Research Article
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Year 2019, , 149 - 160, 28.02.2019


çalışmanın amacı, beyaz yakalı çalışanlardan sahip olması beklenen beceriler
setinin belirlenmesidir. Araştırma için ihtiyaç duyulan veriler insan
kaynakları müdür/müdür yardımcıları ve beyaz yakalı çalışanların işe alımından
sorumlu kişiler vasıtasıyla toplanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda ihtiyaç duyulan verileri
elde etmek için anket formu düzenlenmiştir. Beyaz yakalı çalışanlarda bulunması
arzu edilen beceriler açık uçlu bir adet soru vasıtasıyla ölçülmüştür. Daha
sonra insan kaynakları müdürü/müdür yardımcısı ve işe alımdan sorumlu kişilere
elektronik ortamda anket formu gönderilmiştir. Bu kapsamda toplamda 112 adet
geçerli anket formu elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler açık uçlu soruya
verilen cevapların kodlanması (anahtar kelimeler şeklinde) ve sonrasında
sıklıklarının incelenmesi ile analize tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma bulgularına
göre beyaz yakalı çalışanlarda bulunması arzu edilen becerinin % 18’lik oranla
iletişim becerisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 


  • Abas-Mastura, Maripaz., Imam, O. A., ve Osman, S. (2013). Employability Skills and Task Performance of Employees in Government Sector, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3 (4). 150-162.
  • Bayülken, Yavuz., ve Cahit, Kütükoğlu. (2012). Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli Sanayi İşletmeleri (Kobi’ler). Genişletilmiş Dördüncü Baskı. Yayın No: MMO/583. TMMOB. Makina Mühendisleri Odası.
  • Casserly, Meghan. (2012). Top Five Personality Traits Employers Hire. Most
  • Kwok, M. (2004). Towards an Understanding of Employability Skills Development Among University Graduates for workplace Entry. The University of Manitoba.
  • Lindsay, C. (2002). Long-term unemployment and the “employability gap”: Priorities for renewing Britain’s New Deal. Journal of European Industrial Training, 26 (9), 411-419.
  • Lowden, K., Hall, S., Elliot, D. and Lewin, J. (2011) Employers’ Perceptions of the Employability Skills of New Graduates. Glasgow: University of Glasgow SCRE Centre and Edge Foundation Mountbatten, Erişim Adresi: [Erişim Tarihi: 25.01.2019].
  • Maxwell, Gillian., Scott, Bernadette., Macfarlane, Dorothy., ve Elizabeth Williamson (2009). Employers as Stakeholders in Postgraduate Employability Skills Development. International Journal of Management Education, 8(2).
  • National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). 2012 Job Outlook Survey. ( , Erişim Adresi: [Erişim Tarihi: 25.01.2019].
  • Omar, M. K., Bakar, A.R., ve Mat Rashid, A. (2012). Employability Skill Acquisition Among Malaysian Community College Students. Journal of Social Sciences 8 (3), 472-478.
  • Ranasinghe, S.W. (1992). Human resource development in Sri Lanka: Present trends and Future Perspectives. In Salleh, S. and Gurung, S.B. (Eds.), Human Resource Development in South Asia. Asian and Pacific Development Centre, Malaysia.
  • Scott, Sherrie. (2013). What Is a Blue-Collar Worker and a White-Collar Worker?
  • Stevens, Betsy. (2005). What Communication Skills do Employers Want? Silicon Valley Recruiters Respond. Journal Of Employment Counseling, 42.
  • Top Skills and Qualities Employers Seek in College Grads. (2013). Pennstate Career Services.
  • Wu, Yu-hsien (sharon). (2008). Social Skill in The Workplace: What is Social Skill and How Does It Matter? Doktora Tezi. Missouri Üniversitesi. Kolombiya.


