Publication Rules

International Journal of Management Economics and Business (IJMEB), an official publication of Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University, publishes theoretical and empirical papers in the fields of business, economics, finance, and management science. The journal has been published since 2005, and has four issues per year in March, June, September, and December.

1. Articles submitted for evaluation should not have been published anywhere before, not accepted for publication, and not sent to another journal for publication.
2. It is not possible to publish articles that require ethics committee approval within the scope of TR Index-Journal Evaluation Criteria to be implemented as of 2020, without the approval of the ethics committee. In this context, ethics committee approval should be obtained for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals, interviews, and questionnaires.
*** In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the board, date, and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article.
3. In case of reports, the information that the informed consent/consent form was signed should be included in the article.
4. Articles should include a statement that authors complied with Research and Publication Ethics.
5. Before submitting an article to our journal, the similarity of the article with appropriate plagiarism software (iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) should be stated. The similarity rate to be below 20 percent is accepted by our Editorial Board. Articles/reviews above this specified rate can be returned to the author (s).
6. The entire article process is carried out through the Dergipark online journal system, which you can enter with your username and password.
7. Along with the articles sent to the journal for publication, contact information such as name and surname, title, institution, and e-mail address of the author/authors must be entered into the online system.
8. Double blind review is practiced in the journal. Reviewer and author identities are kept confidential on both sides; It is not shared with the author, reviewer, and third parties. For this reason, there should not be any information about the authors in the article text.
9. Articles submitted following the spelling rules are reviewed by the editor of the journal. Studies that do not comply with the spelling rules are sent to the authors again for necessary corrections.
10. Submitted manuscripts are subject to a fast initial editorial review to prevent victimisation of authors. The initial editorial review and first decision takes around 1 week. The editor rejects the articles that are outside the scope and purpose of the journal, have no original value, are scientifically weak and do not comply with ethical principles, are problematic in terms of language, and are outside of one of the publishing languages.
11. Articles deemed appropriate by the editor are also evaluated by the field editor who is an expert on the subject. The field editor primarily evaluates the article in terms of originality and contribution to science; He may reject the article he deems insufficient without appointing reviewers. Articles deemed appropriate are sent to two reviewers who are experts in the field of study. If one of the reviewers gives a negative opinion and the other a positive opinion, the article is sent to the third referee or rejected. For the article to be published, two referees and field editor must provide positive opinion. The field editor can demand revisions in addition to reviewers' comments until the manuscript is deemed appropriate for publication, and the editor reserves the right to reject the submission if authors refuse to provide necessary revisions to the satisfaction of the editor.
12. The peer review process takes an average of 4 to 8 weeks. After receiving the positive opinion of the referees, if the author/authors request, an acceptance letter signed by the editor is sent to the author.
13. The language of the articles submitted to the journal can be Turkish or English. The articles should have Turkish and English abstract (Abstract, 150-200 words) and at least three keywords.
14. The Editorial Board of our journal has decided to publish with the English Extended Summary for Turkish articles to be published as of 2021. Extensive abstracts are not required for articles written in English. For detailed information, please see the Extended Summary tab on the right side of the Home page.
15. Articles deemed appropriate for publication in the journal are given a DOI number.
16. While applying, the Publishing Right Agreement Form, which is filled out by the responsible author, must be uploaded to the journal system. All publication rights of the articles accepted and published in the journal in written and electronic media belong to the International Journal of Management, Economics, and Business. Besides, the Ethics Committee Permit Certificate should also be uploaded to the system for studies requiring ethics committee approval.

17. While applying, the article file without author information will be uploaded to the system. The author's information will be uploaded as a separate file with the name of the article again in the form of an imprint. Also, there should be ORCID numbers in the credential file. Uploads will be in word format. Uploads that are not made under the journal rules are not included in the evaluation process.

18. In compliance with COPE rules (, artificial intelligence (AI) cannot be listed as author in submissions to IJMEB. Authors are fully responsible for the content of the manuscript even if they use AI software in preparation. In this case, details of AI use should be thoroughly disclosed, including which software is used and where it is used. Editors retain the right to reject manuscripts prepared using AI.

The files that must be uploaded to the system in the application are:

Full Article Text (Author information should not be included)
Ethics Committee Document (for the studies mentioned in the heading no.2)
Similarity Report
Publishing Right Agreement Form

Last Update Time: 4/1/22, 12:06:13 PM