Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 9/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

Short Communications

Journal of Agricultural Production aims to create an environment for researchers to introduce, share, read, and discuss recent scientific progress and adopts the policy of providing open access to the readers who may be interested in recent scientific developments in the field of agriculture, fisheries, veterinary, forestry, and disciplines closely related to agricultural production.

The journal is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing research articles, reviews, short communications, and letters to the Editor. Research areas include but not limited to:
• Agriculture
• Aquaculture
• Fisheries
• Ecology
• Environmental sciences
• Horticulture
• Crop protection
• Bio systems
• Landscape
• Agriculture and aquaculture economics
• Agriculture and aquaculture biotechnology
• Soil science and plant nutrition
• Husbandry
• Basic sciences
And closely related life sciences, as well as engineering topics.

Manuscripts must be submitted to the journal in electronic version through online submission system following the Author Guidelines of the journal.

Types of Paper
Research articles, review articles, short communications, and letters to the Editor.
• Research articles: original full-length research papers which have not been published previously and should not exceed 7500 words or 25 manuscript pages (including tables and figures)
• Review articles: on topical subjects and up to 10000 words or 25 manuscript pages (including tables and figures)
• Short communications: describing work that may be of a preliminary nature or a case report; preferably no more than 3000 words or 10 manuscript pages (including tables and figures)
• Letters to the Editor: should be included on matters of topical interest and not exceeding 2000 words or 10 manuscript pages (including tables and figures)

Page Charges
This journal has no page charges.

Preparation of Manuscripts
Papers must be written in English. Prepare your text using a word-processing software and save in “.doc” or “.docx” formats. Manuscripts must be structured in the following order:

Title Page File
• Title (Concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations and formulae)
• Author names and affiliation addresses (Full names should be given, no abbreviations. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk. Each affiliation address should include institution, faculty/school, department, city, and country)
• ORCID numbers for all authors.
• Corresponding author’s e-mail, telephone number, and address
• Acknowledgements (if applicable. Keep these to the absolute minimum)
• Compliance with Ethical Standards
o Conflict of Interest Statement
o Statement on the Welfare of Animals
o Statement of Human Rights

Main File
• Title
• Abstract (Should be between 100 and 350 words. References and abbreviations should be avoided)
• Keywords (Minimum 4, Maximum 6 keywords)
• Introduction
• Materials and Methods
• Results
• Discussion (Can be combined with Results section if appropriate)
• Conclusion
• References
• Table(s) with caption(s) (on appropriate location in the text)
• Figure(s) with caption(s) (on appropriate location in the text)
• and appendices (if any)

Manuscript Formatting
Use a 12-point Times New Roman font, including the references, table headings and figure captions, double-spaced and with 25 mm margins on all sides of A4 size paper throughout the manuscript. The text should be in single-column format.
• Each page must be numbered with Arabic numerals, and lines must be continuously numbered from the start to the end of the manuscript.
• Use italics for emphasis.
• Use only SI (international system) units.
• Use “dot” for decimal points.
• Use italics for species name.

Journal of Agricultural Production uses APA style (7th edition). Accordingly, authors must format their references as per the guidelines below. Please ensure that each reference cited in the text is also presented in the reference list. Authors should always supply DOI or URL of the work cited if available.

In-text citation (Narrative):
…The results of Bliss (2019) support…
…Sönmez and Taştan (2020) indicated that…
…According to the method of Arslan et al. (2021)…

In-text citation (In parenthesis):
…It was found to be isometric (Klee, 2018)…
…is highly susceptible to diseases (Doma & Craig, 2019)…
…have been studied (Kale et al., 2020)…

Two or more works in the same parenthesis:
…extremely toxic for the environment (Sönmez, 2018, 2019; Kale et al., 2020a; Kadak & Yağanoğlu, 2021)…

Citation in the reference list:
References should be listed first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically at the end of the article. The citation of all references should conform to the following examples:

Lastname, N., Lastname, M., & Lastname, O. (Year). Title of the work. Title of the Journal, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. DOI
Tort, L. (2011). Stress and immune modulation in fish. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 35(12), 1366-1375.
Kasumyan, A. O., & Døving, K. B. (2003). Taste preferences in fishes. Fish and Fisheries, 4(4), 289–347.
Özçelik, H., Taştan, Y., Terzi, E., & Sönmez, A. Y. (2020). Use of onion (Allium cepa) and garlic (Allium sativum) wastes for the prevention of fungal disease (Saprolegnia parasitica) on eggs of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Fish Diseases, 43(10), 1325-1330.

