The Journal of Landscape Research and Applications is a peer-reviewed, international, scientific journal published under the ownership of the Turkish Association for Landscape Architecture Education and Science (PEMDER). The journal's publication languages are English and Turkish. It is published twice a year, in June and December. The journal publishes original research articles and high quality review articles on landscapes in general and on landscape architecture in particular. Articles submitted for publication in the journal are subject to peer-review. The journal is published online at ULAKBİM DergiPark.
General Rules
The journal publishes articles written in English and Turkish. The submitted articles must not have been previously published, submitted for publication, and their publication rights must not have been transferred. The responsibility of the works published in the journal belongs to the author(s). In addition, the author(s) must comply with the international and national scientific and scientific publication ethics rules, and the journal is not responsible for these issues.
Article Submission
Articles must be submitted to the journal online. The “Copyright Transfer Agreement” signed by all authors contributing to the work must also be uploaded to the system online. If an Ethics Committee Report is required, a copy of the Ethics Committee report must also be uploaded.
Article Evaluation Processes
The article submitted to the journal is subject to a preliminary evaluation by the editors. Editors have the right to return articles that they do not find suitable for publication in terms of writing rules and content without sending them to the referees. Articles that are suitable for publication in the journal are sent to two expert referees for review.
The author is informed about the article that the referees do not find suitable for publication, and the documents related to the work are not returned.
If the article is found suitable for publication as submitted by the referees, the author is informed that the work has been accepted for publication.
The article that is found acceptable for publication by the referees but for which a correction suggestion is made is sent to the author with the referee suggestions for corrections to be made. The author must make corrections within 30 (thirty) days and submit the final version of the work to the Editor together with an original copy, a list of corrections and the “Copyright Transfer Agreement”. The author(s) must explain the reasons for the suggestions they do not accept in the list of corrections with scientific evidence and sources. The editors make their final decision on the article by taking into account the compliance with the referee reports and corrections and the result is communicated to the author.
The article accepted for publication is sent to the responsible author for a final check before it is published. The responsible author must return the article after the final checks within 10 (ten) days.
It is free to publish an article in the Journal of Landscape Research and Applications.
Article Preparation Principles
The work submitted to the journal must have the following order:
First Page: It must include the Turkish and English titles of the article and the author's name and full address. In addition, the responsible author and all contact information must be given on the cover page.
Article format: Articles should be written on A4 paper with 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced. 3 cm margins should be left on the right, left, bottom and top of the page. The pages of the article and the lines on each page should be numbered. The article should not be longer than 20 (twenty) pages, including the “References” section. The author name(s) should be written clearly, and no title should be stated.
Article Title: Should be short and comprehensive, should not exceed 1 (ten) words, and should be written in lower case and bold, with the first letter of the first word capitalized. The English title should be written in the same format, leaving a single line space.
Abstract: Turkish “Abstract” and English “Abstract” should not exceed 250 words each. The abstract should summarize the purpose, method and results of the study.
Keywords: A maximum of 5 keywords that are directly related to the content of the study and will facilitate indexing should be written one line below the abstract.
Introduction: In this section; the subject of the study should be summarized, the existing knowledge on the subject should be evaluated with directly related previous studies and the issues that need information production should be emphasized and associated with the study. Finally, the purpose of the study should be stated clearly and explicitly.
Section headings within the article: All should be numbered except for the ‘References’ section. The first letter of the title should be capitalized and the others should be lowercase. Main headings should be bold and subheadings should be italicized.
Material and Method: In this section; the living and non-living materials used in the study, the applied methods, the evaluated criteria, the applied experimental designs or sampling methods, statistical analyses and confidence limits should be explained clearly and explicitly, supported by sources when necessary. For this purpose, subheadings should be used when necessary.
Findings: In this section, the findings obtained in the study should be given clearly and explicitly with the help of figures and tables and based on statistical analyses. Repetition of all data in figures and tables should be avoided in the text, and emphatic points should be explained. The same data should not be given with both graphs and tables, the most appropriate tool for the subject should be selected, and repetitive sentences and expressions should be avoided in the narrative.
Discussion and Conclusion: The findings obtained in this section should be compared with previous studies in terms of harmony and contrast, the information gap it fills should be emphasized, and repetition of the statements in the previous sections should be avoided. Finally, the final conclusion and any recommendations should be given.
In the article layout, it is possible to organize the sections as “Findings and Discussion” and/or “Conclusion” and it depends on the author(s).
Acknowledgements: If necessary, the persons who contributed to the study or article, the supporting institutions (with project numbers, if any) should be stated in this section.
References: References should be made in the text according to the “author surname and year” method and the following examples should be taken into account in the writing:
In articles written in Turkish; single-authored works should be cited as “…………… is reported (Metcalf 2006).”, two-authored works should be cited as “………. has been determined (Acar and Sarı 2010).”, and three or more authors should be cited as “………… has been revealed (Shepherdson et al. 2000).”.
