Aim & Scope

The International Journal of Active Learning, which started to accept articles in 2015, is a peer-reviewed journal that continues to publish at international standards. IJAL takes into consideration the studies involving the problems related to active learning, offering solutions to these problems and including professional development / innovations in all fields of educational sciences. In this context, IJAL publishes mixed, quantitative or qualitative researches, meta-analysis studies that comprehensively evaluate the latest literature, model suggestions and similar original articles. The original and new contributions of the researches to the literature are the main publication criteria of our journal.

The subjects listed below constitute the scope of the journal.

Educational Science

Field Education

-           Educational Curriculums

-           Educational Management

-           Educational technology

-           Cultural Foundations of Education

-           Education Management and Policy

-           Educational Sciences

-           Multicultural education

-           Democracy education

-           Democratic citizenship and human rights education

-           Thinking training

-           Curriculums, learning and teaching in primary education,

-           Curriculum, learning and teaching in preschool education

-           Curriculum, learning and teaching in higher education

-           Instructional design

-           Teacher training

-           Educatipnal measurement and evaluation

-            Adult education

-            Lifelong learning


-            Computer Education and Instructional Technology

-            Science Education

-            Physics Education

-            Biology Education

-            Chemistry Education

-            Math Education

-            Environmental Education

-            Philosophy Education

-            Visually impaired Education

-            Mathematics Education

-            Deaf Education

-            Guidance and Psychological Counseling

-            Psychology Education

-            Social Studies Education

-            History Teaching

-            Teaching Turkish Language and Literature

-             Preschool Education

-            Special Education

-            Geography Education

-            Child Development and Education

-            Religious Culture and Moral Education

-            Physical Education

-            Art Education

-            Foreign Language Education     


Period Months