Hereby this study, individuals will be made aware of consuming bread types enriched with different cereal flours including important micronutrients instead of WB which is so poor in micronutrients. The study also provides convenience to individuals in the production of these breads in a home-type bread-making machine. This study reveals the various data for functional properties of bread types that are consumed less than WB.

Ethical Statement

Gümüşhane University

Supporting Institution

Gümüşhane University

Project Number



Gümüşhane University Scientific Research Fund


  • Akhtar, Saeed, Faqir M. Anjum, and M. Akbar Anjum. 2011. “Micronutrient Fortification of Wheat Flour: Recent Development and Strategies.” Food Research International 44(3):652–59. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2010.12.033.
  • Altuğ Onoğur, Tomris, and Yeşim Elmacı. 2011. Gıdalarda Duyusal Değerlendirme.
  • Angulo-López, Jorge E., Adriana C. Flores-Gallegos, Juan A. Ascacio-Valdes, Juan C. Contreras Esquivel, Cristian Torres-León, Xochitl Rúelas-Chácon, and Cristóbal N. Aguilar. 2023. “Antioxidant Dietary Fiber Sourced from Agroindustrial Byproducts and Its Applications.” Foods 12(1). doi: 10.3390/foods12010159.
  • Benzie, Iris F. F., and J. J. Strain. 1996. “The Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP) as a Measure of ‘Antioxidant Power’: The FRAP Assay.” Analytical Biochemistry 239(1):70–76. doi: 10.1006/abio.1996.0292.
  • Brand-Williams, W., M. E. Cuvelier, and C. Berset. 1995. “Use of a Free Radical Method to Evaluate Antioxidant Activity.” LWT - Food Science and Technology 28(1):25–30. doi: 10.1016/S0023-6438(95)80008-5.
  • Burnaz, Nesibe Arslan. 2021. “Evaluation of Ultrasonication and Agitation Extraction Methods at Different Conditions on the Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Mammillaria Prolifera.” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 83(5):963–73. doi: 10.36468/pharmaceutical-sciences.849.
  • Burnaz, Nesibe Arslan, Müge Hendek Ertop, and Şeyda Merve Karataş. 2018. “Enrichment of Phenolic Content of Bread by Using of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.” GIDA / The Journal of Food 43(2):240–49. doi: 10.15237/gida.gd17098.
  • Can, Zehra, Barbaros Dincer, Huseyin Sahin, Nimet Baltas, Oktay Yildiz, and Sevgi Kolayli. 2014. “Polyphenol Oxidase Activity and Antioxidant Properties of Yomra Apple (Malus Communis L.) from Turkey.” Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 29(6):829–35. doi: 10.3109/14756366.2013.858144.
  • Coda, Rossana, Carlo Giuseppe Rizzello, José Antonio Curiel, Kaisa Poutanen, and Kati Katina. 2014. “Effect of Bioprocessing and Particle Size on the Nutritional Properties of Wheat Bran Fractions.” Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 25(1):19–27. doi: 10.1016/j.ifset.2013.11.012.
  • Dary, O., and J. O. Mora. 2013. “Food Fortification: Technological Aspects.” Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition 2–4:306–14. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-375083-9.00120-3.
  • Dimov, Ivan, Nadezhda Petkova, Gjore Nakov, Ira Taneva, Ivan Ivanov, and Viktorija Stamatovska. 2018. “Improvement of Antioxidant Potential of Wheat Flours and Breads by Addition of Medicinal Plants...” Ukrainian Food Journal 7(4):671–81. doi: 10.24263/2304-974x-2018-7-4-11.
  • Diosady, L. L., J. O. Alberti, K. Ramcharan, and M. V. Mannar. 2002. “Enriched Salt-Iot.Pdf.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 23(2):196–207.
