Current Issue

Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 2/27/25

Year: 2024

Research Article

City in Human Geography
Sociology of Law
Sociology of Law
Asst. Prof. Dr. Merve UYSAL Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi

Kadın/Woman 2000 -Journal for Women's Studies is a publication of Eastern Mediterranean University - Centre for Women's Studies. It is published biannually on June and December and is a multi-disciplinary, peer and blind reviewed, bilingual journal (both Turkish and English) dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of women and gender studies.

Kadın/Woman 2000 -Journal for Women's Studies is a publication of Eastern Mediterranean University - Centre for Women's Studies. It is published biannually on June and December and is a multi-disciplinary, peer and blind reviewed, bilingual journal (both Turkish and English) dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of women and gender studies.

Manuscripts should be sent electronically in Times News Roman 12 font with two line spacing throughout – including figures and tables prepared in accordance with the publication guidelines.
Turkish articles should be based on the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association and Turkish words should be used as much as possible instead of foreign words. When new and unfamiliar words in Turkish are used, they should be placed in parenthesis in Turkish and English in their first use. English articles should consult the Oxford English Dictionary and annexes as a reference.
Manuscripts should be submitted with title page, main text, references, annexes, tables, figure titles, figures, author notes and correspondence address.
The title page should contain the title of the article, which consists of a maximum of 10-12 words (maximum 50 characters with spaces between words), the authors' name and surname, title, institution and ORCID ID number.
The main text should start on a new page.
References and authors referred to should be referenced as follows: (Author’s surname, publication year, and referenced page number, (Brown, 2003: 23).
Additional information about the text should be given as endnotes at the bottom of the page.
Tables and figures should include numbers, headings, and the source (references). Headings should be placed above tables and figures, and references should be written below.
Authors are requested to submit the text, tables, and artwork with the manuscripts. If there are pictures or drawings to be included in the manuscript they should be sent with the manuscript. The pictures should be numbered according to their order in the article and should include subtitles. They should be shown as Figure 1 and Figure 2 in brackets.
The manuscript should be divided into un-numbered subsections written in small letters and bold. The secondary subtitles should be written in bold and italic.
Equations should be given sequence numbers. The sequence number should be in parentheses and on the right side of the page. If the derivation of the equations is shown briefly, the derivation process should be shown on a separate page with all steps to be given to the referees.

As an ethical principle, the manuscripts submitted for evaluation are screened for plagiarism. All the manuscripts sent to JWS are scrupulously investigated against any allegations of plagiarism or abuse either published or in evaluation process . Investigations are conducted on the published articles and, when necessary, the institutions of the authors are informed.

Any sources of funding or financial support by any institution should be identified in the manuscript before publication and with the date and amount of support. Authors are expected to supply all details regarding funding.

Manuscripts should be sent electronically in Times News Roman 12 font with two line spacing throughout – including figures and tables prepared in accordance with the publication guidelines.
Turkish articles should be based on the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association and Turkish words should be used as much as possible instead of foreign words. When new and unfamiliar words in Turkish are used, they should be placed in parenthesis in Turkish and English in their first use. English articles should consult the Oxford English Dictionary and annexes as a reference.
Manuscripts should be submitted with title page, main text, references, annexes, tables, figure titles, figures, author notes and correspondence address.
The title page should contain the title of the article, which consists of a maximum of 10-12 words (maximum 50 characters with spaces between words), the authors' name and surname, title, institution and ORCID ID number.
The main text should start on a new page.
References and authors referred to should be referenced as follows: (Author’s surname, publication year, and referenced page number, (Brown, 2003: 23).
Additional information about the text should be given as endnotes at the bottom of the page.
Tables and figures should include numbers, headings, and the source (references). Headings should be placed above tables and figures, and references should be written below.
Authors are requested to submit the text, tables, and artwork with the manuscripts. If there are pictures or drawings to be included in the manuscript they should be sent with the manuscript. The pictures should be numbered according to their order in the article and should include subtitles. They should be shown as Figure 1 and Figure 2 in brackets.
The manuscript should be divided into un-numbered subsections written in small letters and bold. The secondary subtitles should be written in bold and italic.
Equations should be given sequence numbers. The sequence number should be in parentheses and on the right side of the page. If the derivation of the equations is shown briefly, the derivation process should be shown on a separate page with all steps to be given to the referees.

Hiçbir ad altında yazar veya kurumundan ücret alınmaz.
Woman 2000/Kadın 2000 Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi tarafından makale, yazı vb. için herhangi bir gönderim ücreti, editöryal işlem ücreti ya da yayın ücreti talep edilmemektedir.
Yayınlanmak üzere gönderilen yazılarla ilgili olarak herhangi bir fon ve maddi destek veren kurum veya kurumlar destek verdikleri tarih ve sayı belirtilmek kaydıyla bildirilmelidir.