Year 2019, , 149 - 160, 28.02.2019


The purpose of this
study is to determine the set of skills expected from white-collar employees.
The data needed for the research were collected through the human resources
managers/vice managers and the people responsible for the recruitment of
white-collar employees. In order to obtain the data, a questionnaire was
prepared. The skills required to be found in white-collar employees were
measured by an open-ended question. Then, a questionnaire form was sent to the
human resources managers/vice managers and the people responsible for the
recruitment in electronic environment. In this context, a total of 112 valid
questionnaires were obtained. The data obtained were analyzed by coding the
open-ended answers (in the form of keywords) and the frequencies were
calculated. According to the research findings, it is determined that the skill
required to be found in white-collar employees were found to be as
communication skills with the percentage of 18%.


  • Abas-Mastura, Maripaz., Imam, O. A., ve Osman, S. (2013). Employability Skills and Task Performance of Employees in Government Sector, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3 (4). 150-162.
  • Bayülken, Yavuz., ve Cahit, Kütükoğlu. (2012). Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli Sanayi İşletmeleri (Kobi’ler). Genişletilmiş Dördüncü Baskı. Yayın No: MMO/583. TMMOB. Makina Mühendisleri Odası.
  • Casserly, Meghan. (2012). Top Five Personality Traits Employers Hire. Most
  • Kwok, M. (2004). Towards an Understanding of Employability Skills Development Among University Graduates for workplace Entry. The University of Manitoba.
  • Lindsay, C. (2002). Long-term unemployment and the “employability gap”: Priorities for renewing Britain’s New Deal. Journal of European Industrial Training, 26 (9), 411-419.
  • Lowden, K., Hall, S., Elliot, D. and Lewin, J. (2011) Employers’ Perceptions of the Employability Skills of New Graduates. Glasgow: University of Glasgow SCRE Centre and Edge Foundation Mountbatten, Erişim Adresi: [Erişim Tarihi: 25.01.2019].
  • Maxwell, Gillian., Scott, Bernadette., Macfarlane, Dorothy., ve Elizabeth Williamson (2009). Employers as Stakeholders in Postgraduate Employability Skills Development. International Journal of Management Education, 8(2).
  • National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). 2012 Job Outlook Survey. ( , Erişim Adresi: [Erişim Tarihi: 25.01.2019].
  • Omar, M. K., Bakar, A.R., ve Mat Rashid, A. (2012). Employability Skill Acquisition Among Malaysian Community College Students. Journal of Social Sciences 8 (3), 472-478.
  • Ranasinghe, S.W. (1992). Human resource development in Sri Lanka: Present trends and Future Perspectives. In Salleh, S. and Gurung, S.B. (Eds.), Human Resource Development in South Asia. Asian and Pacific Development Centre, Malaysia.
  • Scott, Sherrie. (2013). What Is a Blue-Collar Worker and a White-Collar Worker?
  • Stevens, Betsy. (2005). What Communication Skills do Employers Want? Silicon Valley Recruiters Respond. Journal Of Employment Counseling, 42.
  • Top Skills and Qualities Employers Seek in College Grads. (2013). Pennstate Career Services.
  • Wu, Yu-hsien (sharon). (2008). Social Skill in The Workplace: What is Social Skill and How Does It Matter? Doktora Tezi. Missouri Üniversitesi. Kolombiya.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Emrah Özsoy

Yasemin Ekici Gürbüzoğlu This is me

Publication Date February 28, 2019
Submission Date February 22, 2019
Acceptance Date February 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Özsoy, E., & Ekici Gürbüzoğlu, Y. (2019). BEYAZ YAKALI ÇALIŞANLARDA ARANAN BECERİLERİN BELİRLENMESİNE YÖNELİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA. International Journal of Management and Administration, 3(5), 149-160.

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İşletme, İktisat, Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri, Maliye, Kamu Yönetimi ve Siyaset Bilimi, Ekonometri, Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri, Eğitim Yönetimi, Sağlık Yönetimi, Turizm Yönetimi, Havacılık Yönetimi, Denizcilik İşletmeleri Yönetimi, Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Yönetimi, Enerji Yönetimi, Lojistik Yönetimi, Çevre Yönetimi, Medya ve İletişim Yönetimi, Afet Yönetimi, Multidisipliner Yönetim ve Ekonomi Çalışmaları.

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