  • Dogan, İsmail Sait, and Önder Yıldız. 2009. “The Effects of Various Ingredients Used in Bread Machine on Bread Quality.” 34(5):295–301.
  • Dziki, Dariusz, Renata Rózyło, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, and Michał Świeca. 2014. “Current Trends in the Enhancement of Antioxidant Activity of Wheat Bread by the Addition of Plant Materials Rich in Phenolic Compounds.” Trends in Food Science and Technology 40(1):48–61. doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2014.07.010.
  • Fogarasi, Attila Levente, Szilárd Kun, Gabriella Tankó, Éva Stefanovits-Bányai, and Beáta Hegyesné-Vecseri. 2015. “A Comparative Assessment of Antioxidant Properties, Total Phenolic Content of Einkorn, Wheat, Barley and Their Malts.” Food Chemistry 167(1):1–6. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.06.084.
  • Hasler, Clare M. 2002. “Functional Foods: Benefits, Concerns and Challenges—A Position Paper from the American Council on Science and Health.” The Journal of Nutrition 132(12):3772–81. doi: 10.1093/jn/132.12.3772.
  • Heiniö, R. L., M. W. J. Noort, K. Katina, S. A. Alam, N. Sozer, H. L. de Kock, M. Hersleth, and K. Poutanen. 2016. “Sensory Characteristics of Wholegrain and Bran-Rich Cereal Foods - A Review.” Trends in Food Science and Technology 47(1):25–38. doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2015.11.002.
  • Ilyasoʇlu, H., and N. A. Burnaz. 2015. “Effect of Domestic Cooking Methods on Antioxidant Capacity of Fresh and Frozen Kale.” International Journal of Food Properties 18(6):1298–1305. doi: 10.1080/10942912.2014.919317. International, AACC. 2001. “AACC International. (2001), Guidelines for Measurements of Volume by Rapeseed Displacement. Method 10-05.01.”
  • Jiang, Yuqin, Zhongxiang Fang, William Leonard, and Pangzhen Zhang. 2021. “Phenolic Compounds in Lycium Berry: Composition, Health Benefits and Industrial Applications.” Journal of Functional Foods 77:104340. doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2020.104340.
  • Kundakcı, Akif, and Duygu Göçmen. 1992. “The Bread Making Quality of Some Wheat Varieties Produced in Marmara Region.” GIDA-Journal of Food 17(2):102–7.
  • Lawless, H. T., and H. Heymamn. 2010. Sensory Evaluation of Food: Priciples and Practises.
  • Masisi, Kabo, Trust Beta, and Mohammed H. Moghadasian. 2016. “Antioxidant Properties of Diverse Cereal Grains: A Review on in Vitro and in Vivo Studies.” Food Chemistry 196(1):90–97. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.09.021.
  • Okarter, Neal, and Rui Hai Liu. 2010. “Health Benefits of Whole Grain Phytochemicals.” 8398. doi: 10.1080/10408390802248734.
  • Perales, Sara, Reyes Barberá, María Jesús Lagarda, and Rosaura Farré. 2006. “Fortification of Milk with Calcium: Effect on Calcium Bioavailability and Interactions with Iron and Zinc.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54(13):4901–6. doi: 10.1021/jf0601214.
  • Prokopov, Tsvetko, Valentina Chonova, Anton Slavov, Tzvetelin Dessev, Nikolay Dimitrov, and Nadezhda Petkova. 2018. “Effects on the Quality and Health-Enhancing Properties of Industrial Onion Waste Powder on Bread.” Journal of Food Science and Technology 55(12):5091–97. doi: 10.1007/s13197-018-3448-8.
  • Ragaee, S., I. Guzar, N. Dhull, and K. Seetharaman. 2011. “Effects of Fiber Addition on Antioxidant Capacity and Nutritional Quality of Wheat Bread.” LWT - Food Science and Technology 44(10):2147–53. doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2011.06.016.
