
MANAS Journal of Social Studies -2023 SPECIAL ISSUE ANNOUNCEMENT


Dear researchers, a special issue is planned to be published as MANAS Journal of Social Studies for the conference themed Manas Forum 2022: Security and Power Transition in Asia, organized by Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. Within the scope of the special issue, articles on topics such as "Inclusive Peace and Security Order, Transformation of Security in Asia, Asia Again, Security Problems in Central Asia, Regional Organizations, Organization of Turkish States" will be accepted. We expect them to work within the scope and wish them good work.

Special Issue Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin ERENDOR
Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University

Special issue release date: May 2023
Deadline for submissions: February 15, 2023

For detailed information, please download the "Announcement" file



1.   Papers submitted to the MANAS Journal of Social Studies should be screened using the plagiarism detection software (turnitin, ithenticate etc.). The document confirming maximum 30% of similarity and Ethics Statement and Copyright Forms must be filled by the authors.  Authors take full responsibility for their papers.

2.      All authors who submit the paper to the MANAS Journal of Social Studies assume all responsibilities stated in the Publication Ethics Statement of the Manas Journal of Social Studies.

3.    Each submitted article should include an abstract between 750–1000 words after the “References” section. In Turkish papers the comprehensive abstract should be in English, while in English articles it should be in Turkish. The comprehensive abstract should be written in Times New Roman with 12 pt. This abstract should not include subheadings (for example, INTRODUCTION) and should be specified in a single column.

4.      Submitted articles since April 2019 (including references and abstract) should not exceed 25 pages.

5.     Already peer-reviewed articles will be included in the publications pool by editorial board on the basis of journal's different research fields and acceptance date.

6.     Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and ORCID number providing electronic identification and access of articles should be given to each article published in the Manas Journal of Social Studies.

7.    The papers are accepted in Turkish, Kyrgyz, English and Russian. Articles written in other alphabet (Cyrillic) rather than Latin (Kyrgyz and Russian) should contain the names of authors, the title of the article, the abstract and references in Latin.

Publication Charges

There are no submission and publication fees for this journal.

Last Update Time: 8/27/24, 11:54:30 AM

MANAS Journal of Social Studies