Tasks of the Editors
• The editor of the journal is solely and independently responsible for deciding on the publication conditions of the submitted article. Before reaching the final decision, the validity, importance and novelty of the article uploaded to the journal should always be considered.
• The editor and field editors follow the principles of the editorial board of the journal and evaluate issues such as copyright infringement and plagiarism in line with these principles. The editor may also collaborate with field editors or reviewers to take the final decision.
• The editor and field editors are responsible for the equal, fair and timely completion of the evaluation process through expert reviewers in the relevant field. Unless an additional reviewer is needed, editor or field editor ensures that the article submitted to the journal is evaluated by at least two external and independent reviewers.
• Articles should be evaluated by the editor or field editor according to their content and novelty, without considering the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, citizenship or political philosophies of the authors.
• The publication policies of the journal should be clear and include open reports from reviewers and authors. In addition, the editor and field editors should use the journal standard electronic system for all journal communications, with the exception of any technical problems.
• The editor will use a clear statement process in appealing editorial decisions.
• The editor should not attempt to influence the ranking of the journal and should not compel authors to include articles by the editor's or field editors unless there are sound scientific reasons for this purpose.
• The confidentiality of all articles submitted to the journal, communications with interested parties, and the identity of the reviewers should be protected by the editor and field editor.
• Unpublished materials, information and ideas contained in the submitted article should not be used in the research of the editor or field editor without the written consent of the author.
• The publisher must be notified of any potential editorial conflicts of interest. The publisher may publish the related notices in the journal.
• The editor or field editor should not make any decisions about articles written by relatives and colleagues. Such an application should be subject to the general procedures of the journal and this process should be done without including the relevant author/editor and research groups.
• The editor must maintain the integrity of the published record by investigating suspected abuse.
• In case of doubt, if necessary, the editor should contact the article author and inform to author about the relevant requests. However, in such a case, the editor should also be able to communicate with relevant institutions and research centers.
• In the case of plagiarism, the editor must act with the publisher and ensure that the correction, retraction or explanatory statement is promptly published.
Task of Reviewers
• During the peer-review process, the reviewers are expected to pay attention to the ethical issues mentioned above and to consider the article objectively.
• If the subject of the article is not related to the reviewer' field or if the reviewer will not be able to evaluate the article in a timely, the reviewer is expected to reject the evaluation process and inform to the editor immediately.
• All articles submitted to the International Journal of Chemistry and Technology are confidential. Reviewers should also not share any review or information about the article with anyone. In addition, reviewers should not communicate with authors without permission from the editor.
• Information or ideas presented in the reviewed article should not be used for the personal benefit of the reviewers.
• The review should be constructive, and attention should be paid to ethical issues such as plagiarism.
• Comments should be objective and supported by arguments that do not include any personal criticism.
• In case of any potential conflict of interest, the reviewer should warn the editor or field editor and refuse to evaluate the article.
• The recommendation of the reviewer and/or reviewers (or their partners) appointed to evaluate the article to refer to their work must be scientifically reasonable without the reviewer's intention to increase the number of citations.
Tasks of Authors
• Authors submitting a research article or a short communication article to the journal should ensure that the article contains original results and discussions that highlight the importance of the work. If the uploaded article is a review article or other type, the content of the manuscript must be concrete and objective.
• Articles submitted to the journal should contain sufficient references and should be written in detail.
• All sources of support for the study should be mentioned in the acknowledgment section of the article.
• Unethical issues such as plagiarism and controversial and false statements are never acceptable in the content of an article.
• An author should not submit the same article, in whole or in part, to more than one journal (other than an abstract or a published lecture or academic thesis, or an electronic edition). This type of behavior is unethical and is not accepted by the journal.
• Persons who do not contribute to the content intellectually during the creation of the work should not be specified as author.
• All studies submitted for publication, if any, situations that may constitute a conflict of interest and their relationships should be disclosed.
• To become a co-author, significant contributions must be made to the content, design and application areas of the article. Language editors or medical authors should be mentioned in the acknowledgments section.
• If the author(s) notices an inaccuracy or error in their published, in print or under evaluation work, they have the obligation to cooperate with the editor in the process of informing, correcting or withdrawing the journal editor or publisher.
• Changing the author responsibilities of a study whose evaluation process has begun (such as adding an author, changing the order of authors, removing an author) cannot be proposed.
• The corresponding author of the article is responsible for eligible and inappropriate co-authors. In addition, the corresponding author should obtain the relevant approvals from all co-authors for the final version of the article and the journal to which it was sent.
• All authors are responsible for all parts of the article.
• If the article involves the use of animal or human subjects, necessary documentation, such as the approval of appropriate institutional committees, and a corresponding statement should be provided to the journal by the author.