Article by DOI (early access):
Salem, M. O. A., Salem, T. A., Yürüten Özdemir, K., Sönmez, A. Y., Bilen, S., & Güney, K. (2021). Antioxidant enzyme activities and immune responses in rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) juveniles fed diets supplemented with dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) and lichen (Usnea barbata) extracts. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.

Lastname, N., Lastname, M., & Lastname, O. (Year). Title of the work. Publisher.
Oidtmann, K., Xao, Q., & Lloyd, A. S. (2018). The food need by the year 2050. Elsevier.

Book Chapter:
Lastname, N., Lastname, M., & Lastname, O. (Year). Title of the chapter. In N. N. Lastname, A. Lastname & B. Lastname (Eds.), Title of the book (pp. Page numbers). Publisher.
Pickering, A. D. (1993). Growth and stress in fish production. In G. A. E. Gall & H. Chen (Eds.), Genetics in Aquaculture (pp. 51-63). Elsevier.

Dissertation or Thesis:
Lastname, N. (Year). Title of dissertation/thesis (Doctoral dissertation/Master’s thesis, Name of Institution).
Sönmez, A. Y. (2011). Karasu ırmağında ağır metal kirliliğinin belirlenmesi ve bulanık mantıkla değerlendirilmesi (Doctoral dissertation, Atatürk University).
Taştan, Y. (2018). Tatlısu kerevitindeki (Astacus leptodactylus) siyah solungaç hastalığı etkeni mantar Fusarium oxysporum'un PCR yöntemi ile teşhisi (Master’s thesis, Akdeniz University).

Conference Proceedings:
Lastname, N., Lastname, M., & Lastname, O. (Year). Title of the work. Title of the Conference. City.
Ken, A., & Kumar, S. (2020). A new statistical model for fuzzy logic evaluation. 3rd International Congress on Statistics. İstanbul.

Institution Publication:
Institution name. (Year). Title of the work. URL
FAO. (2020). Fishery and aquaculture statistics 2018.

Internet Source:
Lastname, N. (Year). Title of the work. Retrieved May 15, 2020, from URL
Perreault, L. (2019). The future of agriculture: Polyculture. Retrieved January 12, 2020, from

Tables, numbered in Arabic, should be in separate pages with a short descriptive title at the top. Place footnotes to tables below the table body and indicate them with superscript lowercase letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data).

All illustrations should be labelled as ‘Figure’ and numbered in consecutive Arabic numbers, Figure 1, Figure 2 etc. in the text. If panels of a figure are labelled (a, b, etc.) use the same case when referring to these panels in the text. Figures are recommended to be in electronic formats such as PNG, JPEG, TIFF (min. 300 dpi). All figures or tables should be presented in the body of the text.

Submission Checklist
o Author Guidelines of the journal has been read adhered
• Title Page File
o Title
o Full names, e-mails, and affiliation addresses of all authors
o ORCID numbers of all authors
o Corresponding author’s e-mail, telephone number, and address
o Ethical statements
• Main File
o Continuous page numbers
o Continuous line numbers
o Blinded document (no personal information is present)
o Title
o Abstract (100-350 words)
o Keywords (4-6 keywords)
o All figures and tables are numbered and cited in order in text
o Completeness and accuracy of the references have been checked
o References have been edited as per the Journal guidelines

Journal of Agricultural Production follows certain ethical standards for publication, existing to ensure high-quality scientific publications, public trust in scientific findings, and due credit for original ideas. Journal of Agricultural Production is connected to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), abides by its Code of Conduct, and aims to adhere to its Best Practice Guidelines.

