Writing Rules

Manuscript Submission

Authors are required to submit articles online. 

File formats for manuscripts should be .doc, and .docx. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the authorities responsible where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, the article will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in Turkish or in any other language, without the consent of the publisher.

There is No Article Submission fee, No Article Publication fee and No Article Processing fee. Papers would be selected on the grounds of authenticity, originality and depth of research.

Manuscript Preparation

File Format: All files should be submitted as a Word document.

Manuscript Language: Manuscript should be either in English or Turkish language. For manuscript in English language, spelling should follow one of American or British conventions and must be consistent throughout the text.

Manuscript Length: Manuscript should be between 4000 and 7500 words in length.

General Rules for Text: The journal uses the most recent APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines. All papers should be double-spaced throughout, (including the reference section) with one inch margins all around. Do not add extra lines between paragraphs or sections. The font should be 12 pt and be a "serif" type style, such as Times or Courier. All paragraphs should be indented half an inch, not five spaces. Only one space should be added between the period at the end of a sentence and the first letter of the next.

Parts of the Manuscript: Manuscripts should be presented in the following order: title page, abstract and keywords, text, acknowledgements, references, tables, figures, and footnotes.

Title page: The title page should contain (i) the title of the paper, (ii) the full names of the authors, (iii) the authors’ affiliation which identifies the location of the author(s) at the time the research was conducted, which is usually an institution, and (iv) the full postal and email address, plus facsimile and telephone numbers, of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript should be sent. The title should be short and informative, and be no longer than 12 words long.

Abstract and key words: All manuscripts must have a brief abstract that states in 150 words. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the methods employed, the principal results, and major conclusions. The abstract should not contain abbreviations or references. Five key words should be supplied below the abstract in alphabetical order.

Text: The text should be organized into an introductory section, conveying the background and purpose of the research, and then into sections identified with subheadings. 

Acknowledgements: The source of financial grants and other funding must be acknowledged. The contribution of colleagues or institutions should also be acknowledged.

References: The reference list should include only and all of the sources the author actually cited in the text. The reference list should start on a new page and should have the word “References” centered at the top of the page. The items on reference list should be arranged alphabetically by the author's last name, letter by letter, interfiling books, and articles. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters "a", "b", "c", etc., placed after the year of publication. All references must be double spaced. An extra line should not be added between references, "hanging indents" should be used, meaning that the first line of each reference goes all the way to the left margin, with the following lines of each reference indented. Each reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in the reference list must be cited in the text.

Text citations consist of the author’s name (or the title of the work if no author is indicated), the date of publication, and page citation (if appropriate): (Smith, 1999). Multiple references should be shown in alphabetical order.

For one or two authors, cite the names every time the reference occurs: Smith and Jones (2001) or (Smith & Jones, 2001).

For more three to five authors, cite all authors in the first instance, thereafter, only first author followed by "et al." and the year of publication: Campbell, Brady, Bradley, and Smithson (1991) found ... (first citation) ……….. Campbell et al. (1991) found ... (subsequent citations).

For with six or more authors, cite only the first author followed by "et al." and the year. In the list of references give all names up to and including six authors.

Reference examples:

Book: McGregor, D. M. (1960). The human side of enterprise. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Article in an edited book: Ang, S. & Van Dyne, L. (2008). Conceptualization of cultural intelligence: Definition, distinctiveness, and nomological network. In S. Ang, & L. Van Dyne, (Eds.). Handbook of cultural intelligence: Theory, measurement, and applications (pp. 3-15). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

Journal article: Van Rooy, D., & Viswesvaran, C. (2004). Emotional intelligence: A meta-analytic investigation of predictive validity and nomological net. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 65(1), 71-95.

Unpublished dissertation or thesis: Author, A. A. (2005). Title of doctoral dissertation or masters thesis (Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master's thesis). Name of Institution, Location.

Paper (or poster) presentation: Presenter, A. A. (Year, Month). Title of paper or poster. Paper or poster session presented at the meeting of Organization Name, Location.

Technical or Research Report: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work (Report No. ???). Location:Publisher.

Entire Book, Electronic Version: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Doi:???, or Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Retrived from http://www.????

Online Blog, Video, and Message Postings: Author, a. A. (Year, month, Day). Title of post [Description of form]. Retrieved from htttp://www.????

Tables and Figures: Type tables and figures on a separate page with the legend above. All tables should be supplied on separate sheets, not included within the text. Please identify where in the text the table should appear by noting “Table 1 approx here”; there should also be a mention of the table in the text (e.g.: see Table 1). Figures should be supplied as high quality, and original artwork. Figures should be cited in consecutive order in the text (e.g.: see Figure 1).

Footnotes: Footnotes should not be used for citing references. Footnotes should be placed as a list at the end of the paper only, not at the foot of each page. Keep footnotes brief: they should contain only short comments tangential to the main argument of the paper.



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