Writing Rules

Article Preparation
Language: The language of the journal is Turkish and English.
Article Types: Höyük journal includes research articles. Translations, book reviews, etc. are not evaluated.
Article Format: PDF and Microsoft Word.
Pictures, Drawings, Maps or Documents: At least 300 dpi in formats such as PDF, JPG, TIFF.
Citation Style: Citation procedures are given below with various examples.
Author Changes: Only processed before the article is accepted. Authors are required to carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the final author list at the time of original submission.

Article Submission
The application of manuscripts prepared in accordance with the spelling rules is made through the Publication Tracking System (by becoming a member of the https://yaysis.ayk.gov.tr website). Since the processes of the applied manuscripts will be carried out through the Publication Tracking System, care should be taken to ensure that the copies to be uploaded to the system (in PDF and Microsoft Word format) do not contain the names of the authors.

During submission, the following declaration is received from the author electronically:
• In case the article is published, the copyright belongs to me and the right of commercial use of the work belongs to the Publisher,
• That I cited all the sources I used,
• That my work is not in the process of being published elsewhere,
• I accept that the royalty to be paid to me in case of a decision to publish my work will be made within the framework of the Regulation on Copyright, Publication and Sales of Atatürk Culture, Language and History High Institution and its Affiliated Organisations,
• That the decision on the printed or digital publication of my work is under the authority of the relevant Publication Commission of the Institution,
• I will not give up publishing my work without the decision of the Board of Directors during the review process, otherwise the reviewer fees will be paid by me,
• If my work is accepted for publication, I agree to publish it with CC BY-NC 4.0 open access licence,
• I hereby undertake that the information I have provided in the attached Work Application Form is correct and I respectfully request the necessary actions to be taken regarding my work.

Spelling and Formatting Rules
• Manuscripts should be written in A4 size in Microsoft Word compatible programme in Times New Roman or Baskerville font.
• The title should be 12 pt, regular (normal) and lower case. The title should be centre-aligned. Main and subheadings can be used in the text. Main headings in the text should be written in 11 pt, lower case and bolt (bold), left aligned; subheadings should be written in 11 pt, bold (bolt) and lower case, left aligned. There should be 6 pt spacing between headings and paragraphs.
• The author's name and surname should be written in 11 pt regular (normal), lower case and centre aligned after 12 pt spacing under the main title. Title, university, faculty, department, city/country, e-mail and ORCID information should be given at the bottom of the page with ( * ) sign in 9 pt.
• The text should be 11 pt, justified. Top: 2,5 cm, bottom: 3 cm, right: 2,25 cm, left: 2,25 cm space should be left. Line spacing should be 12 pt. full spacing. Paragraph spacing should be 6 pt, and there should be no paragraph indentation. (For the visuals and appendices in the text, the line spacing should be more than one, 1.15 pt.).
• Header-Footer, the name and surname of the author should be written on double pages in the header section, not on the first page of the article, and the meaningful abbreviated version of the article should be written in lower case, 11 pt. (During the applications to be made through the Publication Tracking System, it should be noted that the articles uploaded to the system - in PDF and Microsoft Word format - should not have the author's name in the header section).
• Page numbers should be placed in the right and left upper margin in the header in 9 pt. font size, not to be placed on the first page of the article.
• When quotations exceed 5 lines, they should start 1 cm from the paragraph indent, and should be written 1 point smaller than the text. Quotations of less than 5 lines are italicised in the text. Expressions that need to be emphasised are also italicised.
• Footnotes should be written in 9-point full spacing. Their alignment should be justified and paragraph indentation should be 0.5 cm. There should be no footnote bracket line. References in the text should be numbered starting from 1 as footnotes at the bottom of the page. Apart from this, no references should be made in the text. In the footnote, the order of author's surname, year of publication and page number should be given as follows.
• Mansel 2020, 281.
• Childe-Levy 2020, 32. (If the number of authors is more than 3, et al. is added after the third author's name)

If two or more publications of an author published in the same year are used
They are listed in alphabetical order of the titles of the works as "2022a", "2022b".
Liampi 1998a, 15.
Liampi 1998b, 20.

If a web page is used
http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/grbr/hd_grbr.htm, accessed on: 09.03.2015.

Sources and Referencing Procedures
The sources and researches used in the articles should be shown under this heading at the end of the article. References should start on a new page under this heading and should be written in 11 font size. Only the references cited in the text should be included and should be arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors.

For Books:

For single authors:
Mansel 2020

Mansel, A. M., Ege ve Yunan Tarihi, Turkish Historical Society Publications, Ankara.

For two or more authors:
Albayrak-Erol 2016

Albayrak İ.-Erol H., Kültepe Tabletleri IX-a, Turkish Historical Society Publications, Ankara.
Ashton et al. 1998
Ashton, R., Meadows, A., Sheedy, K. and Wartenberg, U., "Some Greek Coins in the British Museum", The Numismatic Chronicle (1966-), NC 158, London.

For Translation Books:
Bosch 2020

Bosch, C., Roma Tarihi’nin Ana Hatları: I. Kısım Cumhuriyet Devri, trans. S. Atlan, Turkish Historical Society Publications, Ankara.

Edited Books:
Abacı 2019

Abacı, N., Tarih Nasıl Yazılır? Tarihyazımı İçin Çağdaş Bir Metodoloji, ed. A. Şimşek, Turkish Historical Society Publications, Ankara.

Works Prepared for Publication:
Yakubovskiy 2021

Yakubovskiy, A., Timur ve Timurîler Devri’nde Semerkand, ed. İ. Kemaloğlu, Turkish Historical Society Publications, Ankara.

For Papers Presented at Symposiums and Congresses:
Pektaş 2019

Pektaş K., " Beçin Kalesi Kazısı 2014 Yılı Çalışmaları", XIX. Middle Ages and Turkish Period Excavations and Art History Research Symposium, C II, Turkish Historical Society Publications, Ankara, 163-173.
Önal 2019
Önal M., " Harran 2018 Yılı Çalışmaları ", 41st Excavation Results Meeting, C III, Ankara, 157-18.

Derya 2004

Derya, Ş., Amisos Mozaiği, PDF: Ministry of Culture and Tourism Publications, 2004.

For Articles:
Kuzuoglu 2015

Kuzuoglu, R., "Acemhöyük’te Eski Asur Dönemi’ne Ait İki Çivi Yazılı Belge", Höyük, S. 8, Ankara, 685-700.

Unpublished Thesis:
Akgül 2018

Akgül, I. T., 15-16. Yüzyıl Venüs Tasvirleri, (Unpublished Master's/PhD Thesis), Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul.

Ancient Age Sources:
Homer 1984

Homer, Odyssey, trans. A. Erhat-A. Kadir, Can Publications, Ankara.

Web Page:

Hemingway, C.-Hemingway, S., "The Technique of Bronze Statuary in Ancient Greece", The Metropolitan Museum of Art, http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/grbr/hd_grbr.htm , accessed on: 09.03.2015.

Last Update Time: 8/27/24, 6:09:19 AM

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Article submissions to our journal are made through the Publication Tracking System.