Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

  • 1. Ethics - Publication Ethics
    Authors submitting papers to Izmir Management Journal are required to comply with the ethical rules and are considered to have declared that they have not committed any ethical violations. Studies that contain ethical violations will be rejected without being included in the evaluation process, and other applications from their authors will not be considered. If an ethical violation is found, the report on the subject will be sent to the author and, if necessary, to the institutions concerned. İzmir Management Journal expects the authors, reviewers, and editors not to participate in the following " General actions contradictory to scientific research and Publication Ethics " during the publication process of the studies.
    1.1. General Actions Contrary to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics
    (Taken from the Higher Education Council Inter-University Board Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.)

    1) Plagiarism: The presentation of ideas, methods, data, practices, writings, figures, or works of others as one's own work, in whole or in part, without attribution, in accordance with scientific ethics,
    2) Fabrication: the production of data not based on research, the editing or alteration of work submitted or published on the basis of untrue data, the reporting or publication of such data, the performance of research not performed as if it had been performed,
    3) Falsification: Falsifying research documents and data obtained, presenting methods, equipment, and materials not used in research as if they had been used, failing to analyze data that do not conform to the research hypothesis, manipulating data or results to conform to the particular theory or assumptions, falsifying or shaping research results to suit the interests of the individuals and organizations receiving support,
    4) Duplicate Publication: The presentation of more than one paper containing the same research findings as separate papers in the evaluation of associate professor examinations and academic promotions,
    5) Dissection: Presenting research findings as separate papers in certain examination evaluations and academic incentives and promotions by breaking the integrity of the research, inappropriately dividing it into parts, and making multiple publications unrelated to each other,
    6) Gift Authorship: Adding non-active contributors to the authors of the article, not including active contributors among the authors, unjustified and inappropriate change in the order of authors, removing the names of active contributors from the work at the time of publication or in later editions, using their influence to include their names among the authors even though they are not actively contributing,
    7) Other Types of Ethical Violations: Failure to clearly name the supporting individuals, institutions or organizations and their contributions to the research in the publications of the research conducted with support, failure to follow ethical rules in research on humans and animals, failure to respect the rights of patients in their publications, and sharing the information contained in a work with others before publication. Sharing, misusing the resources, places, facilities, and equipment provided or allocated for scientific research, accusing totally unfounded, groundless, and deliberate ethical violations. (YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 8).

    İzmir Management Journal expects the parties concerned to comply with the following obligations in addition to the " General acts contrary to scientific research and Publication Ethics ".

    1.2. Authors’ Responsibilities
    1) The submitted article is the original work of the author(s);
    2) All authors have individually contributed to this study and take the entire responsibility for this study;
    3) All authors have seen and approved the final version of the submitted article;
    4) The article has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere;
    5) They agree that the text, figures, and documents in the article do not infringe the copyrights of other parties.

    1.3. Reviewers’ Responsibilities
    1) Reviewers must provide an objective and impartial evaluation.
    2) Reviewers must not have any conflict of interest with the authors, the study, institutions, or funders, if any. They should withdraw from the peer review if they find that this has occurred.
    3) They should withdraw from the review if they feel that they are not qualified to evaluate the submitted article or if they expect that they will not be able to complete the evaluation within a reasonable time.
    4) Reviewers must not violate confidentiality. They must not disclose the article to anyone other than the author(s) concerned, the editor or the reviewers.
    5) They may not use data from an article whose evaluation has been completed but not yet published.

    1.4. Responsibilities of the Editors
    1) Editors are responsible for accepting, rejecting, or resubmitting an article for correction.
    2) Editors shall guard which articles published in the journal are the result of original scientific and technical work, reviews, technical notes, and industrial R&D projects.
    3) Editors must not have a conflict of interest with the authors, study, institutions, or funders, if any. If they find that this is the case, they should withdraw from editing.
    4) Editors must not breach confidentiality or disclose the article to anyone other than the author(s) concerned, other editors or reviewers.
    5) Editors must not use data from an article they have accepted for publication but have not yet published.
    6) Editors must hide the names of reviewers from authors.
    2. Ethics - Research Ethics

    The following codes of conduct on research ethics contribute to the goals of research, uphold the values necessary for collaboration, ensure the responsibility of researchers to the public, provide credibility through public support, and reinforce various moral and social values:
    1. Clarity: In other words, the researcher must share the data, materials, equipment, resources, and findings he or she uses with society. The authors should be open to criticism and new ideas.
    2. Honesty and Authenticity: The researcher should not falsify, steal or misinterpret his results. He/she should accurately report results, methods and procedures and not mislead colleagues, sponsors, and the public. If he/she misuses the research, it is also an unethical behavior.
    3. Prevent: The researcher should not cause harm to the object or subject in which he/she is interested. Accordingly, the researcher should respect people's privacy and secrets and should not use personal names unless it is allowed in the context of his/her research. Moreover, the researcher should not conceal his identity.
    4. Intellectual Property: Patents, copyrights and other intellectual property must be respected. Unauthorized data, methods and results must not be used and the authors must be named.
    5. Confidentiality: Confidential communications, personnel records, trade and military secrets, patient records must be protected.
    6. Impartiality: authors should avoid biased experimental design, data analysis and interpretation.
    7. Integrity and Consistency
    8. Social Responsibility: Research that may cause social damage must be avoided.
    9. Discrimination: There should be no discrimination on the basis of gender, race, origin, and other factors that have nothing to do with scientific authority and integrity.
    10. Legality: Relevant laws must be known and followed.
    11. Caring Animals: Animals used during research should be given due attention and respect. Poorly designed and unnecessary animal experiments should not be conducted.
    12. Protecting Human: Risks and harms should be minimized and human dignity, privacy and autonomy should be protected during research on humanitarian topics. Special precautions should be taken when conducting research with children, people with developmental or cognitive disabilities, nursing home residents, the homeless, or vulnerable persons without legal status. The burdens and benefits of research should be equitably shared. The planning and conduct of research involving human subjects and animals, the framework of which is set by national and international rules and regulations, are the most important issues in research ethics. Research ethics is a concept mostly used for medical research, but undoubtedly social science research is also of interest to research ethics in another dimension.
    3. Obtaining Ethics - Legal/Special Ethics Committee Permission Certificate
    EXPLANATION AND INFORMATION on TR Index Ethical Rules The articles that referred to Ethical Rules in the criteria in previous years have been given detailed explanations in 2020, and on the assumption that approvals have been obtained for the studies that require research ethics committee approval, the item "Include information on approval in the article" has been added to the criteria.

    Studies requiring ethics board approval are as follows:

    1) All types of research conducted using qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experimentation, questioning techniques,
    2) Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
    3) Clinical studies on humans,
    4) Clinical studies on animals,
    5) Retrospective studies in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act,

    • Authors should indicate in their case reports that "informed consent" was obtained. Authors must obtain permission from their owners for the use of scales, surveys, and photographs belonging to others and indicate that they comply with copyright laws for the intellectual and artistic works used.
    • Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles published before 2020, arising from a master's/doctoral program (must be indicated in the article), for which a request for publication was submitted to the journal in the previous year, and which have been accepted but not yet published.
    • Non-university researchers may also contact the Ethics Board in their region.
    • For articles to be published in journals, the article should indicate whether ethics committee approval and/or legal/special permission is required. If it is necessary to obtain these approvals, it should be clearly stated from which institution, on which date and with which decision or serial number the approval was obtained.
    • If the study requires the use of human and animal subjects, an international statement, guidelines, etc., must be declared appropriate.

Last Update Time: 12/25/24, 2:16:59 PM

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