Aim & Scope


The Journal of International Museum Education (e-ISSN: 2687-4830/JIMuseumED) provides an international platform to develop knowledge and practices in the field of museum education. The main goal of our journal is to deepen knowledge in this field by sharing innovations, research findings, and best practice examples encountered in the education and training processes of museums. JIMuseumED is an international, peer-reviewed, non-profit, free-to-access, online academic journal that aims to develop museum education at all levels of education by publishing research, reviews, critiques, compilations, and translation articles. JIMuseumED aims to be an important reference source for researchers conducting research in this field by gathering scattered studies, especially in museum education, teaching in historical places and out-of-school education, and intangible cultural heritage education, under one platform. Therefore, we invite researchers and authors from different disciplines to contribute to JIMuseumED. Our journal accepts both qualitative and quantitative empirical research, compilations, and publication critiques conducted in all kinds of education-oriented museums, historical places, archaeological sites, science centers, etc. Our aim:

  • JIMuseumED aims to advance museum education and museum studies in international literature.
  • To ensure that original research, experiences, and projects in the field of museum education are shared with an international audience.
  • To promote the exchange of information on educational methods, teaching strategies, and pedagogical approaches in museums.
  • To support cooperation and dialogue among educators, academics, museum professionals, and other relevant stakeholders.
  • To provide solutions and suggestions for improving museum education practices, policies, and strategies.

Our journal is published online once a year. The studies that pass the evaluation in JIMuseumED are published as a preview without waiting for a new issue. JIMuseumED adopts free and open-access publishing policies as it aims to increase the quality and quantity of studies in this field. For this purpose, no fee is charged for the submission, evaluation, or publication of articles, and it also provides free and unlimited access to published articles.




JIMuseumED publishes articles related to museum education. By the decision of the editorial board, it was decided that each volume of JIMuseumED will include museum field studies at a maximum of 40%. The scope of the journal includes the following studies:

  • Theoretical and applied research on museum education.
  • Studies on educational programs, exhibition guidance, and interactive learning methods in museums.
  • Museum education strategies and policies, use of educational technologies and digital tools.
  • Educational materials, teaching techniques, and student assessment methods.
  • International museum education practices and educational approaches in different cultural contexts.
  • Pre-service or in-service education practices and lifelong learning studies for museum education.
  • Intangible cultural heritage and education
  • Out-of-school education
  • Museum field studies.

JIMuseumED aims to expand knowledge in the field of museum education and promote best practices in this field by accepting studies prepared in the forms of research, review, case report, translation, book review, and interview. The Journal of International Museum Education aims to be an important platform for sharing innovations and developments in this dynamic field.

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Last Update Time: 8/1/24, 2:02:35 PM

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