Online Submissions
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Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The manuscript must not be published, and has not be submitted for publication elsewhere (For further information, see Author Guidelines).
The manuscript must not include clues regarding the authors’ names and affiliations, and statements concerning the authors.
The manuscript is in Microsoft Word document file format.
Page format should be A4 sized, with spaces of 5 cm on the top, 4 cm on the right, the left and the bottom.
The manuscript should be written in Times New Roman 11 Points, normal and justified.
Indent should be 0.5 cm.
The line spacing should be 1.5.
The space among the paragraphs should be 6 nk.
References used in the text are showed up and references are arranged as stated in Authors Guidelines.
If you are sending your manuscript to a journal section of peer review, please click here to be sure the “blind refereeing”. Please follow the instructions in the help page.
Copyright Notice
All publication rights of the articles accepted for publication at the end of the peer-review process belong to İzmir Journal of Economics. There will be no royalty payment to the authors for published articles.
“Cover letter” as to that all submitted works must not be published, and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration by İzmir Journal of Economics must be fulfilled and sent to editorial board.
Before uploading your article to the system, make sure to use the templates and spelling rules. The referee process will not be started for the works that do not comply with the spelling rules.