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). (2011, March 7). Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Retrieved from

Authors who submit papers to Journal of Agricultural Production certify that his/her work is original and is not published or under publication consideration elsewhere. Also, authors confirm that submitted papers have not been copied or plagiarized, in whole or in part, from other papers or studies. Authors certify that he/she does not have potential conflicts of interest or partial benefits associated with his or her papers.

Journal of Agricultural Production will check for plagiarism in all submitted articles prior to publication. If plagiarism is detected at any stage of the publication process, the author will be instructed to rewrite the manuscript. Every submission will be scanned by Turnitin® to prevent plagiarism. If any manuscript is 30% plagiarized the article will be rejected and the author will be notified. We strongly recommend that authors check paper content before submitting for publication. Plagiarism can be checked by using free online software.

Journal of Agricultural Production is committed to objective and fair blind peer reviews of submitted papers and the prevention of any actual or potential conflicts of interest between writers and reviewers.


Editorial Responsibilities and Independence
All editors of Journal of Agricultural Production are independent in their evaluations and decisions in the journal. No external and/or internal factor can affect their decisions. If the editors are exposed to any kind of positive and/or negative constraints, they keep the right to take legal action against those involved in the constraint. On the other hand, editors are responsible for their decisions in the journal. The editor-in-chief is the only person responsible for journal content and on-time publishing.

Privacy and Conflict of Interest
Editors and members of the Editorial Board of the journal are forbidden to share submitted materials with third parties other than section editors, statistical editors, Language editors, copy editors, design editors and ombudsman when needed, and to use the submitted materials themselves. If there is a conflict of interest among an editor and an author or institution of the author in terms of cooperation or competition, then another member of the Editorial board is assigned to manage the evaluation process.

Publishing Decisions
Editors provide peer review of submitted manuscripts by assigning at least two reviewers expert in the field. Editor-in-chief is responsible in decision of publishing a manuscript considering the importance of the manuscripts for researchers and readers, reviewer reports, plagiarism and copyright infringement as legal issues. Editor-in-chief can discuss with other editors and reviewers for his/her decision.


Contribution to Editor’s Decision
Peer-reviewing of a submitted manuscript is the control of its scientific content, scientific layout and suitability according to the principles of the journal, and delivery of the reviewer’s opinion for unsuitable manuscript content to ensure suitability. The reviewing process, not only enables reviewers to forward their evaluations about the manuscripts to the editors but also give them the opportunity to improve the contents of the manuscripts.

If a reviewer assigned for evaluation of a manuscript is of an expert in a field of science other than the manuscript content, is far to the subject of the manuscript, is short of time for evaluation or possess a conflict of interest, then he/she should inform the assigning editor and ask his/her withdrawal. If the content of the manuscript fits the expertise field of the reviewer, then he/she should complete the evaluation and send the report to the editor as soon as possible.

Reviewers assigned for evaluation of manuscripts approve in advance that the manuscripts are secret documents and do not share any information about these documents with third parties except the editors involved in the evaluation. Reviewers continue to not to share information even after the manuscripts are accepted or rejected for publication.
If it is suspected of using an idea in the manuscript that is sent for evaluation to the reviewer without permission, the flowchart of COPE “What to do if you suspect a reviewer has appropriated an author’s ideas or data?” is followed.

Standards of Objectivity
Reviewers should construct their criticisms on a scientific background and include scientific evidences in their statements. All comments raised by the reviewers to improve the manuscripts should be clear and direct and written in a manner far away from disturbing author’s feelings. Insulting and derogatory statements should be avoided.

Suitability of the Cited References
Reviewers should determine quotations in the manuscripts used without citing a reference. Statements, observations, conclusions or evidences in published articles should be quoted with the citation of the related reference. Reviewers should also be sure about the reality of presence of quotations in the cited reference(s).

