Principles of the Referee Process

The Guidelines
1) Papers submitted for review must have the approval of all authors and must not have been previously published or accepted for publication in another journal.
2) Articles submitted to the journal are checked for plagiarism using the ( software to prevent ethical violations. The editor examines the similarity report to determine whether the software has noted the "citation-quatiation discrepancy". The text is returned to the author(s) if any unethical or inappropriate situations are found therein.
3. A double-blind review process is used by Höyük journal. The papers are scheduled for discussion by the Editorial Board once the Editors have made their initial determination of whether each study is appropriate for publication in the journal. Articles reviewed by the Editorial Board might get rejected by the Board's assessment without additional review, or they can be forwarded to two subject-matter experts for evaluation and, if necessary, a third referee.
4) Papers are assessed without regard to the authors' race, gender, nationality, religion, or political affiliation. Papers submitted for publication are guaranteed to go through a fair, double-blind peer review.
5) The editor prevents conflicts of interest involving authors, editors, reviewers, or editorial board members.
6) The Editorial Board has the last say over whether to approve or reject an article.
7) Members of the Editorial Board are not involved in choices on papers authored by them, their relatives, or their students. Such submissions are subject to all regular journal policies.
8) Referees should make sure that up until the paper is published, all information regarding submitted manuscripts is kept confidential. They should also notify the editor if they discover any plagiarism or copyright violations on the author's side.
9) Referees should inform the editor and request that they not participate in the review process if they feel unqualified to evaluate the paper or are not likely to be able to respond in a timely manner.
10) Members of the Editorial Board should take care to maintain the referees' identities' confidentiality. The confidentiality of the article's content is the responsibility of the referees.

The peer-review process
Within two weeks, formal and ethical preliminary assessment is conducted on all submissions received by the journal. Studies that are accepted after a preliminary examination are put on the Editorial Board's schedule. The Editorial Board holds meetings every eight weeks. If the papers should go through the refereeing procedure or not is decided during the meeting. For articles sent for referee evaluation, referees are granted 4 weeks; however, if more time is thought to be necessary, this time frame may be extended by 2 weeks. The author has two weeks to revise any submissions that must be improved in accordance with referee reports. If more time is needed, it may be extended. The studies are published after the refereeing procedure is complete with the Editorial Board's approval. The proofreader and English language editor then get the manuscripts for assessment. Studies that are prepared for publication are released both in print and online. The average length of the review procedure is 24 weeks. Depending on the order of submission date, manuscripts are planned for the issue. An accepted article must wait an average of 40 weeks before it is published and assigned to an issue.
Type of Refereeing: Double Blind
Review Time: Pre-Publication
Author-Referee Interactions: All communications between authors and reviewers are mediated by editors. Referees and authors are not in contact with one another directly.
Duration of review process: The average length of the publishing review procedure is 24 weeks.
Duration of Publication: Depending on the order of submission date, manuscripts are planned for the issue. An accepted article must wait an average of 40 weeks before it is published and assigned to an issue.
Acceptance Rate: Our journal accepts 30% of submitted articles on average for publication. The Editorial Board often rejects 36% of all submissions outright, without referring them to the referee procedure.
Plagiarism Check: To avoid plagiarism, all articles are checked using the platform.
Papers are reviewed by a minimum of two referees for each article.
Decision: Acceptance of a paper is dependent upon at least two referees giving it their seal of approval. The Editorial Board has the final say on whether a paper should be accepted or rejected for publication.
Suspicion of Ethical Violation: If the referees have reason to believe that the work they are reviewing has violated publishing ethics, they inform the editor. The editor follows the COPE instructions and completes the relevant steps before submitting the outcome to the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board has the final say over the study.

Guidelines for the Refereeing of Editorial Staff Submissions
A minimum of two external referees review papers produced by Editorial Board members before they are published. The role of the pertinent member in the journal system is suspended during this time. In this way, the review process maintains its dual confidentiality.

Responsibilities of Authors
Guidelines for study and publication must be followed by an author.
An author shouldn't attempt to submit the same article to more than one journal.
The bibliography should contain a list of the sources the author used to write the paper.

