Writing Rules

International Journal of Chemistry and Technology (IJCT)

(e-ISSN: 2602-277X)

Instructions for Authors

 General Principles


1. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically using journal’s web address, http://dergipark.org.tr/ijct


2. The submitted articles must not be published elsewhere or sent for publication.


3. Corresponding author is mandatory to submit the copyright agreement form after the acceptance of the manuscript.                                                                                               

4. Double blind peer review process (i.e. the names and addresses of the authors are removed from the manuscript and the author names and affiliations do not appear) is conducted for the evaluation of a manuscript submitted to IJCT. At the same time, the referees and authors do not know each other's names.  Peer review process is as follows:

A manuscript submitted to IJCT is sent primarily to spelling and grammar editors for pre-check. If it will be required any correction, the manuscript is sent to corresponding author, again. After the revision of pre-control, the manuscript is sent to two referees for scientific evaluation. According to the opinions of the referees, an editorial decision is given. In the case of different of two referee's opinions, the manuscript is send to a 3rd referee. If the editorial suggestions about the manuscript are also present, they can be sent to corresponding author besides referee's reports.


5. After a manuscript accepted, a galley proof for corrections is sent to the corresponding author by IJCT.


6. IThendicate software, a plagiarism checking system is used to determine the similarity index for submitted manuscripts


7. ISI Web of Science abbreviations for journal's titles are used.


8. ACS (American Chemical Society) reference styles are used in the text and references list.


9. Authors should specify that there is no conflict of interest with any person, institution, company, service providers, etc. by considering 'International Committee of Medicinal Journal Editors (ICMJE)'s recommendation.


10. For works required ethical committee report, the authors should submit Ethics committee report by considering the suggestions of 'Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)'.


11. All authors must give their ORCID numbers.

12. Four word files should be loaded during manuscript submission. 1. Title page (Title of manuscript, Author name and surname, Affiliations, Orcid numbers of all authors, Corresponding author email address). 2. The main document of the manuscript (Title of manuscript, Abstract, Keywords, Introductions, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Conflict of interests, References). 3. Copyright Agreement Form. 4. Statement indicating the originality of the work.


Preparation of Manuscript

General points

  • Font throughout the text should be Times New Roman, 10 font size, and double space. Only title of manuscript must be 14 font size.

  • Manuscript must be submitted as a word file (as a full text including Figures and Tables), not pdf file. Figures and Tables mudt be given sequentially on a separate page after the references section. The place of figure and table should be specified in the text.

  • Page spaces should be in 2 cm for the left and right, 3 cm for top and bottom. Each paragraph must start separately, not inside.

  • Page numbers must be given under page as centered. It should be 9 font size.

  • Continious line numbers for all pages must be given at the left of the page.

  • ACS (American Chemical Society) styles for the references must be used.

  • ISI Web of Science abbreviation for journal's titles must be used (https://images.webofknowledge.com/images/help/WOS/C_abrvjt.html).

  •  The international system of units (SI) must be used. For example, Units should be written as follows:

 mg g-1, mg l-1, l , ml , J mol-1, J mol-1 K-1, mol l-1,  min-1, molJ-2, t1/2, min.

  • The symbols must be received from symbol menu of word.  A space must given after each symbol and sign.

  • The words 'Figure’ and ‘Table’ should not be shortened in the text.

  • Figures and Tables should have high quality.

  • The figures, tables, and equations should be numbered according to their sequence in the text.

  • Each symbol in the equation should be given in italics in the text. 

  • Edge line thickness of axes of graphs and diagrams  besides table lines should be drawn as 1/2.  

  • The manuscript must be checked continuously by means of spelling and grammar programs of the computer.

  • Latin and Persian words such as fungi, yeast, plant names, should be written in italics in the text.


The essential title page information

Title: Title must be reflected well the aim of the study, not be used abbreviation and formulae.

Author names:  Name (s) and family name (s) of each author must be given fully. Name must small, and surname must be capitalized.

Orcid numbers: Orcid numbers of all authors should be given in the order of names.

Affiliation address: Authors' affiliation addresses should be written in order department, faculty, university, post code, city, and country, in italic form.

Abstract: The abstract should include up to 170 words. It should reflect the purpose of the research, the principal and important results. It should not include reference and abbreviations.

Keywords: The number of keywords should be between 3 and 5. Phrases such as 'and', 'or' should not be used.

Corresponding author: The corresponding author should be shown with an upperscript using an asteriks. And also, after keywords, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address should be given, respectively.

Introduction: The introduction should specify the objectives of the study and provide an adequate background. Literature studies related to the subject should be included.

Materials and Methods: In this section, all materials used should be expressed. Also, the experimental and theoretical methods should be described clearly, supporting references.

Results and Discussion: Results should be clear and concise. The significance of the results of the work should be discussed, and interpreted. The suitability of the results obtained should be supported by literature.

Conclusions: The main conclusions of the work should be presented in short. They may form a subsection of 'Results and Discussion' section. The results should not repeat.

Acknowledgements: Herein, it is necessary to thank for the persons and organizations helping during the study.

Conflict of Interest: Authors should specify that there is no conflict of interest with any person, institution, company, etc.

References: ACS (American Chemical Society) style is preferred for references. According to ACS, styles in both the text and the references list are given in the following. Please write your references according to the ACS style.


Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all references.


Styles in the Text

References should be given with number as uppercript in the text. The various examples are given below.


For example:

·        Oscillation in the reaction of benzaldehyde with oxygen was reported previously.1

·        Similar results have been reported by Ho and McKay.2,3,17 

·        Jensen4 reported oscillation in the reaction of benzaldehyde with oxygen.