• Any significant errors noticed by the author should be reported to the editor immediately. In case of any correction, the author is obliged to provide the evidence requested by the editor or the field editor.
• Complex changes that will damage the originality such as enhancement, relocation, removal of any part are unacceptable for the images and pictures included in the article.
• The corresponding author is the authorized person on behalf of all authors. It is the corresponding author's duty to inform other author(s) about the manuscript process. The journal editorial board does not accept any responsibility for the conflict of interest between the author(s) whose article is accepted.
Actions Contrary to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics
Fake: Making up data as if it was done without a scientific research, to report or publish them.
Distortion: To falsify research records and obtained data, presenting the methods, devices and materials not used in the research as if they were used, not to evaluate the data that are not suitable for the research hypothesis, manipulate data and/or results to fit relevant theories and assumptions, to falsify or shape the research results in line with the interests of the people and organizations that receive support.
Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, methods, data, practices, writings, figures or works of others as their own work, in whole or in part, without attribution in accordance with scientific rules.
Forgery: To produce data that is not based on research, to edit or modify the presented or published work based on untrue data, to report or publish them.
Re-publish (Duplication): Republishing the results of a study in another journal without the permission of the editor of the journal in which it was originally published.
Separating: Presenting the results of a research as separate works in the evaluations of associate professorship exams and academic promotions, by separating the integrity of the research, by separating it into parts inappropriately, and by making multiple publications without citing each other.
Unfair authorship: To include people who do not have an active contribution among the authors, not including people who have an active contribution among the authors, changing the order of authors unjustifiably and inappropriately, removing the names of those who contributed actively from the work during publication or in subsequent editions, to include his name among the authors by using his influence, although did not have an active contribution.
Other types of ethics violations: Not clearly stating the supporting persons, institutions or organizations and their contributions to the research in the publications of the research carried out with support, not respecting patient rights in their publications, to share the information contained in a work assigned to review as a referee, with others before it is published, to misuse the resources, places, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research, to allege unfounded and deliberate ethical violations.
Ethics Committee Approval
TR DİZİN Journal Evaluation Criteria has been updated for 2020.
An "Ethics Committee Approval" document is also required for studies that require ethics committee approval within current criteria. Therefore;
1. Ethics committee approval should be obtained separately for studies conducted in all branches of science, including social sciences, and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision, and this approval should be stated and documented in the article.
2. In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, information about signing the informed consent form should be included in the article.
In the statement made by the TR index, the studies in the following category were determined as articles that require Ethics Committee approval:
All kinds of research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques.
Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes.
Clinical studies on humans.
Animal studies.
Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law.
Stating that an “informed consent form” was taken in case reports.
Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others.
It should be noted that there are copyright regulations for the ideas and works of art used.
Journals should state that they comply with the rules regarding "Publication Ethics", "Research Ethics" and "Receiving Legal/Special Permission" by opening a separate heading for each one, by referring to international standards, both on the web page and in the printed journal.
The issue of compliance with publication ethics in journals should not be left to the sole responsibility of the authors, the path to be followed in journal publication ethics should be clearly defined.
In articles to be published in journals, whether ethical committee permission and/or legal/special permission is required should be stated in the article.
If it is necessary to obtain these permissions, it should be clearly presented from which institution, on what date and with what decision or issue number.
If the study requires the use of human and animal subjects, it should be declared that the study was carried out in accordance with the international declaration guideline.
Dear authors and reviewers,
In line with the decisions taken by the ULAKBİM TR Index, "Ethics Committee Approval" must be obtained for research conducted in all branches of science, including Social Sciences, as of 2020. In studies that require ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also at the end of the article. When uploading your study to our journal, you must also upload your Ethics Committee document along with your article file. If your study is not included in the working group that requires ethics committee approval, you must sign the declaration form stating this situation and indicate the relevant situation in your article text.
Is ethics committee approval required for all articles?
No. Studies that require ethics committee approval are as follows:
All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques.
Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
Clinical studies on humans,
Animal studies,
Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law
Stating that an “informed consent form” was taken in case reports.
Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others.
Should a retrospective Ethics Committee Permission be obtained for publications produced from studies and thesis completed in previous years?
Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles that were published before 2020, produced from postgraduate/doctoral studies (must be specified in the article), submitted an application for publication to the journal in the previous year, and accepted but not yet published.
Are there any restrictions on publications made outside of universities with these rules of TR Directory? No. Non-university researchers can also apply to the Ethics Committees in their regions.
The authors of the articles in this scope to be sent to the International Journal of Chemistry and Technology must both upload the permission documents they have received to the system during their application and specify them in their articles. This information should be given at the end of the article before the bibliography as follows:
Ethics Committee Permission: Ethics committee approval for this study was obtained with the decision of the Ethics Committee dated .... and numbered....
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