Responsibilities of the Editor
Regardless of the authors' race, gender, nationality, religion, or political opinions, the editor assesses the papers.
Within the parameters of the double blind refereeing procedure, the editor conducts the review of the articles fairly. It safeguards the confidentiality of all article-related information throughout this procedure.
A publication's content and its general quality are the joint responsibility of the editor and the Editorial Board. When necessary, it is their duty to publish a corrective note or retraction.
The editor does not permit any conflicts of interest between authors, the editorial board, and referees. The Editor is fully authorized to deal with the refereeing procedure, and the Editorial Board makes the final choice of whether or not to accept the paper for publication in the journal.

Responsibilities of Referees
There should be no conflict of interest between referees and authors or research funders.
The referees' reviews should be unbiased.
The referees' manner of assessment shouldn't be offensive to the author.
Referees should make sure that until the paper is published, all information about submitted manuscripts is kept confidential.
Referees are expected to alert the editor if they discover any violations of publication ethics or copyright in the work they are reviewing.
Referees should withdraw from the process if they feel unqualified to evaluate a piece of writing or that they won't be able to finish it in the allotted time.
The following inquiries are used by referees to assess the manuscript's scientific content:
• In terms of content, scope, and methodology, is the study scientific?
• Is there original findings in the study that will contribute to the subject?
• Are the author's interpretations presented along with a critical evaluation of the primary and/or contemporary sources in the study? Has the study been successful in achieving its intended goals?
• Are the employed figures, tables, images, maps, and other supporting materials relevant to the study's content, including the titles, abstract, and conclusion sections?
Through the Publication Tracking System, the assessment forms that are used in the journal are generated automatically. The Training and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sections in the Publication Tracking System have comprehensive information on these topics.

Preliminary Review and Plagiarism Check
Within two weeks, a formal and ethical preliminary assessment is conducted on every paper submitted to the journal. The study's adherence to the journal's writing guidelines is examined in this review. Studies that have been written in conformity with journal writing guidelines are checked for plagiarism using the software Intihal ( to avoid unethical conduct. To determine whether the "citation-quotation discrepancy" has been noticed by the software, the editor carefully examines the similarity report. The paper is returned to the author(s) if it contains unethical situations that are inappropriate for academic writing. The link will take you to the preliminary review form that is employed in evaluating the submissions. Studies that make it through the preliminary review and plagiarism checking are put on the editorial board's schedule.

Preliminary Review by the Editorial Board
The Editorial Board holds meetings every eight weeks. The articles up for review are provided to the Board members for consideration on average one week before each meeting. Whether or not the papers should be forwarded to the refereeing process will be decided by majority vote.

Refereeing Process
For papers submitted for peer review, referees have a period of 4 weeks; however, if more time is thought to be necessary, this time frame may be extended by 2 weeks. The author has two weeks to revise any submissions that must be revised in accordance with referee reports. If more time is required, it can be provided. From the link, you may access the form used for referee reviews in the journal.

Revision Phase
The relevant reports are forwarded to the author, who is then asked to make any necessary adjustments to the text if the referees require them. Two weeks are allotted to the author for this procedure. If more time is needed, it may be extended. The author either marks the changes in the text in red or uses the Word program's "Track Changes" option to make the edits. If the author disagrees with the referee assessments, he or she may explain why in a different Word document named "Note to Referee." The author transmits the edited text and the "Note to Referee", if any, to the journal via the Publication Tracking System. The editor makes sure that the referee receives the revised version of the work as it is once the author has submitted it.

Final Decision of the Editorial Board
The research is published after the refereeing process is complete with the Editorial Board's approval. The study must have the consent of at least two referees in order to be published. The referee reports and the final version of the paper are sent to the members of the Editorial Board for review about a week before each meeting. Whether or not to accept the work for publication is decided by majority vote.

The Final Review and Turkish & English Proofreading
The proofreader checks the texts for correct grammar and spelling in Turkish and English

The Publishing Process and Printing
The issue's articles that are ready for publishing are scheduled by the editor. Studies that have typesetting, layout, and rich metadata ready for publishing are printed and made available online.

Data Submission to National and International Indexes
Within four weeks after the date of publication, at the latest, the "rich metadata" of each published issue is uploaded to national and international academic data platforms.

Last Update Time: 8/27/24, 7:00:24 AM

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Article submissions to our journal are made through the Publication Tracking System.