Open Access Policy

Journal of Economics Business and International Relations (JEBI) adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative and defines its Open Access policy according to the definition developed in the original BOAI.

This journal aims to promote the development of global Open Access to scientific information and research. The Publisher provides copyrights of all online published papers (except where otherwise noted) for free use of readers, scientists, and institutions (such as link to the content or permission for its download, distribution, printing, copying, and reproduction in any medium, except change of contents and for commercial use), under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND) License, provided the original work is cited. Written permission is required from the editorial board for use of its contents for commercial purposes.

Last Update Time: 8/21/23, 3:30:55 PM