·        The syntheses described by Fraser5 take advantage of carbohydrate topology. 

·        According to Harris6 drug release is controlled by varying the hydrolytic stability of the ester bond.

·        Gündoğan and co-workers7 studied the adsorption of copper (II) ions onto peat.

·        Yang and Volesky8 studied the biosorption of uranium on Sargassum biomass.

·        Many low-cost adsorbent such as clay9-11, zeolite12,13, perlite14-16,21 have been used to remove undesired pollution.


Note: Reference numbers should be blue colored in the text


Style for Reference List

Please use ISI Web of Science abbreviations for Journal titles


For a journal publication;

1. Mawhinney, R.C.; Muchall, H.M.; Peslherbe, G.H. Can. J. Chem. 2005, 35, 1615-1625.

2. Klingler, J. Chem. Mater. 2005, 17, 2755–2768.


For Books;

Lehman, J. W. Operational organic chemistry: a problem-solving approach to the laboratory course, 4th ed.; Pearson Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, N.J., USA, 2009.


For Book Chapter;

Nishiyama, H.; Shiomi, T. Reductive Aldol, Michael, and Mannich Reactions. In Metal Catalyzed Reductive C-C Bond Formation : A Departure from Preformed Organometallic Reagents; Krische, M. J., Ed.; Springer: Berlin, 2007; pp 105-138.


For Meeting or conference;

Garrone, E.; Ugliengo, P. In Structure and Reactivity of Surfaces, Proceedings of the European Conference, Trieste, Italy, Sept 13–20, 1988; Zecchina, A., Cost, G., Morterra, C., Eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1988.


 For Patents;

Sheem, S. K. Low-Cost Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor. U.S. Patent 6, 738, 537, May 18, 2004.


Lenssen, K. C.; Jantscheff, P.; Kiedrowski, G.; Massing U. Cationic Lipids with Serine Backbone for Transfecting Biological Molecules. Eur. Pat. Appl. 1457483, 2004.


For Handbooks;

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 89th ed.; Lide, D.R., Ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 2008; Section 3, No. 339.


The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals, 12th ed.; Budavari, S.; O'Neal, M.J.; Smith, A.; Heckelman, P. E.; Kinneary, J. F., Eds.; Merck & Co.: Whitehouse Station, NJ, 1996; entry 4857.


For Theses & Dissertations;


Chandrakanth, J. S. Effects of Ozone on the Colloidal Stability of Particles Coated with Natural Organic Matter. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 1994.



Devanathan, G. The design of substrates for Cathepsin X. Masters Thesis [Online], Concordia University, Montreal, QC, 2003. http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/2239/ (accessed June 14, 2010).


For Web Sites;

Alkaloid, 2009. HowStuffWorks.com. http://science.howstuffworks.com/alkaloid-info.htm  (accessed June 14, 2010).


Zeng, Y. Pentachlorophenol Family Pathway Map, 2008. University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database.http://umbbd.msi.umn.edu/pcp/pcp_map.html (accessed May 3, 2009).

Cancer Research UK, Cancer statistics reports for the UK. 

http://www.cancerresearchuk.org     aboutcancer/statistics/cancerstatsreport/,

2003 (accessed 13.03.03).


For Other Online Sources;

General Web sites

ACS Publications Division Home Page. http://pubs.acs.org (accessed Nov 7, 2004).


Electronic lists and newsgroups

Chemical Information List Server, CHMINF-L@iubvm.ucs. indiana.edu (accessed Oct 13, 2004).


Computational Chemistry List, solvent discussion in archived messages of September 2003, chemistry@ccl.net (accessed Nov 10, 2004).


Electronic mail messages

Solla, L. R. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Personal communication, 2005.

Figures: Please copy excel forms of figures and paste them into the word file. Do not give them as photo. Give the figures in colored. Caption of each figure should be under the figure. Figures should be given on a separate page at the end of the paper. Place of the figure should be marked in the text. Figure caption list should be given on a separate page at the end of the text. All symbols and abbreviations used in figure should be explained in the caption of the figure. The word ‘figure’ should not be shorted in the text and on figure caption. The word ‘Figure’ should be given in blue color in the text. Only ‘Figure’ word at figure caption should be bold. All of figure caption should be 9 font size. A dot must be placed after figure caption. Numbers, symbols, signs, and letters within figure should be 8 or 9 font size. Axes titles of figures should be normal (not bold) +Gövde character and 10 font size. Axes numbers of figures should be normal (not bold) +Gövde character and 9 font size. Numbers, symbols, signs, and letters within the x and y axes of figures should be 8 or 9 font size. Graphs and diagrams must be drawn with a 0.5 line weight. The size of the shapes must be the same size in width and height as possible.


For example;

Figure 1. Surface morphology of adsorbent: a) before adsorption, b) after adsorption.


Tables: All tables must be constructed using the Word's ‘Create Table’Caption of each table should be over the table. Tables should be given on a separate page at the end of the paper. Place of table should be marked in the text. Table caption list should be given on a separate page at the end of the text. Footnotes, if necessary, can be used under the table with a small font size. The word ‘Table’ should not be shorted in the text and on table caption. The word ‘Table’ should be blue colored in the text. Only ‘Table’ word on table caption should be bold. All of table caption should be 9 font size. All edge lines of the tables should be in 1/2 width. Only main titles and subheadings within table should be bold, is not the others. Numbers, symbols, signs, and letters within table should be 8 or  9 font size.


For example;

Table 1. Kinetic data of the adsorption of metal ions by organic clay at different temperatures