Conflict of Interests
If a reviewer is in a situation by being involved in one or more interests with the author(s), he/she should inform the editor the assigning editor and ask his/her withdrawal.


Reporting Standards
Authors of original research articles should present the results and discuss with them in a proper way. Since the methodological contents of the articles should be reproducible, the authors should be clear in their statements and should not purposely report wrong or missing data. Authors of review type articles are not recommended to write such articles if they are not an expert in the field of their review topics or when they do not have enough background information or related former studies.

Data Accessing and Retainment
Authors may be asked to present their raw data when needed (ethical cases etc.). Therefore, raw data of the manuscripts should be kept in safety to present if needed. The storage period of raw data following publications should be at least 10 years.

Originality and Plagiarism
The authors of submitted manuscripts should be sure that their manuscripts are original or include cited references for quotations.

Multiple, Repeated, Unnecessary or Simultaneous Submissions
It is not an approved way to produce more than one publication reporting on the same research. The authors should pay attention to such cases and they should not submit the same manuscript to different journals simultaneously.

Authorship of Manuscripts
Only the following persons should be included in the manuscripts as responsible authors:
• Researchers providing major contribution to concept, design, performing, data collection and/or analysis in a study,
• Researchers involved in preparation or critical revision of manuscripts,
• Researchers approved the latest version of the manuscripts and accepted its submission.
Contributors other than the above list (technical assistance, helpers in writing and editing, general contributions, etc.) should not be involved in the authors list but can be listed in acknowledgments section. The corresponding authors of manuscripts should provide the separate listing of contributors as authors and those to be involved in acknowledgments section.

Conflict of interests
Authors should clearly declare any kind of conflict of interests in their manuscripts. Absence of conflict of interests about the topic of the manuscripts should also be declared. The most common types of conflict of interests are financial supports, education or other types of funds, personal or institutional relations and affiliations. All sources of financial supports (with their grant or other reference numbers) of the studies should be declared.

Acknowledgement of References
Authors should not use personally obtained information (conversations, correspondences or discussions with bystanders) unless they have the permission of their sources. Information about private documents or refereeing of grant applications should not be used without the permission of the authorities providing the related service.

Authors are obliged to be involved in the peer review process and should cooperate by responding raw data, evidence for ethical approvals, patient approvals and copyright release form requests of editors and their explanations. Authors should respond either in a positive or a negative way to revision suggestions generated by the peer review process. They should be sure to include their counter views in their negative responses.

Submitting authors must confirm the following:
1. Manuscripts must be the original work of the submitting author.
2. Submitted manuscripts must be unpublished.
3. There should be no conflict of interest. If it exists, it must be clearly stated.
4. Authors should cite all data sources used in the preparation of the manuscript.
Please note: It is unethical to submit a manuscript to more than one journal concurrently.

Reviewers must confirm the following:
1. Manuscripts are reviewed fairly based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship or political view of the author(s).
2. Any observed conflict of interest during the review process must be sent to the editor.
3. Information pertaining to the manuscript is kept confidential.4. Information that may be a cause for rejection of publication must be sent to the editor.

Editors must confirm the following:
1. Manuscripts are reviewed fairly based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship or political view of the author(s).
2. Information pertaining to manuscripts is kept confidential.
3. Any observed conflict of interest pertaining manuscripts must be disclosed.

Ethical Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research
Journal of Agricultural Production endorses the ARRIVE guidelines ( for reporting experiments using live animals. Authors and reviewers can use the ARRIVE guidelines as a checklist, which can be found at Manuscripts containing original research on animal subjects must have been approved by an ethical review committee. The project identification code, date of approval and name of the ethics committee or institutional review board must be cited in the Methods Section.For research involving animals, any potentially derived benefits must be significant in relation to harm suffered by participating animals. Authors should particularly ensure that their research complies with the commonly accepted “3Rs”:
• Replacement of animals by alternatives wherever possible,• Reduction in number of animals used, and• Refinement of experimental conditions and procedures to minimize the harm to animals.


