Please pay attention to the spelling and publication rules ...
1. Studies submitted for publication should not exceed 25 pages including appendices and bibliography. Manuscripts should be written in Word format using the "Times New Roman" character. All margins in the entire work to be submitted to the journal should be 2.5 cm.
If the ethics committee report is required, the ethics committee report received during the research process should be attached.
2. Title: Turkish and English titles should be written on the Turkish and English summary sections, centered in capital letters, Times New Roman 12 font size and bold.
3. Author's name (s) and address (s): The author (s) of the article must upload their name, surname, institution, e-mail address and ORCID numbers, along with their academic title, if any, to the system by writing the application information file.
4. Abstract: On the first page of the article, there should be Turkish and English titles, Turkish and English abstracts not exceeding 150-200 words, and at most 5 keywords under the abstracts. The abstracts should be written in a single line spacing, in 10 font, italic, justified.
5. Section Titles: Section and subtitles should be written in 10 pt bold, only the first letters are capitalized and justified. In the title numbers, the numbers should be given from the introduction section, and they should be numbered in a decimal system (such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.).
6. Main Text :. Paragraphs should be 10 point size, alignment; justified, indent; left: 0 cm, right: 0 cm; special: The first line should be 1cm. Before and after the paragraphs, 6 nk spaces should be left and single line spacing should be written. Page numbers should be at the top right.
7. Tables and Figures: Figure and table titles should be written in 10 pt bold over the tables and figures, each with a sequence number (Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.), and reference notifications should be written in 8 pt. bibliographic information should be provided in full. Table, figure, etc. The text in it should be in the range of 8–10 points. Sequence numbers should be given to the mathematical equations to be included in the text, and the sequence numbers should be written in parentheses to the right of the page.
8. Citations: Citations should be made in the text by using the conjunction method. Explanatory notes should be expressed as a footnote (8 pt.) At the bottom of the page. References in the text should be made in the form of the author (s) surname, year of the source and page number. If there is no author name, the institution name should be used instead of the author. Sample; (Yüksel, 2003: 5), (Yüksel & Murat, 2001: 15), (Yüksel et al., 2000: 10-12, 2000: 10-12), (DPT, 2004: 32).
9. Bibliography: Bibliography should be arranged in 10 pt. At the end of the study. The bibliography should start from the page where the article ends and the studies should be listed alphabetically according to the surname. When citing multiple works by the same author, the publication date should start with the oldest. When citing more than one work of the same author with the same date, references should be numbered using the letters a, b, c,… in bibliography and in-text citations. Sample; Such as 2003a, 2003b, 2003c. In case of citing an author's work with a single or more than one author, studies with a single author should be specified first.
Authors should follow the rules in the 6th edition of the Guidelines published by the American Psychological Association (APA) for citations to be made in the text. Turkish abbreviations for Turkish works in the bibliography and text, as seen in the examples below (for example, "et al.", "Ss.", "P.", "Inside", "Trans.", "Der.", "Ed. For APA rules, visit the following links:
Basics of APA Style Tutorial; (
APA Formatting and Style Guide; (
Mini-Guide to APA 6th for Referencing, Citing, Quoting (
Some examples of showing different sources in the bibliography are given below:
Book with a Single Author:
Güven, T. (2015). Coal mining in Zonguldak Kozlu: Business and working life (1848-1921). Zonguldak: Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University Press.
Shipley, W. C. (1986). Shipley institute of living scale. Los Angeles, CA: Western Psychological Services.
Book with Two Authors:
Ceylan, A., & Korkmaz, T. (2004). Capital market and security analysis. 2nd Edition, Bursa: Ekin Kitabevi.
Grellier, J., & Goerke, V. (2006). Communication skills toolkit: Unlocking the secrets of tertiary success. South Melbourne, Australia: Thomson Social Science Press.
Books with More Than Two Authors:
Orhunbilge, N., Albayrak, A. S., & Bayyurt, N. (2006). Applied multivariate statistical techniques. Istanbul: Avcıol Publishing.
Lang, P. J., Bradley, M. M., & Cuthbert, B. N. (1997). Motivated attention: Affect, activation, and action. In P. J. Lang, R. F. Simons, M. Balaban (Eds.), Attention and orienting: Sensory and motivational processes (pp. 97–135). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.