Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

- Gaziantep University Faculty of Fine Arts' IDEART International Journal of Design and Artis published twice a year in June and February.
- IDEART is a refereed journal. The preliminary evaluation of the articles sent to the journal will be made by the field editors who received this evaluation, and the studies that pass this evaluation will be examined with a double-blind peer-review system. Studies that are approved by at least two referees will be published.
- Studies in the field of plastic arts, digital arts, design, music and performing arts, and art education are accepted to the magazine.
- Studies that have been previously published and studies that are in pending or evaluation process are not accepted. The journal is published in Turkish and English languages.
- All responsibility for the published works belongs to the author(s).
- More than one work of an author cannot be published in the same publication period of the journal.
- Studies requested to be published should be written according to the template determined and presented by the journal and using the APA 7 (American Psychological Association 7th edition) citation system.