For the Reviewers

The JASA uses a double-blind, peer-reviewed process. All articles are evaluated by internal reviewers (Editors and Editorial Board Members) for preliminary review and external reviewers (international editorial advisory board and experts in the field) for content.

All manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal are reviewed and evaluated by at least 2 referees after the Editor's and Section Editor's preliminary examination.

The identity and contact information of the Author (s) of the Articles submitted to the journal are deleted and sent to the referee. According to the feedback from the referees, the articles are sent back to the authors and the necessary corrections are requested.

The articles arranged according to the referee requests and journal publication rules are sent to the referee again and their approval opinion is received and a decision is made to accept or reject the publication.

All Reviewers are encouraged to read this "Review Guide" before the manuscript evaluation process.

JASA endorse "COPE" guidelines for reviewers.

Last Update Time: 9/7/20, 10:15:12 PM