Current Issue

Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 12/30/24

Year: 2024

MAUN Journal of Education is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes theoretical and applied original research articles, reviews, and compilations in the fields of education.

MAUN Journal of Education is published 2 (two) times a year, in June and December. The journal’s Editorial Board has the authority to issue special issues on subjects that it determines. Articles sent to the journal can be written in Turkish and English. The journal accepts studies on the following disciplines:

Classroom Education

Curriculum and Instruction

Educational Administration

Educational Psychology

English Language Education

Instructional Technologies

Mathematics Education

Measurement and Evaluation in Education

Philosophical, Social and Historical Foundations of Education

Preschool Education

Psychological Counselling and Guidance

Science Education

Social Studies Education

Special Education

Turkish Language Education

APA 7 should be used for in-text references and bibliography. To learn about the APA 7, please use this link.
Studies submitted to the journal are expected to be between 10-25 pages.

The articles uploaded to the system by the authors are reviewed by the editorial board and it is decided whether the article should be reviewed or not.
The similarity (plagiarism) rate of the articles sent to our journal should be below 20%.
Articles with a similarity rate of more than 20% (Similarity reports can be obtained from pages such as,, etc.) and articles without ORCID information will not be published.

The articles that do not comply with the journal template and the articles that do not have a copyright form, ethics committee approval and similarity report will be returned to their authors.

Click to download the copyright form.

The cover page at the link below should be attached to the beginning of the studies to be sent to the MAUN Journal of Education

Click to download the cover page.

The studies to be sent to the MAUN Journal of Education should be prepared according to the following rules.

1. The text of the article should be written in Palatino Linotype font, size 11, spacing 2.5 cm from all sides, as a single column, with 1.15 line spacing, in A4 size.
2. Paragraphs should start with a 1 cm indent; no spaces should be left between paragraphs.
3. When it is necessary to emphasize in the text, bold emphasis should be made.
4. Before and after the paragraphs, 6 pt. spaces should be left.

1. The title of the article should clearly indicate the subject of the research, its field, and the boundaries of the problem.
2. The title should be bold, centered, only the first letters of the words other than the connectors should be in capital letters, and it should be written with 14 font size and Palatino Linotype font.
Abstract / Keywords
1. Each article should have an abstract in Turkish and English.
2. The abstract should include the purpose of the article, its key findings, and most important conclusions.
3. The abstract should be justified and should be between 150-200 words.
4. Abstract and keywords should be written in Palatino Linotype font, 9 font size, and single-spaced.
5. On the left side of the abstract, at least 3, at most 5 keywords that will define the content of the article should be included.


1. The introduction should be considered as the part where the problem of the article is defined and discussed.
2. Long explanations and definitions should be avoided in the introduction.
3. Emphasis should be placed on previous research.

1. There should be the subtitles of Research Design, Population-Sample, Data Collection Tool and Data Analysis in this section. Detailed information should be given in each section.
2. The research design used in the article and why it was chosen should be briefly stated.
3. The subtitles "Universe-Sample" for quantitative research and "Participants or Study Group" for qualitative research can be preferred.
4. In this subtitle, information should be given about the universe, sampling technique, and sampling.
5. Under the title of Data Collection Tool, the data collection tool or tools used should be specified. Psychometric information such as validity and reliability studies and statistical properties of the data collection tool must be specified.
6. Data analysis techniques used under the Data Analysis subtitle and why these techniques were chosen should be stated.

1. Findings obtained in the research should be included in the Findings section.
2. Findings should be presented in parallel with the order of the research questions.
3. Only the findings related to the research questions should be included.
4. Tables or graphs related to the evidence supporting the results may be included.
5. Tables should be clear and understandable.
6. Data presented in tables or graphs should not be repeated in the text.
7. Tables or graphics should be specified in the text and presented immediately after the relevant text.
8. The discussion should be included under the title of “Conclusion, Discussion and Suggestions”.

Conclusion, Discussion and Recommendations
1. Along with the answers to the questions asked in the introduction, reference should be made to the findings supporting/not supporting these answers in the relevant literature.
2. Findings that do not support the answer to the research question should be explained.
3. Evidence showing the originality of the research should be included.
4. The consistency or difference of the findings with the findings of other studies should be explained.
5. Unexpected findings and results should be explained.
6. Limitations that will affect the validity and generalization of the findings should be included.
7. Inferences showing the importance of the research should be made.
8. Recommendations should be written according to the findings. Suggestions that are not based on findings should not be included.
9. As much as possible, suggestions for theory and practice should be included.