The Fee Policy
Journal of Agricultural Production requests article submission fee. This fee is collected from all articles sent to the journal regardless of the acceptance/rejection decision.

Authors will receive an email regarding the payment upon submission. Authors should make the payment after this email. The evaluation process will be initiated once the payment is completed.

Submission Fee: 50$ (For Turkish Authors: 1000 TL)
Editorial Processing Charge: Free
Article Processing Charge (or any other post-acceptance fee): Free

Note For Turkish Authors: The journal is excluded from the predatory/questionable journals definition of Turkish Council of Higher Education (YÖK) (
Therefore, articles published in Journal of Agricultural Production can be used in academic promotion or for associate professorhsip applications..

Article Evaluation Period
Initial evaluation of articles submitted to Journal of Agricultural Production is completed within 2-6 weeks. Final evaluation may make take longer depending on the revisions. The average time from submission to publication is 8 weeks.

Revision and Withdraw System
The Editorial Board takes responsibility for making publication decisions on submitted manuscripts based on the reviewer’s evaluation of the manuscript, policies of the journal editorial board, and legal efforts to prevent plagiarism, libel, and copyright infringement.
Once the paper is accepted, if required, the corresponding author is asked to complete the necessary revisions. The corresponding author retains the right to withdraw the manuscript until a digital object identifier (DOI) number is assigned.

Post-publication changes to the publication are not permitted unless in exceptional circumstances. If an error is discovered in a published article then the publisher will assess whether a Correction paper or Retraction is required

Journal of Agricultural Production’s Retraction and Correction Policy has been developed in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) publication guidelines relating to scientific misconduct and research ethics. The journal adheres to the guidelines of COPE on Retraction.

This means that Editors will consider retracting a publication if:

- They have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of major error (eg, miscalculation or experimental error), or as a result of fabrication (eg, of data) or falsification (eg, image manipulation)
- It constitutes plagiarism
- The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper attribution to previous sources or disclosure to the editor, permission to republish, or justification (ie, cases of redundant publication)
- It contains material or data without authorisation for use
- Copyright has been infringed or there is some other serious legal issue (eg, libel, privacy)
- It reports unethical research
- It has been published solely on the basis of a compromised or manipulated peer review process
- The author(s) failed to disclose a major competing interest (a.k.a. conflict of interest) that, in the view of the editor, would have unduly affected interpretations of the work or recommendations by editors and peer reviewers.

The scientific community would be better served by a Correction rather than a Retraction. In the circumstances where the error in the published content is minor and does not affect the reliability of the work, major findings, or overall conclusion, a Correction will be published as an individual article in the following issue. The text of a correction will explain why the article is being updated and include a complete citation reference to that article. Authors/Readers/Reviewers should contact to the Editor if they observe any flaw that need to be corrected.

Editor or members of the editorial board are not responsible for the author’s opinions and manuscript contents. Authors are responsible for the ethical originality of and possible errors in their manuscripts. They are also responsible for all errors based on page editing before their proofreading. On the other hand, errors taking place after proofreading are in responsibility of the journal directors.
Note: Author should make corrections in 2 months, otherwise the paper will be rejected.
Note: The Editorial Board takes responsibility for making publication decisions on submitted manuscripts based on the reviewer’s evaluation of the manuscript, policies of the journal editorial board, and legal efforts to prevent plagiarism, libel, and copyright infringement.

Journal of Agricultural Production requests article submission fee. This fee is collected from all articles sent to the journal regardless of the acceptance/rejection decision.

Authors will receive an email regarding the payment upon submission. Authors should make the payment after this email. The evaluation process will be initiated once the payment is completed.

Submission Fee: 50$
Editorial Processing Charge: Free
Article Processing Charge (or any other post-acceptance fee): Free

Note For Turkish Authors: The journal is excluded from the predatory/questionable journals definition of Turkish Council of Higher Education (YÖK) (
Therefore, articles published in Journal of Agricultural Production can be used in academic promotion or for associate professorhsip applications.