for Authors

a. Journal of International Museum Education (JIMuseumED) is an international peer-reviewed journal, and it is published 1 issue a year/annually (in November) on museum education and museology, electronically and open access.

b. Journal of International Museum Education (JIMuseumED) is a free journal. It does not charge the author(s) at any stage.

c. In the works sent to JIMuseumED, originality and contributing criteria are sought.

d. Studies submitted to JIMuseumED must not have been published anywhere before or have not been accepted for publication.

e. Authors who want to submit an article to be published in JIMuseumED can start the submission process by clicking on or the "Submit Article" tab on our homepage.

f. The works to be sent to JIMuseumED should be prepared in templates according to their types. For study templates, check our Writing Rules page.

h. When submitting work to JIMuseumED, all authors must sign and upload the JIMuseumED Copyright Agreement and Acknowledgement of Authorship Form to the system.

I. Turkish and English abstracts of the studies are less than 200 words, more than 250 words; The Extended Abstract should not be less than 750 words and more than 1500 words.

i. Similarity reports are received through iThenticate for the studies published in JIMuseumED. Studies with a similarity rate of less than 20% are published in JIMuseumED, provided that they comply with ethical principles. This issue is the responsibility of the authors.

j. Submission of any work to JIMuseumED is accepted as an application for the publication and the evaluation process of the article is initiated. Authors are not paid royalties for the works.

k. Work submitted to JIMuseumED for publication is under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. Click for Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.

l. Since any legal, economic, and ethical responsibility that may arise from the work submitted to JIMuseumED belongs to its authors even if the study in question has been published, JIMuseumED does not accept any liability.

m. The publication language of JIMuseumED is English and TurkishAs of 2024, all Türkiye-based studies are published with full texts in Turkish and English.

n. For studies of foreign origin that will be sent to JIMuseumED in full text in English, a full text in Turkish is not required.

o. A title of a maximum of 16 words (as short as possible) should be included in the studies to reflect the content. Turkish and English abstracts should reflect the purpose, scope, and results of the study and allow the reader to determine the content of the article in a short time. A maximum of 5 keywords that best reflect the content of the study should be included under the Turkish and English abstracts. Comprehensive English abstracts should be prepared between 750-1500 words in a way to provide the purpose, scope, method, participants, problem situation, and results of the study in detail. The Extended Summary should be different from the normal summary. Extensive Abstract is not required for studies prepared in English.

p. Studies should not exceed 25 pages, including abstract and references.

r. In studies supported by a research institution (BAP, TÜBİTAK, etc.), the name of the institution/organization and the project, if any, its date and number should be indicated at the bottom of the summary pages with footnotes.

s. If the study is presented in any congress or symposium, the name, place, and date of the congress and symposium should be specified. If the study was produced from a graduate thesis, thesis information should also be included.

t. Studies (especially Research Articles) that pass the evaluation process in JIMuseumED are published as a preview without waiting for the November issue and assigned a DOI number.

u. Please review our journal's Author Guidelines, Ethical Principles, and Publication Policyand Peer Review Process pages before submitting your work.

ü. JIMuseumED uses the APA 7 reference style. Check out our Author Guidelines page for APA 7 or the Common  Reference Examples Guide used in APA 7. 

v. Published studies are archived through the Dergipark system.

Thank you for your contribution.

Last Update Time: 9/26/24, 11:44:57 AM

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