Titles and Subtitles
1. All titles should be written in Palatino Linotype font and 11 font size.
2. In the chapter titles, the first letters of the words should be written in capital letters, the others should be written in lowercase, centered and bold.
3. In the sub-headings of the chapters, the first letters of the words should be written in capital letters, the others in lowercase, left aligned and bold.
4. In the third and fourth level headings, the first letter of the heading should be written in capital letters, the others should be written using the paragraph heading in lower case.
Paragraph formatting is as follows:
Second level subtitle
Third level subtitle (1 cm indent)
Fourth-level subtitle (1 cm indent)
Fifth level subtitle (1 cm indent)

Tables, Figures, and Visuals
1. Tables and figures should be prepared in a ready-to-publish format and should be given where they appear in the text.
2. Palatino Linotype, 10 font size, single line spacing should be used in the texts used in tables and table titles.
3. In the table titles, the first letter of each word should be capitalized.
4. The texts in the table should be written in a single line spacing, with 0 pt. before and after, and without adding any spaces between paragraphs of the same style.
5. Vertical lines should not be used in tables.
6. The width of the table lines should be set to! /2 pt. width.
7. 12 pt. space should be left before and after the table.
8. In the representation of table titles and table number, the table number should be written in bold and left-justified, and the table title should be written in normal and left-justified.

Example Table 1. Gender Distribution of the Participants

9. In the representation of the figure and image titles, the figure/image number should be written in bold and centered, and the figure/image title should be written in normal and centered form. E.g;

Figure 1. Physical Map of Turkey

MAUN Journal of Education uses APA 7 in its bibliography.

Identifying Key Sources in the APA 7 Bibliography

-Indication of the article citation in the APA 7 bibliography
In-text: (Aktay, 2017) or Aktay (2017)
End of text: Aktay, S. (2017). How to organize a symposium: tracking digital footprints. Turkish Studies, 12(21), 1-14.
“If there is no doi, the http… part will not be included”.

– Indication of the book citation in the APA 7 bibliography
In-text: (Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2003)
End of text: Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2003). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Seçkin Publishing.
“If there is a doi, it should be appended as http…”.

– Indication of the book chapter citation in the APA 7 bibliography
Aktay, S. (2015). Technology supported science teaching. In S. S. Anagün & N. Duban (Eds.), Science Teaching (pp. 425-454). Moment Publishing.

– Display of website citation in APA 7 bibliography
Aktay, S. (2010, 10 July). How does the internet work?. What is the Internet?
“If there is no date, (n.y.) will be written instead of the date”.

– Indication of the proceedings in the APA 7 bibliography
Aktay, S., Işık, E., & Gençsoy, E. (2019, 24-27 April). Full-time tuition or dual tuition? 3rd International Unlimited Education and Research Symposium (USEAS 2019), Muğla, Turkey.

– Indication of the graduate thesis citation in the APA 7 bibliography
Teyfur, M. (2011). The perceptions of primary school administrators about the management styles they apply and the evaluation of school administrators' management skills according to parents (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Ataturk University Graduate School of Educational Sciences, Erzurum.

APA7- Some important changes.

1. The place of publication has been removed. Aktay, S. (2017). Öğrenciler ve aileler için internet el kitabı. Eğiten Kitap.
2. When citing studies that are written by three or more people in the text, it is written in the form of the first name and others. (Aktay et al., 2017)
3. In writing the DOI number, the doi: spelling is removed, and the entire address is written.
4. There is no need to write “taken from” in website excerpts. Also, the title of the publication is written in italics.
Aktay, S. (2010, July 10). İnternet nasıl çalışır? Internet nedir?
5. In the bibliography, the number of mentioning the surname of the author and the first letter of the name, which was seven in the past, has been increased to 20.

Some Important Changes
Indication and documentation of the ethics committee approval (name, decision date and number) of the submitted article for research that requires data collection through methods such as scales, questionnaires, interviews, and observations, on the first-last page and method section of the submitted article,
It is necessary to include information about the signing of the informed consent/consent form in the article, to present the proofs of the ethical principles during the data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others for the use of scales, questionnaires, documents), and to indicate that research and publication ethics are followed in the articles.

Example 1: The authors created the research idea together. The first author took part in the literature review, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of the findings and reporting of the article. The second author took part in the literature review, data collection and reporting of the research.
Example 2: All authors contributed equally to the research.

