Writing Rules

Article Application Process:

Your article must be prepared according to the article template,
Your article must be checked and signed according to the Candidate Article Checklist,
Copyright and Author Agreement must be signed,
The article must be an original research article,
The "Ethics Committee Document" of your research must be attached,
The entire article must consist of a maximum of 6 thousand words,
The entire article must be written in English,
The Turkish version of the article must also be uploaded as a separate document,
The ORCID Number of all authors must be specified,
The plagiarism (similarity) rate of the article (excluding references, including citations) must be less than 15% (the similarity report is not expected to be uploaded.).

Article Printing Process

When the evaluation process of your article is completed and deemed suitable for publication, a language control document is requested. The language control document, which is proofread, is expected to be approved by a professional translation office.

Before your article is published, the author(s) will check it one last time and ask for your approval.

Articles that have completed the evaluation, control and approval processes are made available for access as early view and are printed in the issue to be published at the earliest date.

Last Update Time: 11/26/24, 11:26:34 PM

If necessary, you can send an e-mail to jef.editor@gmail.com to contact the editor-in-chief.