Originality and Plagiarism Check

InTraders International Trade Academic Journal


Originality and Plagiarism Check

"Plagiarism; is to present the original ideas, methods, data or works of others as one's own work, in whole or in part, without attribution following scientific rules (Turkish CoHE Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, 4/1a).”

InTraders aims to publish original and scientific research per its publication principles. In this context, InTraders undertakes not to publish against publication ethics, and all articles submitted to the journal are subject to plagiarism/similarity control by the secretariat at the pre-control stage.
InTraders uses programs that provide similarity reports to detect possible plagiarism in articles.

The Journal Editorial Board determined the upper limit of the general similarity rate in articles to be 20%.

In this context, a plagiarism report is created with the help of programs that provide similarity reports for all articles submitted to the journal, and the report is sent to the author via the system. However, whether the article contains plagiarism is not based solely on the results of the plagiarism report. The editor examines the article's citation system and the report in question and explains his final decision. The editor's final decision may be to send it back to the author for necessary corrections, or it may be to reject the article.

Last Update Time: 6/11/24, 4:09:50 PM