Publication Ethics and Responsibilities

The publication process of the MAUN Journal of Education requires everyone involved in the process (authors, reviewers, editors) to comply with academic ethical principles and standards. It is assumed that all individuals involved in the process accept the following responsibilities. While determining the responsibilities expressed, the rules and responsibilities specified by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which regulates open access rules, were used.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
The author(s) must be original in all their academic works. If they benefit from other academic studies in their studies, they are required to give full reference and/or citation. Persons who do not contribute to the study should not be included as authors. Researchers cannot submit their work to more than one publication at the same time. Each submission process must be made following the conclusion of the previous application. A study published in another medium should not be sent to our journal. In case the submitted works contain content, situations and relationships that will constitute a conflict of interest, information should be provided. Authors should be ready to present the raw data and experimental information of the study to the editorial board and scientific committee, if requested. It is not possible to add an author, change the order or remove an author for a work whose evaluation process has been started. Author(s) should have documents showing that the data they use in their studies (if any) have ethical rights, usage rights, and necessary permissions for research/analysis/experiment. Author(s) should inform the journal editor or journal publisher and cooperate in correction or retraction if they notice an error in their review, early view stage or published work.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
As stated by COPE, which ensures the integrity of the open access rules clearly stated on the Dergipark website, the main ethical duties and responsibilities of the editor are as follows: ensuring continuity in the development of the journal, meticulously carrying out the steps to increase the quality of the academic studies published in the journal, working towards the needs of the readers and authors, communicating openly and transparently on matters that require correction or explanation, and maintaining all business processes without compromising intellectual property rights and academic ethical rules.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers
A reviewer should evaluate academic studies in his field of expertise. He/she should be impartial and confidential in his/her evaluations. Within the scope of these principles, the evaluation results of the studies should not be shared with the public at the end of the process and should be destroyed. If a conflict of interest is detected as a result of evaluation, the relevant editor should be informed, and the review process should be rejected. The result of the evaluation should be conveyed in a constructive and polite manner, and negative and personal communication style containing hostility, slander or insult should not be used. He/she should evaluate the studies accepted as reviewer within the promised time and within the framework of the specified academic ethical rules and communicate the result.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
Our journal makes the editors responsible for all the works included in the process. The editor carries out the necessary measures to prevent political or economic gains from the work done in the journal. Our journal is committed to independence in the creation of editorial decisions. The journal undertakes to protect the intellectual property and copyrights of all accepted works. The responsibility of the editors to take the necessary precautions regarding academic misconduct and plagiarism related to the process is also under the commitment of our journal.
Relationship with the Authors
In the articles sent by the authors, the editors make a positive or negative decision by evaluating the originality of the study, the clarity of the narrative, and the suitability of the journal's purpose-scope. In this context, all studies that do not pose a serious problem are included in the evaluation process. Editors should consider reviewers’ suggestions. Editors should not change the decisions made by previous editors about the studies unless a major problem in terms of ethics and scope is detected.

Relationship with the Reviewers
Blind Review and Review Process policies should be meticulously followed by the editor. Reviewers should be selected according to the field of expertise of the relevant publication. All information about the publication and the process should be shared openly with the reviewer. It is the editor's responsibility to determine whether there is a conflict of interest between the author and the reviewer. With the start of the evaluation process, the identities of the reviewers should be kept confidential. Editors should encourage reviewers for impartiality and objectivity. Care should be taken to keep the reviewer pool wide. Practices and policies should be pursued to increase the performance of reviewers in the evaluation process. Processes that are far from being scientific and academic ethical rules should be prevented.

Relationship with the Readers
The editor should make decisions to meet the expectations of the audience that the journal addresses. Care should be taken that the studies to be published are original studies that will contribute to all levels of the academy (readers, researchers) and the literature. He/she should consider the feedback from the readers and the academic community and provide explanatory feedback.
Relationship with the Editorial Board
The editor is responsible for the members of the editorial board to work in compliance with the relevant policies and guidelines. Within the scope of these policies, the relevant members should be informed and informed about the developments. New members should be provided with the necessary training and information.

Relationship with Owner and Publisher
Within the framework of academic ethical rules, the editor and the publisher sign an independence agreement. In other words, editors are independent of the publisher and owner in their decisions.

Protection of Personal Data
The journal editor is responsible for ensuring that all information, subjects, and images found in studies published in the journal are protected. Individuals used as subjects in the study, if any, should refuse to work unless their consent is documented. In addition, the journal editor is responsible for protecting the individual data of everyone involved in the publication process (author, reviewer, and reader).

Ethics Committee, Human and Animal Rights
The editor should ensure the protection of human and animal rights in general within the scope of the work. He/she is responsible for controlling the necessary permissions and ethics committee reports regarding the data and subjects used in the study experiments and research.

Precaution against Potential Misconduct
It is the editor's duty to take precautions against abuse and misconduct. The editor, who carries out a meticulous work at the point of identifying and evaluating the complaints about this subject, should share the relevant findings and ensure the continuation of the academic ethical environment.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
The editor of the journal is responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all studies and defending the rights of the journal, authors, and reviwers in case of violations of academic ethics and other negativities. In addition, the journal editor should confirm whether the studies published in the journal violate the intellectual property of another academic work because of plagiarism and take the necessary action. At the beginning of these measures, the request for a plagiarism report of the article with the work of the author before the evaluation process comes.

No fee is charged for the studies submitted to the journal for evaluation. MAUN Journal of Education is an academic journal that publishes free of charge in the field of educational sciences and teacher training.