Peer Review Process

The purpose of the referee evaluation process is to ensure that quality, qualified, and original scientific studies are published in the Journal of Pamukkale University Social Sciences Institute (PAUSBED). The journal started its publishing life in 2008 and is an international refereed e-journal published bi-monthly (January, March, May, July, September, and October). PAUSBED accepts manuscripts from all fields of social sciences except educational sciences. The editorial board has decided to direct educational sciences studies to sister journals within Pamukkale University.

Every article sent to thePAUSBED for publication goes through the blind referee reviewing process. Please click here to access the referee evaluation process chart ...

The journal requests its referees to pay attention to:

• Is the study suitable for the type of article mentioned?
• Does the study have a unique value in terms of its contribution to science?
• Is the study suitable for publication in an academic journal in terms of subject and content?
• Is there a content-title fit in the study?
• What is the level of reflection of the abstract?
• Are there any Turkish and English abstracts compatible?
• What is the scientific originality of the article?
• Is the subject purpose and importance of the study emphasized in the introduction?
• What is the suitability of the methods used in the study?
• Is the organization and presentation of the article sufficient?
• Is the study sufficient in terms of language and expression?
• How is the clarity, suitability, and necessity of the figures and tables?
• Is the adequacy and necessity of resources sufficient?

Last Update Time: 7/13/20, 11:13:10 PM