Guidelines for Authors


Authorship & Contributorship
Authorship should only be granted to those who significantly contributes to a study's conception, scheme, implementation, or interpretation. Co-authors should be listed for all major contributors. Minor contributors to the study, such as those who edit the wording, should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors have reviewed the final version of the paper, given their approval, and given their consent to its submission for publication. Before submitting their paper, authors are required to carefully review the list of authors and the order in which they are listed. They are also required to include the final author list at the time of the initial submission. The editor will only take into account the addition, omission, or rearranging of authors after the work has been submitted in exceptional circumstances. Any such addition, deletion, or rearrangement shall require the consent of all authors. The authors share accountability for the work.

Authorship Change Request
Only before the work is accepted and with the Editorial Board's permission may author names in the author list be added, deleted, or rearranged. In the event that such a change is requested, the Editor will ask the relevant author to provide (a) the justification for the change to the author list and (b) written confirmation (through email) from all authors that they consent to the change. After the article has been accepted, the Editor will only in extraordinary circumstances consider the addition, deletion, or reorganization of the authors.

Authoring a Paper
A research paper's authors should present their original and unbiased analysis of the subject. To enable others to benefit from the work, the paper should include sufficient data of the citations. False remarks made intentionally or carelessly are improper and constitute unethical conduct.

The author is responsible for making sure the work is original, hasn't been published elsewhere, and isn't being considered for publication in any other journal or language.

The Use of Original Sources and Citation
Authors should make sure that their writing is entirely their own and that, if they do utilize someone else's ideas or words, they appropriately cite them. Information collected privately, such as through chats, letters, or interactions with third parties, should not be used without the source's clear written consent.

Multiple and Simultaneous Publication
A researcher shouldn't submit identical work to multiple journals. The simultaneous submission of the same article to multiple journals is unethical. Unless it has only ever been published as an abstract, an author shouldn't submit their work for consideration in another publication.

Publication of Studies Based on Surveys and Interviews
All research requiring ethics committee permission must receive this approval, which must be explicitly acknowledged and documented in the article. Information concerning ethical committee approval, including the name of the committee, the date, and the approval number, should be mentioned in the method section and on one of the first/last pages of the paper in research requiring such approval. Case studies should contain information about the signature of the informed consent form in the article.

Conflict of Interest
It is any financial or other interest that could put the person's work in conflict, seriously compromise their objectivity, or provide someone else or an organization an unfair advantage. The role of sponsors in the study, as well as all financial support received during the course of the research and the preparation of the paper, should be disclosed. It should also be stated if there is no financing source. Consultancies, salaries, and grants are a few examples of potential conflicts of interest that need to be declared. At the earliest opportunity, such conflicts of interest should be declared.

Error Reporting
The journal should be notified right once if an author finds a substantial error or inaccuracy in their published work. Additionally, it is the author's responsibility to work with the Editorial Board to withdraw or edit the manuscript if the Editorial Board deems that it is required.

Accuracy of the image
Enhancing, darkening, moving, removing, or adding a particular element to an image is not permitted. The journal's policy on graphic pictures must be followed by authors. These include maintaining the image’s resolution quality and adhering to the copyright restrictions on the images.

Last Update Time: 8/27/24, 7:09:00 AM

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