Publication Process

The production process

All manuscripts will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. Based on initial editor screening, manuscripts undergo rigorous double-blind peer review by two anonymous referees before accepted and published. When necessary, the referees’ criticism and suggestions may be sent to the author(s) for them to be able to revise or make the suggested corrections. The Editor is responsible for the final decision about acceptance or rejection of manuscripts. The Editor's decision is final.

A diagram illustrating the review and publishing process is


The duration of the review process is dependent on the reviewers’ responses. IJATE expects review processing duration as approximately 6-12 months. However please note that the review process can take more time depending on the number of rounds the reviews need to take place.

Your publication checklist:

• Provide accurate proofreading and clearly mark any corrections as soon as possible.

• When prompted, ensure you acknowledge any funding support.


Step 1: Accepted article received in production

• Link your Author Services account with your ORCiD.

• Accepted Article papers are downloadable and citable.


Step 2: Copyediting and typesetting

• We copyedit your article for style, grammar and nomenclature, to bring the standard of the text up to the level that your research deserves.

• We also typeset your article, to make it look great.


Step 3: Proofing and corrections

In order to increase the publication quality of the article accepted at the end of the double-blind review, we need to have Proofreading & Editing processes before the publication.

We offer the author(s) two options for these processes. The author(s) can choose one of them.

See details for English proofreading/editing for the accepted manuscript.

1. Author(s) can get Proofreading & Editing service from anywhere by documenting it.

2. Author(s) can request the Proofreading & Editing service from IJATE. To do this, they should contact the proofreading editor (

Step 4: Early View Publication

• Early View articles are published on the WEB before inclusion in an issue. You can now view your published article online.

• No further changes to your article are possible from this point.

• Your Early View article is fully citable and carries an online publication date and DOI for citations.

• You can now share the online version of your published article with your colleagues.


Step 5: Issue published online

• The issue containing your article is now available online.

• You can share the online version of your published article with your colleagues.


Step 6: Access and sharing

When your article is published online:

• You receive an email alert (if requested).

• You can share the online version of your article with a wider audience.

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