If more than one work is to be cited at the same point, the sources should be written in chronological order and those with the same date should be written in alphabetical order as in the example “…….……… are reported (Shepherdson et al. 1998; Metcalf 2006).” If there is a reference to more than one publication of the same author with the same date, they should be defined with lower case letters after the year as in the example “… (Acar et al. 2013a, 2013b)”.
In the references section, all published or accepted for publication works cited in the article should be given alphabetically (according to the surnames of the authors) and in their original language, and no abbreviations should be used in the source names. If there are no institutional abbreviations instead of the words “Anonymous” or “Anonymous” in the source specification, the full name should be given. The responsibility for incorrect citations and references in the article belongs to the author(s).
Acar C (2015) Evaluation of coastal landfill areas as urban parks; Arsin coastal road landfill area environmental and landscape design project. PLANT Journal of Landscape and Ornamental Plants 2015: 38-47.
Solecka I, Raszka B, Krajewski P (2018). Landscape analysis for sustainable land use policy: A case study in the municipality of Popielów, Poland. Land Use Policy 75: 116-126.
Lyle JT (1999) Design for Human Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington.
Johnson BR, Hill K (2002) Ecology and Design. Island Press, Washington.
Book chapter:
Uzun O (2014) Basic Methodological Approaches in Landscape Planning. (Ed: Çetinkaya G, Uzun O), Landscape Planning. Birsen Publishing House, Istanbul, pp. 51-83.
Ward Thompson C (2017) Landscape and Health. In: Vand Den Brink A, Bruns D, Tobi H, Bell S (Ed), Research in Landscape Architecture: Methods and Methodology. Routledge, New York, pp. 235-262.
Publications by institutions with unknown authors:
TÜİK (2017) Population Statistics. Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara.
Information taken from the internet:
UNESCO (2018). UNESCO in Brief. (Access date: 15 July 2018).
SÜSBİR (2018). Ornamental Plants Sector Report. (Access date: 15 July 2018).
Mutlu Danacı H (2012) Vernacular architecture and cultural landscape analysis: Antalya Elmalı example. Doctoral Thesis, Akdeniz University Institute of Science and Technology, Antalya.
Bhandari R (2016). The urban edge: An integrative approach towards a sustainable and resilient waterfront. M.Sc. Thesis, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand.
Full text congress/symposium book:
Turer Baskaya FA (2012). Understanding the power of landscape in building a disaster resilient city from Istanbul. In: Dymitryszyn I, Kaczynska M, Maksymiuk, G (Eds), The Power of Landscape: The Proceedings of ECLAS 2012 Conference. Warsaw, Poland, pp. 272-276.
Figures and Tables: In articles, photographs, graphs, figures, diagrams and similar should be called "Figure" and numerical values should be called "Table".
All figures and tables should be numbered and placed at the end of the article. No font size larger than 8 points should be used in the inscriptions of figures and tables. The width of figures and tables should be 8 cm or 17 cm and if necessary, their dimensions should not exceed 17x23 cm. Photographs in articles should be at 600 dpi resolution and in JPG format and they should definitely be informative in explaining the results. Authors should check the print quality of the figures they use in the article and use figures suitable for high quality printing. There should be absolutely no vertical lines in tables, P values should be given as much as possible in indicating statistical significance or explanations of symbols such as "*" should definitely be made. Lower case letters should be used for statistical comparisons and the comparison method used and the level of significance should be stated in the explanations. Table and figure titles and explanations should be short, concise and descriptive and written in Turkish and English. If abbreviations are used in figures and tables, the abbreviations should be explained immediately below. Figures consisting of parts should be grouped or converted to high quality TIF format.
Units: The SI (Systeme International d’Units) unit system should be used in articles. A dot should be used as a decimal separator (such as 1.25 instead of 1.25). “/” should not be used in units and a space should be left between units (for example: 5.6 kg/ha, not 5.6 kg ha-1; 18.9 g/cm3, not 18.9 g cm-3; 1.8 μmol/s/m2, not 1.8 μmol s-1 m-2).
Abbreviations and Symbols: Abbreviations should not be used in article titles and headings. Necessary abbreviations should be given in parentheses where the concepts are first mentioned. It is mandatory to comply with the universal rules of the relevant field in the use of abbreviations and symbols.
Latin Names and Chemicals: The author's name should not be used in Latin names in the article title. In the abstract and article text, the Latin name should be given with the author's name when it is first mentioned, and internationally accepted abbreviations should be used where it is used later, Example: "Lupinus varius (L.) is….", "L. varius is also grown as …..". All Latin names should be written in italics, but the universal spelling rules of the relevant field should be followed in writing and display. Chemicals used in studies should not be given with their trade names unless the subject of the study requires it and is mandatory.
Formulas: Formulas in articles should be named as "Equality", numbered when necessary, the number should be shown in parentheses next to the formula, justified to the right, and equations should fit into a single line (8 cm in a double column) as much as possible.