  • Re, Roberta, Nicoletta Pellegrini, Anna Proteggente, Ananth Pannala, Min Yang, and Catherine Rice-Evans. 1999. “Antioxidant Activity Applying an Improved ABTS Radical Cation Decolorization Assay.” Free Radical Biology and Medicine 26(9–10):1231–37. doi: 10.1016/S0891-5849(98)00315-3.
  • Roberfroid, M. B. 1999. “What Is Beneficial for Health? The Concept of Functional Food.” Food and Chemical Toxicology.
  • Rosell, C. M. 2008. “Vitamin and Mineral Fortification of Bread.” Technology of Functional Cereal Products 336–61. doi: 10.1533/9781845693886.2.336.
  • Singleton, V. L., and J A Rossi. 1965. “Colorimetry of Total Phenolics with Phosphomolybdic-Phosphotungstic Acid Reagents.” American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.
  • Singleton, V. L., and Joseph A Rossi. 1965. “Colorimetry of Total Phenolics with P-Molybdic Tungstic Acid Reagents.” Am J Enol Vitic 16(3):144–58.
  • Siró, István, Emese Kápolna, Beáta Kápolna, and Andrea Lugasi. 2008. “Functional Food. Product Development, Marketing and Consumer Acceptance-A Review.” Appetite 51(3):456–67. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2008.05.060.
  • Soong, Yean Yean, Seow Peng Tan, Lai Peng Leong, and Jeya Kumar Henry. 2014. “Total Antioxidant Capacity and Starch Digestibility of Muffins Baked with Rice, Wheat, Oat, Corn and Barley Flour.” Food Chemistry. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.05.041.
  • Torbica, Aleksandra, Miroslav Hadnadev, and Tamara Dapčević. 2010. “Rheological, Textural and Sensory Properties of Gluten-Free Bread Formulations Based on Rice and Buckwheat Flour.” Food Hydrocolloids 24(6–7):626–32. doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2010.03.004.
  • Torrijos, Raquel, Tiago de Melo Nazareth, Juan Manuel Quiles, Jordi Mañes, and Giuseppe Meca. 2021. “Application of White Mustard Bran and Flour on Bread as Natural Preservative Agents.” Foods 2021, Vol. 10, Page 431 10(2):431. doi: 10.3390/FOODS10020431.
  • Wrigley, C. W. 2009. “Wheat: A Unique Grain for the World.” Wheat: Chemistry and Technology: Fourth Edition 54(2):58–64. doi: 10.1016/B978-1-891127-55-7.50008-2.
  • Xu, Jingwen, Weiqun Wang, and Yonghui Li. 2019. “Dough Properties, Bread Quality, and Associated Interactions with Added Phenolic Compounds: A Review.” Journal of Functional Foods 52:629–39. doi: 10.1016/J.JFF.2018.11.052.
  • Younas, Atia, Summar A. Naqvi, Moazzam Rafiq Khan, Muhammad Asim Shabbir, Mushtaque Ahmed Jatoi, Farooq Anwar, Muhammad Inam-Ur-Raheem, Nazamid Saari, and Rana Muhammad Aadil. 2020. “Functional Food and Nutra-Pharmaceutical Perspectives of Date (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) Fruit.” Journal of Food Biochemistry 44(9):1–18. doi: 10.1111/jfbc.13332.
  • Zieliński, H., and H. Kozłowska. 2000. “Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolics in Selected Cereal Grains and Their Different Morphological Fractions.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. doi: 10.1021/jf990619o.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Nesibe Arslan Burnaz 0000-0003-1163-4829

Müge Hendek Ertop 0000-0003-4300-7790

Cemalettin Baltacı 0000-0002-4336-4002

Project Number 13.A0114.02.2
Early Pub Date March 17, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date December 5, 2023
Acceptance Date January 12, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 29 Issue: 1


APA Arslan Burnaz, N., Hendek Ertop, M., & Baltacı, C. (2025). A comprehensive assessment of the antioxidant capacity and sensory properties of wheat-based cereal breads produced in different formulations. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(1), 105-117.

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