Writing Rules

1. Articles should be submitted to the journal through the journal system. First of all, you need to 'Register' to the system. After registration, you can log in from the Submit Article menu on the left.

2. The manuscripts submitted to the journal should not be published elsewhere or sent for publication.

3. Studies should be prepared in accordance with the APA’6 Publication Manual (http://www.apa.org) publication format.

4. Studies can be written in Turkish or English. Each article should be written in Turkish and English, not exceeding 250 words. Abstract should be given in the form of the sample publication. The title of the manuscript should be short and should not exceed 15 words and 5 - 7 Key Words should be given.

5. The manuscripts submitted to the journal should not contain any statements about the author or authors.

6. In research articles, the problem should be clearly stated in the introduction. The introduction should be followed by methods, findings, discussion and conclusion. Section titles in essay-compilation type articles should be determined according to the content.

7. If studies are supported by any institution or organization, this institution or organization should be indicated as a footnote in the study.

8. The works should be prepared in accordance with the template given below and the author names and addresses should be uploaded to the system without being written.

9- Authors are advised to look at the 'IJAL Article Format' and 'Article Submission Video' before applying.
